accept(GridFile) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFileFilter
Returns true if file is to be included.
accept(GridFile, String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFileNameFilter
Returns true if name is to be included.
ACK - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
ACK: General acknowledgement to "action" message.
addAgentListener(AgentListener) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Add listener for message handling.
addChild(Constraint) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.ContainerConstraint
Add a child constraint.
addElseChild(Constraint) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.IfConstraint
Add a child fail constraint.
addThenChild(Constraint) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.IfConstraint
Add a child pass constraint.
AgentListener - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Interface necessary for processing messages sent from the server.
AndConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Perform a logical and-ing of all child constraints.
append(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Append the string data to the end of the grid file referenced by this path.
ASCENDING_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
AUTH_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
AUTH_FAILURE: Sent if engine cannot authenticate the client.


BetweenConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Binary Operator Constraints that have both a left and right side.
BinaryConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Binary Operator Constraints that have both a left and right side.


cancel() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Cancel the currently running command.
CANCEL_TYPE_ADMIN - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Indicate Job was cancelled by admin.
CANCEL_TYPE_CONTINUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Indicates Job was cancelled due to not passing the continue constraint.
CANCEL_TYPE_JOB - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Indicate Job was cancelled by a Job function.
CANCEL_TYPE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Indicate Job was cancelled due to exceeding the job timeout value.
CANCEL_TYPE_USER - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Indicate Job was cancelled by client user.
cancelJob(String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Cancel the referenced job with a reason string.
cancelJob(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Cancel the referenced job.
CANCELLED_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
CANCELLING_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
canRead() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return true if this object represents a readable file or directory.
canWrite() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return true if this object represents a writeable file or directory.
cat(String, OutputStream) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Write the contents of a datagrid file to a supplied OutputStream.
changePassword(Credential) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Deprecated. This method no longer works in the new session based message comms environment. The old credential is no longer stored on the local disc, and must be supplied in the request message over an encrypted message connection. Use ClientAgent.changePassword(Credential,Credential) instead.
changePassword(Credential, Credential) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Change the user password.
changePriority(String, int) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Change the priority of the referenced job.
clearCache() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Clear any existing cache value for this fact on current thread.
CLIENT_TYPE_NODE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
CLIENT_TYPE_TOOLKIT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
ClientAgent - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
API for client communication with server for job and datagrid operations.
ClientAgentFactory - Class in com.novell.zos.toolkit
Factory pattern used to create new clients for connection to a GMS server.
CLIENTERROR - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
ClientOutOfDateException - Exception in com.novell.zos.grid
Grid exception indicating the client is not compatible with the server.
ClientOutOfDateException(String, String, long, int, int, int, long, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Initialize this exception using the default message string.
ClientOutOfDateException(String, String, String, long, int, int, int, long, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Initialize this exception using a specified message string.
com.novell.zos.constraint - package com.novell.zos.constraint
com.novell.zos.dataGrid - package com.novell.zos.dataGrid
com.novell.zos.grid - package com.novell.zos.grid
com.novell.zos.toolkit - package com.novell.zos.toolkit
COMPLETE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
COMPLETE: A Complete message is a status message indicating that a job is complete.
COMPLETED_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
COMPLETING_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
CONFIG - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
Constraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Basic Constraint interface which allows traversal and evaluation of a constraint tree.
ConstraintException - Exception in com.novell.zos.constraint
For exceptions that occur in parsing or executing constraints.
ConstraintException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.constraint.ConstraintException
Create a new ConstraintException.
ConstraintException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.constraint.ConstraintException
Create a new ConstraintException with a Throwable.
ConstraintException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.constraint.ConstraintException
Create a new ConstraintException with a Throwable.
ConstraintFactory - Class in com.novell.zos.toolkit
Factory pattern used to create constraint objects which may be combined into larger constraint hierarchies for use in searches or other constraint based matching.
ContainerConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Constainer constraints that perform logical aggregation operations on contained constraints.
ContainsConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Performs a simple set operation that returns true is the right side of the operation is found in the value set of the left side.
copy(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Copies files or directories into and out of the datagrid.
copyTo(GridFile) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Copy a file or directory from one path to another.
COST - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
COST_BURN_RATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
createNewFile() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Create a new empty file.
Credential - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A Credential used for identity.
CredentialFactory - Class in com.novell.zos.toolkit
Factory pattern used to create a Credential used for connection to a GMS server.


