Updates were made to the following sections. The changes are explained below:
Section A.6.1, Event Monitoring
Section A.6.2, Remote Management
Section A.6.3, ZENworks Linux Management Generic Messages
The following changes were made to this section:
Troubleshooting Event Monitoring
Added the following scenario:
After upgrading to ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management with IR2, the Number of backup files per day option does not display the new default value on the Local Device Logging page
Remote Management Troubleshooting Strategies
Unable to automatically reboot a managed device by pressing the Send Ctrl+Alt+Del button in the management console during a Remote Login session
Section 10.0, Remote Management Troubleshooting Strategies
Updated the following scenario:
Unable to perform Remote Login session to a SLES 11 or a SLED 11 managed device
Error while loading shared libraries
Updated this section.