Interface Summary | |
AgentListener | Interface necessary for processing messages sent from the server. |
ClientAgent | API for client communication with server for job and datagrid operations. |
Credential | A Credential used for identity. |
Fact | The Fact object. |
FactSet | Definition of a set of facts. |
GridObjectInfo | Client interface to any Grid Object. |
ID | A unique identifier for an engine or a facility or Grid object. |
JobInfo | JobInfo is a client representation of a Deployed Job. |
Message | The Message interface is a base interface for all the messages in the system. |
Message.Ack | A general acknowlegement of "action" message. |
Message.AuthFailure | AuthFailure messages indicates that processing of a client message will not occur because client credentials are invalid. |
Message.ClientResponseMessage | All messages that can optionally carry an error string back to the client extend this. |
Message.Event | An Event is used to signal clients and workflows. |
Message.GetGridObjects | Client request to retrieve an (optionally ordered) set of grid objects that match a search criteria (constraint). |
Message.GridObjects | Server response to client request to retrieve grid a grid object set. |
Message.JobAccepted | A JobAccepted message is sent in response to a RunJob message when a job is successfully accepted into the system. |
Message.JobError | A JobError message is sent when an unrecoverable error occurs in a job. |
Message.JobFinished | A JobFinished message is sent when processing of a job completes. |
Message.JobIdEvent | Base Event interface for retrieving JobID used for jobid messages. |
Message.JobInfo | A JobInfo message contains information describing a deployed job. |
Message.Jobs | A Jobs messages contains a list of deployed job names. |
Message.JobStarted | A JobStarted message is sent when a job is successfully started. |
Message.JobStatus | A JobStatus message contains the state of the specified job. |
Message.LoginFailed | Response message for an unsuccessful login |
Message.LoginSuccess | Response message for a successful login. |
Message.LogoutAck | A LogoutAck indicates success or failure of logout operation. |
Message.NeedUpgrade | |
Message.RunningJobs | A RunningJobs message contains the list of running jobs. |
Message.ServerStatus | A ServerStatus message. |
Message.SessionAck | |
Message.SessionChallenge | |
Message.SessionResponse | |
Message.SessionStatus | |
Node | Internal interface for Node (Resource) Grid object. |
Priority | Priority information. |
WorkflowInfo | A WorkflowInfo can represent either a snapshot of a running instance or an historical record of an instance. |
Exception Summary | |
ClientOutOfDateException | Grid exception indicating the client is not compatible with the server. |
FactException | For exceptions that occur in accessing or setting facts. |
GridAuthenticationException | Thrown when authentication is denied by a GMS server. |
GridAuthorizationException | Thrown when credentials are insufficient for the desired grid operation. |
GridConfigurationException | Grid exception thrown to indicate a Grid configuration error. |
GridDeploymentException | Thrown when credentials are insufficient for the desired grid operation. |
GridException | The base exception for all Grid exceptions. |
GridObjectNotFoundException | Thrown when a grid object lookup does not find the requested object. |