Interface Message

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
Message.Ack, Message.AuthFailure, Message.ClientResponseMessage, Message.Event, Message.GridObjects, Message.JobAccepted, Message.JobError, Message.JobFinished, Message.JobIdEvent, Message.JobInfo, Message.Jobs, Message.JobStarted, Message.JobStatus, Message.LoginFailed, Message.LoginSuccess, Message.LogoutAck, Message.NeedUpgrade, Message.RunningJobs, Message.ServerStatus, Message.SessionAck, Message.SessionChallenge, Message.SessionResponse, Message.SessionStatus

public interface Message
extends Serializable, Cloneable

The Message interface is a base interface for all the messages in the system. It defines the basic methods that must be implemented by a message class, and also defines sub-interfaces for each of the actual messages in the system.

All of these Message interfaces are intended to be viewed from the perspective of the consumer, not the producer. Producers are responsible for implementing the concrete classes which will underly these interfaces, and have complete freedom of choice as to how to implement constructors and set methods.

Nested Class Summary
static interface Message.Ack
          A general acknowlegement of "action" message.
static interface Message.AuthFailure
          AuthFailure messages indicates that processing of a client message will not occur because client credentials are invalid.
static interface Message.ClientResponseMessage
          All messages that can optionally carry an error string back to the client extend this.
static interface Message.Event
          An Event is used to signal clients and workflows.
static interface Message.GetGridObjects
          Client request to retrieve an (optionally ordered) set of grid objects that match a search criteria (constraint).
static interface Message.GridObjects
          Server response to client request to retrieve grid a grid object set.
static interface Message.JobAccepted
          A JobAccepted message is sent in response to a RunJob message when a job is successfully accepted into the system.
static interface Message.JobError
          A JobError message is sent when an unrecoverable error occurs in a job.
static interface Message.JobFinished
          A JobFinished message is sent when processing of a job completes.
static interface Message.JobIdEvent
          Base Event interface for retrieving JobID used for jobid messages.
static interface Message.JobInfo
          A JobInfo message contains information describing a deployed job.
static interface Message.Jobs
          A Jobs messages contains a list of deployed job names.
static interface Message.JobStarted
          A JobStarted message is sent when a job is successfully started.
static interface Message.JobStatus
          A JobStatus message contains the state of the specified job.
static interface Message.LoginFailed
          Response message for an unsuccessful login
static interface Message.LoginSuccess
          Response message for a successful login.
static interface Message.LogoutAck
          A LogoutAck indicates success or failure of logout operation.
static interface Message.NeedUpgrade
static interface Message.RunningJobs
          A RunningJobs message contains the list of running jobs.
static interface Message.ServerStatus
          A ServerStatus message.
static interface Message.SessionAck
static interface Message.SessionChallenge
static interface Message.SessionResponse
static interface Message.SessionStatus
Field Summary
static int ACK
          ACK: General acknowledgement to "action" message.
static int AUTH_FAILURE
          AUTH_FAILURE: Sent if engine cannot authenticate the client.
static int COMPLETE
          COMPLETE: A Complete message is a status message indicating that a job is complete.
static int EVENT
          EVENT: Arbitary named event carrying parameters for user defined use.
          GET_GRID_OBJECTS: Request to retrive an (optionally ordered) set of grid objects that match a search criteria (constraint).
static int GRID_OBJECTS
          GRID_OBJECTS: Response to Request to retrieve grid a grid object set.
static int JOB_ACCEPTED
          JOB_ACCEPTED: Containing the assigned job id.
static int JOB_ERROR
          JOB_ERROR: An unrecoverable error occurs in a job.
static int JOB_FINISHED
          JOB_FINISHED: Sent when processing of a job completes.
static int JOB_INFO
          JOB_INFO: Information describing a deployed job.
static int JOB_STARTED
          JOB_STARTED: Sent when a job has successfully started.
static int JOB_STATUS
          JOB_STATUS: Status of requested job or error.
          JOB_STATUS_DETAIL: Detailed status of requested job or error.
static int JOBS
          JOBS: List of available deployed jobs.
static int LOGIN_FAILED
          LOGIN_FAILED: Response to LOGIN message to indicate failed login attempt and reason.
static int LOGIN_SUCCESS
          LOGIN_SUCCESS: Response to LOGIN indicating successful and carrying the datagrid id.
static int LOGOUT_ACK
          LOGOUT_ACK: Acknowledgement of LOGOUT indicating success or failure.
static int NEED_UPGRADE
          NEED_UPGRADE: Generated by TcpClientProxy when an outdated agent or client tries to connect to the server and fails because it's version is too old to be supported by the current server.
static int RUN_JOB2
          RUN_JOB2: Generated by job creator thread in the broker.
static int RUNNING_JOBS
          RUNNING_JOBS: List of running jobs.
static int SERVER_STATUS
          SERVER_STATUS: Indicates change in server state (such as shutdown).
static int SESSION_ACK
          SESSION_ACK: Pseudo-message used to ACK messages when there is no other message to piggyback with.
          SESSION_CHALLENGE: Challenge message for session connection authentication.
          SESSION_RESPONSE: Response message for session connection authentication.
          SESSION_STATUS: Session connection status (succeed/fail) for session connection authenticatino.
Method Summary
 long getCreationTime()
          When was a message created.
 ID getSource()
          All Messages have a source ID which is used for routing.
 int getType()
          All Messages have a type, taken from the types above.
 String getTypeString()
          Return a human readable name for the message type.

