gwadminutil-recover - The GroupWise Administration Utility database recover option
gwadminutil recover path
Corrects physical problems in a domain or post office database, but does not update incorrect information. After you perform a Recover Database operation, you can update information by synchronizing the database.
Specifies the path to the database to recover.
Displays the help information and exits.
Script file that runs GWAdminUtil.
This program normally runs as root.
Recovers the domain database for the Provo1 domain.
Recovers the post office database for the Engineering domain.
Copyright 2004-2014, Novell, Inc.. All rights reserved.
gwadminutil(1), gwadminutil-convert(1), gwadminutil-merge(1), gwadminutil-rebuild(1), gwadminutil-reclaim(1), gwadminutil-recover(1), gwadminutil-reindex(1), gwadminutil-release(1), gwadminutil-sync(1), gwadminutil-upgrade(1), gwadminutil-validate(1)
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