dataGridCancel() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Cancel datagrid operations executing on behalf of the client.
DataGridException - Exception in com.novell.zos.dataGrid
General exception class for Data Grid errors.
DataGridException() - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DataGridException
Create a new exception with no reason message.
DataGridException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DataGridException
Create a new exception with the specified reason message.
DataGridException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DataGridException
Create a new exception with the specified reason message and causing exception.
DataGridNotAvailableException - Exception in com.novell.zos.dataGrid
Exception thrown if the data grid cannot be reached due to a network error.
DataGridNotAvailableException() - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DataGridNotAvailableException
Create a new exception with no reason message.
DataGridNotAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DataGridNotAvailableException
Create a new exception with the specified reason message.
DataGridNotAvailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DataGridNotAvailableException
Create a new exception with the specified reason message and causing exception.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
DefinedConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Evaluates to true only if the left side fact is defined in the match context.
delete() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Delete the file or directory referenced by this path.
delete(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Delete files or directories in the datagrid.
DESC_COST - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_COST_BURN_RATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_ERRORS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_JOBLET_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_JOBLET_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_JOBLETS_CANCELLED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_JOBLETS_COMPLETE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_JOBLETS_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_JOBLETS_RUNNING - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_JOBLETS_WAITING - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_MATCHING_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_MEMO - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_NODES - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_NODES_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_ORIGIN_JOBID - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PARENT_JOBID - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PREEMPTIBLE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PRIORITY_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PROBLEM_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PROBLEM_RESOURCES_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PROVISION_AVOID_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PROVISION_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PROVISION_PENDING_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PROVISION_PROBLEM_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PROVISION_PROBLEM_RESOURCES_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_PSPACE_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_START_AT_DATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_START_TIME - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_STATE_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_TERMINATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_TIME_COMPLETED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_TIME_ELAPSED_SECONDS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_TIME_ELAPSED_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_TIME_QUEUED_SECONDS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_TIME_STARTED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESC_TIME_SUBMITTED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
DESCENDING_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
DGLogger - Class in com.novell.zos.dataGrid
Definitions of DataGrid Logger options used for Multicast.
DGLogger() - Constructor for class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
dir(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
List files or directories in the datagrid.
disconnect() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Logout an agent.
DYNAMIC_FACTS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo


EqConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Performs a equality constraint operation.
ERROR - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
ERROR_AUTH_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.Ack
ERROR_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.Ack
ERRORS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
errorString - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.Ack
EVENT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
EVENT: Arbitary named event carrying parameters for user defined use.
exists() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return true if this object represents an existing file or directory.


Fact - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
The Fact object.
FactException - Exception in com.novell.zos.grid
For exceptions that occur in accessing or setting facts.
FactException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.FactException
Create a new FactException.
FactException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.FactException
Create a new FactException with a Throwable.
FactException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.FactException
Create a new FactException with a Throwable.
FactSet - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Definition of a set of facts.
FAILED_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
FAILING_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
failJob(String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Fail the referenced job with a a reason
failJob(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Fail the referenced job
FAILURE_TYPE_ACCEPT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Indicates job failed due to not passing the accept constraint.
FAILURE_TYPE_NORMAL - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Indicates job failed due to normal job failure.
flushCache() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Delete any localy cached copy of the file referenced by this object.
follow(OutputStream, OutputStream, String, long, long, long, long, long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Output and/or follow the contents of a grid file in real time.
follow(String, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, Long, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Output and/or follow the contents of a grid file in real time.


GeConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Performs a 'greater than or equal to' constraint operation.
get(File) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Fetch the Data Grid file or directory to the local system.
get(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.FactSet
Retrieves a Fact by name, from the set.
GET_GRID_OBJECTS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
GET_GRID_OBJECTS: Request to retrive an (optionally ordered) set of grid objects that match a search criteria (constraint).
getAgentAge() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Node
Determine whether the agent is older, newer or equal in version to that expected by the server.
getAgentBuild() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the product build number of the agent.
getAgentMajor() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the major version number of the node or client.
getAgentMinor() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the minor version number of the node or client.
getAgentPoint() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the point version number of the node or client.
getArguments() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
The arguments are the parameters specified by the client when the job is run.
getAvailableJobs() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Retrieve all the available jobs to run for the user.
getBeginFactValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BetweenConstraint
Retrieve the fact name whose value is used right side of the operation if set with setBeginFactValue() otherwise this will return null.
getBeginValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BetweenConstraint
Retrieve the value of the right side of the operation either directly if set as a value or by looking up the beginfactvalue.
getBooleanArrayValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a boolean array fact value as a java boolean type.
getBooleanValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a boolean fact value as a java boolean type.
getBurnRate() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getCanonicalFile() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the unique absolute normalized path name for this object.
getCanonicalPath() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the unique absolute normalized path name for this object.
getChecksum() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the checksum of the referenced file.
getChildCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.ContainerConstraint
Retrieve the number of child constraint
getChildJobCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getChildJobId(int) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getChildren() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.ContainerConstraint
Retrieve the array of child Constraints.
getClientAddress() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the agent's or user's peer socket address.
getClientBuildNumber() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Return the client's software build number.
getClientId() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the agent or user name of the client attempting to connect.
getClientMajorVersion() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Return the client's major version number.
getClientMinorVersion() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Return the client's minor version number.
getClientPointVersion() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Return the client's point version number.
getCNonce() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionResponse
Return the random client-supplied "nonce" to be hashed using the server's shared key.
getComponent() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the component code of the client software being checked.
getConstraint() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.GetGridObjects
The constraint used in search.
getConstraintStr() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.GetGridObjects
The constraint string used in search.
getCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.FactSet
The count of facts in this set
getCreationTime() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
When was a message created.
getCredential() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Get current credentials used for Server communication.
getCResponse() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
Return the server's hashed response to the CNonce.
getDateArrayValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a time array fact value as a java Date[] type.
getDateValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a date fact value as a java Date type.
getDeployedJobName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
The deployed job name minus the .jdl extension.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Return a textual description of the purpose or content of this fact
getDescription() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.JobInfo
getDGClientId() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
Return the last seen Data Grid "session id".
getDictionaryValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a dictionary fact value as a java Map type.
getEffectiveFact(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.GridObjectInfo
Retrieve an individual (effective) fact from this grid object.
getEffectiveFacts() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.GridObjectInfo
Retrieve the effective fact set for this grid object.
getElseChildIterator() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.IfConstraint
Retrieve the Iterator for fail child constraints
getEndFactValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BetweenConstraint
Retrieve the fact name whose value is used right side of the operation if set with setEndFactValue() otherwise this will return null.
getEndState() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.JobFinished
Retrieve end state of Job.
getEndValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BetweenConstraint
Retrieve the value of the right side of the operation either directly if set as a value or by looking up the endfactvalue.
getError() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.ClientResponseMessage
Retrieve error message (if any).
getErrorMessage() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the the error message for the last method call on this object.
getErrorMessage() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.JobError
getEventType() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.Event
Retrieve the name of this event.
getExcludedNodeNames() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getExcludedNodesCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getFactName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BetweenConstraint
Retrieve the fact name of the left side of the operation.
getFactName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BinaryConstraint
Retrieve the fact name of the left side of the operation.
getFactName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.DefinedConstraint
Retrieve the name of the fact used in the left hand side of the constraint.
getFactName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.OperatorConstraint
Retrieve the name of the fact used in the left hand side of the constraint.
getFactName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.UndefinedConstraint
Retrieve the name of the fact used in the left hand side of the constraint.
getFactValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BinaryConstraint
Retrieve the fact name whose value is used right side of the operation if set with setFactValue() otherwise this will return null.
getFetchFacts() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.GetGridObjects
Whether or not to retrieve the factset associated with grid object.
getFromText() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Return short textual description of where this fact is from
getGridId() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getGridName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Get the grid name that we are currently logged into.
getGridName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginSuccess
Retrieve grid server name logged into.
getGridObjectInfo(String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Return the grid object for a given name and type.
getGridObjectNames(String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
getGridObjectNames(String, Constraint) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
getGridObjectNames(String, String, String[]) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
getGridObjectNames(String, Constraint, String[]) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
getGridObjects(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
getGridObjects(String, Constraint, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
getGridObjects(String, String, boolean, String[]) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
getGridObjects(String, Constraint, boolean, String[]) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
getGridObjects() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.GridObjects
Array of grid objects (sorted if requested by GetGridObjects Message).
getID() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.GridObjectInfo
Retrieve the ID of this grid object
getID() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.JobInfo
getInitialQueuePos() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getIntegerArrayValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve an integer array fact value as a lone[] type.
getIntegerValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve an integer fact value as a java long type.
getJobErrorCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getJobID() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.JobIdEvent
JobID of job to process job event
getJobID() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
The unique jobid for this job.
getJobInfo(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
getJobInfo() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.JobInfo
The JobInfo object describing the deployed job.
getJobInstanceName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
The human readable name given to this instance.
getJobletCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getJobletErrorCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getJobletErrors() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getJobletsCancelledCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getJobletsCompletedCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getJobletsFailedCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Retrieve number of joblets that have failed and will not be retried.
getJobletsRunningCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getJobletsTotalCost() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getJobletsTotalGCycles() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getJobletsTotalWallTime() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getJobletsWaitingCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Retrieve number of joblets waiting not including child jobs.
getJobs() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.Jobs
The names of deployed jobs available for execution.
getLastModified() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Return last modified timestamp for this fact.
getLinkName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the last component of the logical path returned by getLinkPath.
getLinkPath() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the logical path for this file before traversing the final link.
getLinkTarget() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the link target if the current file is a link.
getListValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a list fact value as a java List type.
getMatchMode() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BinaryConstraint
Retrieve the match mode for this binary constraint operation.
getMemo() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
The memo field that allows job to communicate status to user via mmc or web portal.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.ServerStatus
Retrieve status message from server.
getMessages(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Inform server that this client is interested in receiving messages for a givenJob instance ID.
getName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the string name of the path represented by this object.
getName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Returns the full name of the fact.
getName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.GridObjectInfo
Retrieve the name (aka id) of this grid object.
getName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ID
The name of the GridObject being identified.
getName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.JobInfo
getNodeErrorCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getNodeErrors() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Access errors on suspected bad (excluded) nodes during the run.
getNodeProvisionErrorCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getNodeProvisionErrors() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Access errors on nodes that that problems while automatically being provisioned.
getNonce() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionChallenge
Return the random "nonce" to be hashed using the client's shared key.
getObjectName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.GetGridObjects
The name of the grid object required.
getObjectType() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.GridObjectInfo
Retrieve the type of this grid object.
getObjectType() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.GetGridObjects
Type of grid object being searched for.
getOriginJobID() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.Event
JobID of origin job.
getOriginWorkflowID() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getParameters() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.JobInfo
getParams() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.Event
Retrieve Map of event parameters (if any).
getParent() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the "parent directory" name for this object's path.
getParentFile() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the "parent directory" object for this object's path.
getParentWorkflowID() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getPath() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the string name of the path represented by this object.
