gwadminutil-sync - The GroupWise Administration Utility database synchronization option
gwadminutil sync -d path -p path
Updates the primary domain database from a secondary domain database.
Specifies the path to the secondary domain database from which you want to synchronize records up to the primary domain.
Specifies the path to the primary domain database that needs to be updated with information from the secondary domain.
Displays the help information and exits.
Script file that runs GWAdminUtil.
This program normally runs as root.
Updates the Provo1 primary domain database with records from the Provo2 secondary domain database.
Copyright 2004-2014, Novell, Inc.. All rights reserved.
gwadminutil(1), gwadminutil-convert(1), gwadminutil-merge(1), gwadminutil-rebuild(1), gwadminutil-reclaim(1), gwadminutil-recover(1), gwadminutil-reindex(1), gwadminutil-release(1), gwadminutil-sync(1), gwadminutil-upgrade(1), gwadminutil-validate(1)
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