Interface Summary |
AndConstraint |
Perform a logical and-ing of all child constraints. |
BetweenConstraint |
Binary Operator Constraints that have both a left and right side. |
BinaryConstraint |
Binary Operator Constraints that have both a left and right side. |
Constraint |
Basic Constraint interface which allows traversal and evaluation
of a constraint tree. |
ContainerConstraint |
Constainer constraints that perform logical aggregation operations on
contained constraints. |
ContainsConstraint |
Performs a simple set operation that returns true is the right side of the
operation is found in the value set of the left side. |
DefinedConstraint |
Evaluates to true only if the left side fact is defined in the match
context. |
EqConstraint |
Performs a equality constraint operation. |
GeConstraint |
Performs a 'greater than or equal to' constraint operation. |
GtConstraint |
Performs a 'greater than' constraint operation. |
IfConstraint |
Perform a conditional if,then,else block. |
LeConstraint |
Performs a 'less than or equal to' constraint operation. |
LtConstraint |
Performs a 'less than' constraint operation. |
NeConstraint |
Performs a not equal constraint operation. |
NotConstraint |
Perform a logical not operation of all the child constraints. |
OperatorConstraint |
Operator constraints that perform camparision operation on facts. |
OrConstraint |
Perform a logical or-ing operation of all the child constraints. |
TypedConstraint |
Typed constraint must only be used as the outermost wrapper when it is
necessary to override the default constraint type of 'resource'. |
UndefinedConstraint |
Evaluates to true only if the left side fact is not defined in the
match contect. |