getPauseTimeMillis() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getPercentComplete() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getPolicyNames() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.GridObjectInfo
Retrieve the String id names of policies associated with this object.
getPolicyNames() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.JobInfo
getPriority() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getProvisionBadNodeNames() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getProvisionBadNodesCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getQueuePos() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getQueueSize() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getQueueTimeMillis() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getRankBy() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.GetGridObjects
Rankby specification for searching or null if not important.
getRealArrayValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a real array fact value as a java double[] type.
getRealValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a real fact value as a java double type.
getReason() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
Retrieve reason string that contains human readable explanation that can be displayed as an error when a constraint evaluates to false.
getReason() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginFailed
Retrieve reason constant describing failure.
getReasonCode() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Return the integer reason code for this exception.
getReasonMessage() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginFailed
Retrieve reason string describing failure.
getResourceCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
More than one slot can be used, but resource only counted once.
getResourceMap() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Returns a Map of resources that are currently in use by this workflow.
getResponse() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionResponse
Return the client's hashed response to the Nonce.
getRhsAndMatchMode() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.ContainsConstraint
getRunningJobs(boolean, boolean, String, long, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Get a array of job information for currently running jobs.
getServerBuildNumber() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Return the server's software build number.
getServerMajorVersion() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Return the server's major version number.
getServerMinorVersion() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Return the server's minor version number.
getServerPointVersion() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Return the server's point version number.
getSessionConfig() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
Return the session configuration to use for this new sesison.
getSessionCredential() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginSuccess
Return the session credentials for this login.
getSessionId() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionResponse
Return ID of the session being authenticated.
getSessionId() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
Return the ID of the session being authenticated.
getSessionStatus() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
Return the session status code for this authentication.
getSource() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
All Messages have a source ID which is used for routing.
getSourceID() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Returns the source ID for this fact.
getStartAtTime() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getState() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.JobStatus
The state of the job requested.
getState() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Retrieve Workflow state
getStateAnnotation() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Gets an optional annotation to the state.
getStatus(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Get a simple status of the job.
getStatusDetail(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Get detailed status information of the started job.
getStatusType() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.ServerStatus
Returns one of the integer constants indicating what kind of server status is being reported.
getStringArrayValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a string array fact value as a java String[] type.
getStringValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a string fact value as a java String type.
getSystemArch() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the CPU architecture of the node/client host system.
getSystemJavaMajor() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the JVM major version number of the node or client.
getSystemJavaMinor() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the JVM minor version number of the node or client.
getSystemJavaPoint() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the JVM point version number of the node or client.
getSystemJavaVendor() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the JVM vendor name for the node/client host system.
getSystemJavaVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the JVM version for the node/client host system.
getSystemOsMajor() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the OS major version number of the node or client.
getSystemOsMinor() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the OS minor version number of the node or client.
getSystemOsName() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the OS name for the node/client host system.
getSystemOsPoint() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the OS point version number of the node or client.
getSystemOsVendor() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the OS vendor name for the node/client host system.
getSystemOsVersion() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the OS version for the node/client host system.
getTerminationType() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Retrieve Terminatation Type.
getThenChildIterator() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.IfConstraint
Retrieve the Iterator for pass child constraints
getTimeArrayValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a time array fact value as a java long[] type.
getTimeCompletedMillis() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTimeElapsedMillis() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTimeStartedMillis() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTimeSubmittedMillis() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTimeValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Retrieve a time fact value as a java long type.
getTotalBurnRate() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalChildJobCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalCost() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalExcludedNodesCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalGCycles() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalJobErrorCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalJobletCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalJobletErrorCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalJobletsRunningCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalNodeErrorCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalNodeProvisionErrorCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalProvisionBadNodesCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalResourceCount() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getTotalResourceMap() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Returns a Map of resources that are currently in use by this workflow and all child workflows.
getTotalWallTime() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getType() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.TypedConstraint
getType() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Returns the fact type.
getType() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ID
The type of the GridObject being identified.
getType() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
All Messages have a type, taken from the types above.
getTypeString() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
Return a human readable name for the message type.
getUpdateSize() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Get the update bundle file size.
getUpdateSum() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Get the update bundle checksum.
getUpdateURL() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
Return the URL to use to download updated client software.
getUsername() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
getUsingProvidedJRE() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.NeedUpgrade
Return the "Using Provided JRE" flag.
getValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BinaryConstraint
Retrieve the value of the right side of the operation if set as a value or the value of the fact is specified with setFactValue().
getValue() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Returns the Object value for the fact.
getValueArray() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Returns the Object[] value for the fact.
getValueString() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
This is intended to provide a String representation of the value (or values) for simple display purposes.
getValueString(boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
This is intended to provide a String representation of the value (or values) for simple display purposes.
getValueXml() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
This is intended to provide an XML representation of the value (or values) for simple display purposes.
getVncIp() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Node
getVncPort() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Node
getWorkflowError() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Get the reason why the job failed.
getWorkflowInfos() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.RunningJobs
The information about running jobs.
GRID_OBJECTS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
GRID_OBJECTS: Response to Request to retrieve grid a grid object set.
GridAuthenticationException - Exception in com.novell.zos.grid
Thrown when authentication is denied by a GMS server.
GridAuthenticationException() - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Create a new GridAuthenticationException with no message text.
GridAuthenticationException(int) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Create a new GridAuthenticationException with no message text.
GridAuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Create a new GridAuthenticationException.
GridAuthenticationException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Create a new GridAuthenticationException.
GridAuthenticationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Create a new GridAuthenticationException with a Throwable.
GridAuthenticationException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Create a new GridAuthenticationException with a Throwable.
GridAuthenticationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Create a new GridAuthenticationException with a Throwable.
GridAuthenticationException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Create a new GridAuthenticationException with a Throwable.
GridAuthorizationException - Exception in com.novell.zos.grid
Thrown when credentials are insufficient for the desired grid operation.
GridAuthorizationException() - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthorizationException
GridConfigurationException - Exception in com.novell.zos.grid
Grid exception thrown to indicate a Grid configuration error.
GridConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridConfigurationException
Initialize this exception with a default message.
GridConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridConfigurationException
Initialize this exception with a specified cause and default message.
GridConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridConfigurationException
Initialize this exception with a specified message.
GridConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridConfigurationException
Initialize this exception with a specified message and cause.
GridDeploymentException - Exception in com.novell.zos.grid
Thrown when credentials are insufficient for the desired grid operation.
GridDeploymentException() - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridDeploymentException
GridException - Exception in com.novell.zos.grid
The base exception for all Grid exceptions.
GridException() - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridException
Create a new GridException with no message text.
GridException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridException
Create a new GridException.
GridException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridException
Create a new GridException with a Throwable.
GridException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridException
Create a new GridException with a Throwable.
GridFile - Interface in com.novell.zos.dataGrid
General Data Grid interface for individual files or directories.
gridFile(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Create an abstract Grid path object from a Data Grid URL string.
GridFile.CancelException - Exception in com.novell.zos.dataGrid
Exception thrown by cancelled requests.
GridFile.CancelException() - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile.CancelException
GridFileFilter - Interface in com.novell.zos.dataGrid
Filter for accepting/rejecting file names in a directory list.
GridFileNameFilter - Interface in com.novell.zos.dataGrid
Filter for accepting/rejecting file names in a directory list.
GridObjectInfo - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Client interface to any Grid Object.
GridObjectNotFoundException - Exception in com.novell.zos.grid
Thrown when a grid object lookup does not find the requested object.
GridObjectNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridObjectNotFoundException
Create a new GridObjectNotFoundException with no message text.
GridObjectNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridObjectNotFoundException
Create a new GridObjectNotFoundException.
GridObjectNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridObjectNotFoundException
Create a new GridObjectNotFoundException with a Throwable.
GridObjectNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridObjectNotFoundException
Create a new GridObjectNotFoundException with a Throwable.
GROUP_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
GtConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Performs a 'greater than' constraint operation.


