Uses of Class

Packages that use GridAuthenticationException

Uses of GridAuthenticationException in com.novell.zos.grid

Methods in com.novell.zos.grid that throw GridAuthenticationException
 GridObjectInfo ClientAgent.getGridObjectInfo(String gridObjectType, String gridObjectName)
          Return the grid object for a given name and type.
 String[] ClientAgent.getGridObjectNames(String objectType, Constraint constraint)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 String[] ClientAgent.getGridObjectNames(String objectType, Constraint constraint, String[] rankBy)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 String[] ClientAgent.getGridObjectNames(String objectType, String constraintStr)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 String[] ClientAgent.getGridObjectNames(String objectType, String constraintStr, String[] rankBy)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 GridObjectInfo[] ClientAgent.getGridObjects(String objectType, Constraint constraint, boolean detail)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 GridObjectInfo[] ClientAgent.getGridObjects(String objectType, Constraint constraint, boolean detail, String[] rankBy)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 GridObjectInfo[] ClientAgent.getGridObjects(String objectType, String constraintStr, boolean detail)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 GridObjectInfo[] ClientAgent.getGridObjects(String objectType, String constraintStr, boolean detail, String[] rankBy)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 void ClientAgent.login()
          Login using the last (cached) credentials stored on host.
 void ClientAgent.login(Credential credential)
          Login to a server using supplied credentials.
 void ClientAgent.setFact(String gridObjectType, String gridObjectName, String factName, int factType, Object value)
          Set the value of the fact for a given grid object name and type.

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