Field Detail


static final int ACK
ACK: General acknowledgement to "action" message. This is usually used to notify client of the result of the action. The other possible alternative is an authentication failure message. From: User client or Node. Response: LOGIN_FAILED or LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int AUTH_FAILURE
AUTH_FAILURE: Sent if engine cannot authenticate the client. The client will have to log in again to re-establish credentials. From: {engine} To: Client

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int COMPLETE
COMPLETE: A Complete message is a status message indicating that a job is complete.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SERVER_STATUS
SERVER_STATUS: Indicates change in server state (such as shutdown).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int EVENT
EVENT: Arbitary named event carrying parameters for user defined use.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int JOB_ACCEPTED
JOB_ACCEPTED: Containing the assigned job id. Response to: RUN_JOB Sent by: Broker.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int JOB_STARTED
JOB_STARTED: Sent when a job has successfully started.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int JOB_ERROR
JOB_ERROR: An unrecoverable error occurs in a job.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int JOB_FINISHED
JOB_FINISHED: Sent when processing of a job completes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int LOGIN_FAILED
LOGIN_FAILED: Response to LOGIN message to indicate failed login attempt and reason. Sent by: User Manager or Node Manager.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int LOGIN_SUCCESS
LOGIN_SUCCESS: Response to LOGIN indicating successful and carrying the datagrid id. Sent by: User Manager or Node Manager.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int LOGOUT_ACK
LOGOUT_ACK: Acknowledgement of LOGOUT indicating success or failure. Sent by: User Manager or Node Manager.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int JOBS
JOBS: List of available deployed jobs.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int JOB_STATUS
JOB_STATUS: Status of requested job or error.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int RUNNING_JOBS
RUNNING_JOBS: List of running jobs. Sent by: Broker.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int JOB_INFO
JOB_INFO: Information describing a deployed job.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int JOB_STATUS_DETAIL
JOB_STATUS_DETAIL: Detailed status of requested job or error.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int GET_GRID_OBJECTS
GET_GRID_OBJECTS: Request to retrive an (optionally ordered) set of grid objects that match a search criteria (constraint). Response: GRID_OBJECTS Sent by: ClientAgent and NodeAgent

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int GRID_OBJECTS
GRID_OBJECTS: Response to Request to retrieve grid a grid object set. Response To: GET_GRID_OBJECTS

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int RUN_JOB2
RUN_JOB2: Generated by job creator thread in the broker. It contains the results of performing the 'heavy lifting' part of creating a new job instance. Sent by: Broker (non engine thread) Processed by: Broker

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int NEED_UPGRADE
NEED_UPGRADE: Generated by TcpClientProxy when an outdated agent or client tries to connect to the server and fails because it's version is too old to be supported by the current server. Used to keep track of which agents require an upgrade of their sofware. Sent by: TcpClientProxy (network comms manager) Processed by: NodeManager

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SESSION_CHALLENGE
SESSION_CHALLENGE: Challenge message for session connection authentication. Sent by the server.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SESSION_RESPONSE
SESSION_RESPONSE: Response message for session connection authentication. Sent by the client to the server.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SESSION_STATUS
SESSION_STATUS: Session connection status (succeed/fail) for session connection authenticatino. Sent by the serve to the client.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SESSION_ACK
SESSION_ACK: Pseudo-message used to ACK messages when there is no other message to piggyback with.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


int getType()
All Messages have a type, taken from the types above.


String getTypeString()
Return a human readable name for the message type.


ID getSource()
All Messages have a source ID which is used for routing.


long getCreationTime()
When was a message created.

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