handleMessage(Message) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.AgentListener
Message event handler method.
HIGH - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
HIGH_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
HIGHEST - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
HIGHEST_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority


ID - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A unique identifier for an engine or a facility or Grid object.
ID - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
IfConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Perform a conditional if,then,else block.
INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
isActive() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Is the job currently active
isArray() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
isCached() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return true if the file referenced by this object is cached locally.
isComputed() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
isDeleteable() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
isDirectory() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return true if this object represents a directory.
isDynamic() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Snapshot can create r/o vesions of dynamic facts thus we keep state
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.JobInfo
isFile() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return true if this object represents a regular file.
isJdlVisible() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.JobInfo
isLink() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return true if this file object refers to a link.
isLink() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
isOriginWorkflow() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
isReadOnly() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
isSystemJob() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
isTimeCompletedEstimated() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
isTimeStartedEstimated() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
isVisible() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.JobInfo
isWaitingForResources() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
iterator() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.FactSet
Iterates over the Facts in the set.


JOB_ACCEPTED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
JOB_ACCEPTED: Containing the assigned job id.
JOB_ARGS_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
JOB_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
JOB_ERROR: An unrecoverable error occurs in a job.
JOB_FINISHED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
JOB_FINISHED: Sent when processing of a job completes.
JOB_INFO - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
JOB_INFO: Information describing a deployed job.
JOB_INSTANCE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
JOB_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
JOB_STARTED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
JOB_STARTED: Sent when a job has successfully started.
JOB_STATUS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
JOB_STATUS: Status of requested job or error.
JOB_STATUS_DETAIL - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
JOB_STATUS_DETAIL: Detailed status of requested job or error.
JobInfo - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
JobInfo is a client representation of a Deployed Job.
JOBLET_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
JOBLET_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
JOBLET_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
JOBLETS_CANCELLED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
JOBLETS_COMPLETE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
JOBLETS_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
JOBLETS_RUNNING - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
JOBLETS_WAITING - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
JOBS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
JOBS: List of available deployed jobs.


