Uses of Interface

Packages that use BinaryConstraint

Uses of BinaryConstraint in com.novell.zos.constraint

Subinterfaces of BinaryConstraint in com.novell.zos.constraint
 interface ContainsConstraint
          Performs a simple set operation that returns true is the right side of the operation is found in the value set of the left side.
 interface EqConstraint
          Performs a equality constraint operation.
 interface GeConstraint
          Performs a 'greater than or equal to' constraint operation.
 interface GtConstraint
          Performs a 'greater than' constraint operation.
 interface LeConstraint
          Performs a 'less than or equal to' constraint operation.
 interface LtConstraint
          Performs a 'less than' constraint operation.
 interface NeConstraint
          Performs a not equal constraint operation.

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