lastModified() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the time of last modification for the file or directory referenced by this object.
LeConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Performs a 'less than or equal to' constraint operation.
length() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Return the length of the file referenced by this object.
LEVEL_DEBUG - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
LEVEL_EVERYTHING - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
LEVEL_INFO - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
LEVEL_NORMAL - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
LEVEL_SILENT - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
LEVEL_STATUS - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
LEVEL_VERBOSE - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
list() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
List the files in a directory.
list(GridFileNameFilter) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
List the files in a directory with a filter.
listFiles() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
List files and subdirectories under the current directory.
listFiles(GridFileNameFilter) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
List files and subdirectories under the current directory using a filter.
listFiles(GridFileFilter) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
List files and subdirectories under the current directory using a filter.
login() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Login using the last (cached) credentials stored on host.
login(Credential) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Login to a server using supplied credentials.
LOGIN_AUTH - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
User login credentials incorrect.
LOGIN_ERROR - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Error while logging in.
LOGIN_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
LOGIN_FAILED: Response to LOGIN message to indicate failed login attempt and reason.
LOGIN_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
LOGIN_SUCCESS: Response to LOGIN indicating successful and carrying the datagrid id.
logout() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Logout an agent.
LOGOUT_ACK - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
LOGOUT_ACK: Acknowledgement of LOGOUT indicating success or failure.
logoutAndDestroyCredential() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Logout an agent and removed any cached credentials from the host.
LOW - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
LOW_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
LOWEST - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
LOWEST_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
LtConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Performs a 'less than' constraint operation.


mask - Variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
MATCH_MODE_EXACT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BinaryConstraint
Exactly match left and right sides of operation
MATCH_MODE_GLOB - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BinaryConstraint
If possible perform glob style matching by treating the right side of the operation as a glob expression.
MATCH_MODE_REGEXP - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BinaryConstraint
If possible perform regular expresion matching by treating the right side of the operation as a regular expression.
MATCHING_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
MATRIX_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
MAX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
MEDIUM - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
MEDIUM_HIGH - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
MEDIUM_HIGH_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
MEDIUM_LOW - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
MEDIUM_LOW_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
MEDIUM_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
MEMO - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Message - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
The Message interface is a base interface for all the messages in the system.
Message.Ack - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A general acknowlegement of "action" message.
Message.AuthFailure - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
AuthFailure messages indicates that processing of a client message will not occur because client credentials are invalid.
Message.ClientResponseMessage - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
All messages that can optionally carry an error string back to the client extend this.
Message.Event - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
An Event is used to signal clients and workflows.
Message.GetGridObjects - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Client request to retrieve an (optionally ordered) set of grid objects that match a search criteria (constraint).
Message.GridObjects - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Server response to client request to retrieve grid a grid object set.
Message.JobAccepted - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A JobAccepted message is sent in response to a RunJob message when a job is successfully accepted into the system.
Message.JobError - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A JobError message is sent when an unrecoverable error occurs in a job.
Message.JobFinished - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A JobFinished message is sent when processing of a job completes.
Message.JobIdEvent - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Base Event interface for retrieving JobID used for jobid messages.
Message.JobInfo - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A JobInfo message contains information describing a deployed job.
Message.Jobs - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A Jobs messages contains a list of deployed job names.
Message.JobStarted - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A JobStarted message is sent when a job is successfully started.
Message.JobStatus - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A JobStatus message contains the state of the specified job.
Message.LoginFailed - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Response message for an unsuccessful login
Message.LoginSuccess - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Response message for a successful login.
Message.LogoutAck - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A LogoutAck indicates success or failure of logout operation.
Message.NeedUpgrade - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Message.RunningJobs - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A RunningJobs message contains the list of running jobs.
Message.ServerStatus - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A ServerStatus message.
Message.SessionAck - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Message.SessionChallenge - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Message.SessionResponse - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Message.SessionStatus - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
MIN - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
MIN_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
MISC - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
mkdir() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Create a new empty directory.
mkdir(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Create directories in the datagrid.
mkdirs() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Recursively create a new empty directory.
move(String, String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Move files or directories in the datagrid
multicast(File, DGLogger, String, long, long, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Attempt to fetch the specified file as part of a combined multicast transfer.


names - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
NeConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Performs a not equal constraint operation.
NEED_UPGRADE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
NEED_UPGRADE: Generated by TcpClientProxy when an outdated agent or client tries to connect to the server and fails because it's version is too old to be supported by the current server.
NET_ADVERT - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_ADVERT_ERR - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_ADVERT_REPLY - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_BEACON - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_CONFIG_ERR - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_DATA - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_DATA_BMAP - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_DATA_ERR - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_DATA_IGN - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_DATA_PKT - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_DATA_PKT_ALL - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_DATA_REPLY - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_DATA_SECT - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
NET_ERROR - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
newAndConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the AndConstraint
newBetweenConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the BetweenConstraint
newCachedClientAgent() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ClientAgentFactory
Create an instance of a cached ClientAgent used to communicate with a GMS server.
newClientAgent(String) - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ClientAgentFactory
Create an uninitialized instance of an ClientAgent used to communicate with a GMS server.
newClientAgent(String, int) - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ClientAgentFactory
Create an uninitialized instance of an ClientAgent used to communicate with a GMS server.
newContainsConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the ContainsConstraint
newDefinedConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the DefinedConstraint
newEqConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the EqConstraint
newGeConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the GeConstraint
newGtConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the GtConstraint
newLeConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the LeConstraint
newLtConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the LtConstraint
newNeConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the NeConstraint
newNotConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the NotConstraint
newOrConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the OrConstraint
newPasswordCredential(String, String) - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.CredentialFactory
Create a Credential to use for authentication to a GMS server.
newTypedConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the TypedConstraint
newUndefinedConstraint() - Static method in class com.novell.zos.toolkit.ConstraintFactory
Create an instance of the UndefinedConstraint
NO_STATUS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.ServerStatus
Node - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Internal interface for Node (Resource) Grid object.
NODES - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
NODES_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
NotConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Perform a logical not operation of all the child constraints.


OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
ok(int) - Method in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
OperatorConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Operator constraints that perform camparision operation on facts.
OrConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Perform a logical or-ing operation of all the child constraints.
ORIGIN_JOBID - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo


PARENT_JOBID - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
PAUSED_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
pauseJob(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Pause the referenced job.
PREEMPTIBLE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
print(int, String) - Method in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
print(int, String, Throwable) - Method in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
Priority - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
Priority information.
PRIORITY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
PRIORITY_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
PROBLEM_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
PROBLEM_RESOURCES_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
PROVISION_AVOID_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
PROVISION_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
PROVISION_PENDING_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
PROVISION_PROBLEM_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
PROVISION_PROBLEM_RESOURCES_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
PSPACE_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
put(File) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Store the specified local file or directory under the grid path referenced by this object.


query() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Force an immediate query on the data grid.
QUEUED_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo


REASON_ACCOUNT_DISABLED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginFailed
REASON_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginFailed
REASON_BAD_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginFailed
REASON_DUPLICATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginFailed
REASON_LICENSE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginFailed
REASON_SUBTYPE_MISMATCH - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginFailed
REASON_TOOBUSY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginFailed
REASON_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginFailed
reasonCode - Variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Specific reason code for the exception.
reasonString - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.LoginFailed
removeAgentListener(AgentListener) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Remove listener for message handling.
removeChild(Constraint) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.ContainerConstraint
Remove a child constraint.
renameTo(GridFile) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Move a file or directory from one path to another.
REPOSITORY_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
REQ_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
REQ_CONFIG_ERR - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
REQ_FAIL - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
REQ_ISSUE - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
REQ_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
REQUEST - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
RESOURCE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
RESPONSE - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
resumeJob(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Resume the referenced job.
RUN_JOB2 - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
RUN_JOB2: Generated by job creator thread in the broker.
runJob(String, Map) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Runs the named job.
runJob(String, String, Map, int, long, Map, String, String, TypedConstraint, boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Runs the named job.
RUNNING_JOBS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
RUNNING_JOBS: List of running jobs.
RUNNING_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo


sameAs(ID) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ID
Is this ID is the same (excluding session) as the supplied ID.
sendEvent(String, String, Map) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Send a custom event to a running job instance.
sendEventAsync(String, String, Map) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Send a custom event to a running job instance but don't wait for ACK.
SERVER_STATUS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
SERVER_STATUS: Indicates change in server state (such as shutdown).
SERVERERROR - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
SESSION_ACK - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
SESSION_ACK: Pseudo-message used to ACK messages when there is no other message to piggyback with.
SESSION_ALREADY_IN_USE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
SESSION_AUTH - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Session credentials incorrect.
SESSION_AUTH_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
SESSION_AUTH_SUCCEEDED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
SESSION_CHALLENGE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
SESSION_CHALLENGE: Challenge message for session connection authentication.
SESSION_EXPIRED - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Session max lifetime reached.
SESSION_EXPIRED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
SESSION_IN_USE - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Session currently in use by another client.
SESSION_LOGGED_OUT - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Session already logged out by the client.
SESSION_LOGGED_OUT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
SESSION_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
SESSION_RESPONSE: Response message for session connection authentication.
SESSION_REVOKED - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Session expressly revoked by the server.
SESSION_REVOKED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
SESSION_SERVER_AUTH - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Server failed to mutually authenticate.
SESSION_SHUTDOWN - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Agent told to shut down by the server.
SESSION_SHUTDOWN - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
SESSION_STATUS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message
SESSION_STATUS: Session connection status (succeed/fail) for session connection authenticatino.
SESSION_SUB_ILLEGAL - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Attempted to create a subsession of a subsession.
SESSION_SUB_ILLEGAL - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
SESSION_SUB_REFUSED - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Subsession registration refused by the User or Node manager.
SESSION_SUB_REFUSED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
SESSION_SUB_TOO_MANY - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Maximum number of subsessions exceeded for this session.
SESSION_SUB_TOO_MANY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
SESSION_TIMED_OUT - Static variable in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthenticationException
Session timed out due to inactivity.
SESSION_TIMED_OUT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionStatus
setBeginFactValue(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BetweenConstraint
Sets the fact name whose value is used in the right side of the operation and in doing so negates any previous setBeginValue() call.
setBeginValue(Object) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BetweenConstraint
Sets the value of the right side of the operation and in doing so negates any previous setBeginFactValue() call.
setCaching(boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.dataGrid.GridFile
Enable or disable caching.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Set the debug log level of the agent
setEndFactValue(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BetweenConstraint
Sets the fact name whose value is used in the right side of the operation and in doing so negates any previous setEndValue() call.
setEndValue(Object) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BetweenConstraint
Sets the value of the right side of the operation and in doing so negates any previous setEndFactValue() call.
setFact(String, String, String, int, Object) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Set the value of the fact for a given grid object name and type.
setFactName(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BetweenConstraint
Sets the fact name for the left side of the operation.
setFactName(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BinaryConstraint
Sets the fact name for the left side of the operation.
setFactName(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.DefinedConstraint
Set the left hand side of the constraint.
setFactName(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.OperatorConstraint
Set the left hand side of the constraint.
setFactName(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.UndefinedConstraint
Set the left hand side of the constraint.
setFactValue(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BinaryConstraint
Sets the fact name whose value is used in the right side of the operation and in doing so negates any previous setValue() call.
setMatchMode(int) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BinaryConstraint
Sets the match mode used by some individual binary operator constraints.
setReason(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
Sets the reason string that contains human readable explanation that can be displayed as an error when a constraint evaluates to false.
setRhsAndMatchMode(boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.ContainsConstraint
Set to true to combine RHS array with AND operation.
setSyncListener(boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Set the mode of operation for message listeners on this agent.
setType(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.TypedConstraint
setValue(Object) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.BinaryConstraint
Sets the value of the right side of the operation and in doing so negates any previous setFactValue() call.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(int) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the INTEGER fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(long) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the INTEGER or TIME fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(float) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the REAL fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(double) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the REAL fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the BOOLEAN fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(Date) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the DATE fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(Map) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the DICTIONARY fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(List) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the LIST fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(int[]) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the INTEGER[] fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(long[]) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the INTEGER[] or TIME[] fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(float[]) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the REAL[] fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(double[]) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the REAL[] fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(boolean[]) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the BOOLEAN[] fact value to the supplied value.
setValue(Date[]) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
(Re)sets the DATE[] fact value to the supplied value.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Set the verbose log level of the agent
SHUTDOWN - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
shutdown() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Shutdown an agent.
SHUTDOWN - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.ServerStatus
START_AT_DATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
Type: Date
START_TIME - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
STARTING_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
STARTUP - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
STATE_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
stateString - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
stopMessages(String) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Cancel a previous getMessages request.
SUBMITTED_STATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
subSession() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Message.SessionResponse
Flag to indicate that a new subsession is requested.
SYS_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
SYS_CONFIG_ERR - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
SYS_ERR - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger


TERMINATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
TERMINATION_TYPE_NORMAL - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
terminationTypeString - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
THREAD - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
THREAD_END - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
THREAD_START - Static variable in class com.novell.zos.dataGrid.DGLogger
TIME_COMPLETED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
TIME_ELAPSED_SECONDS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
TIME_ELAPSED_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
TIME_QUEUED_SECONDS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
TIME_STARTED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
TIME_SUBMITTED - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
toString() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
Form complete formatted XML (policy syntax) document.
toString() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.constraint.ConstraintException
toString() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Form complete formatted XML (policy syntax) document.
toString() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.FactException
toString() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridAuthorizationException
toString() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridDeploymentException
toString() - Method in exception com.novell.zos.grid.GridObjectNotFoundException
toXmlDocument(int) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
Form complete formatted XML (policy syntax) document with requested indent.
toXmlDocument(int) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
Form complete formatted XML (policy syntax) document with requested indent.
TYPE_ACCEPT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
TYPE_ALLOCATION - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_BOOLEAN_ARRAY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_CONTINUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
TYPE_DATE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_DATE_ARRAY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
TYPE_DICTIONARY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_INTEGER_ARRAY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_LIST - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_PROVISION - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
TYPE_REAL - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_REAL_ARRAY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_REPOSITORY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
TYPE_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
TYPE_START - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_STRING_ARRAY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_STRINGS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_TIME - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_TIME_ARRAY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact
TYPE_VMHOST - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
TypedConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Typed constraint must only be used as the outermost wrapper when it is necessary to override the default constraint type of 'resource'.
TYPES - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint


UNDEFINED_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo
UndefinedConstraint - Interface in com.novell.zos.constraint
Evaluates to true only if the left side fact is not defined in the match contect.
uploadEnv(Map) - Method in interface com.novell.zos.grid.ClientAgent
Update the persisted user environment on the server.
USER_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
USER_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact


validate() - Method in interface com.novell.zos.constraint.Constraint
Validate this constraint for completeness.
VERY_HIGH - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
VERY_HIGH_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
VERY_LOW - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
VERY_LOW_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Priority
VMHOST_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.Fact


WorkflowInfo - Interface in com.novell.zos.grid
A WorkflowInfo can represent either a snapshot of a running instance or an historical record of an instance.
WRITEABLE_DYNAMIC_FACTS - Static variable in interface com.novell.zos.grid.WorkflowInfo


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