40.1 Configuring Message Logger Settings for the Primary Server

The following settings of the Message Logger can be configured to log messages on the Primary Server:

40.1.1 Configuring Database Maintenance Settings

These settings allow you to configure the database maintenance settings for purging the database log messages.

  1. In the ZENworks Control Center, click Configuration.

  2. In Management Zone Settings, click Centralized Message Logging.

  3. Under Central Server, specify the name of the server that is responsible for purging message log entries from the database.

    You can also select a server by clicking Browse icon.

    The ZENworks servers that are displayed here are the ones that are registered with Novell ZENworks Linux Management Server.

  4. In the Purge Log Entries After field, select a value from the drop-down list. The available options are 30, 60, and 90.

    Log entries older than the selected number of days are purged. Purging is done every midnight and 5 minutes after zenloader starts.

  5. Click OK or Apply.

40.1.2 Configuring Centralized Log Settings

These settings allow you to use a log file to log the messages of a server and all the managed devices that are connected to this server. The name of this log file is central-message.log, and it is located in /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks.

  1. In the ZENworks Control Center, click Configuration.

  2. In Management Zone Settings, click Centralized Message Logging.

  3. Under Centralized File Log, select the Log Message to a Centralized File if Severity Is check box to enable the settings.

  4. In the Log Message to a Centralized File if Severity Is field, select a value from the drop-down list.

    • Select Error to store the messages that have an Error severity.

    • Select Warning and Above to store the messages that have a severity of Warning and Error.

    • Select Information and Above to store the messages that have a severity of Information, Warning, and Error.

  5. In the Limit File Size To field, specify the size of a file in KB or MB. The default value is 100 MB.

    The message file is backed up after reaching the specified size.

  6. In the Number of Backup Files field, specify the number of backup files to take. The default value is 2.

    The maximum number of backup files is 99. The most recent backup file is named central-message.log.1, the second most recent file has the number 2, and so on. When the maximum file size is reached, the oldest file is deleted.

  7. Click Apply or OK.

40.1.3 Configuring SMTP Settings

These settings allow you to send error messages through e-mail by configuring SMTP settings.

  1. In the ZENworks Control Center, click Configuration.

  2. In Management Zone Settings, click Centralized Message Logging.

  3. Under E-mail Notification, select the Send Log Message via E-mail If Severity Is check box to enable the settings.

  4. In the SMTP Server Address field, specify the SMTP server address.

    You can specify a DNS name or IP address as a server address.

  5. Select SMTP Server Requires Authentication to authenticate to the SMTP server.

  6. Specify the username to use to authenticate to the SMTP server.

  7. Specify the password to use to authenticate to the SMTP server.

    IMPORTANT:For security considerations, you should create a separate e-mail account and password to send ZENworks messages.

  8. In the Message Settings section, specify the sender’s e-mail address in the From field. The error messages are sent from this e-mail address.

  9. In the To field, specify the e-mail address of the recipients.

    You can specify more than one e-mail address by separating the addresses with commas.

  10. Specify a subject for the e-mail.

    The following table describes how you can customize the subject field:

    Format Specifiers



    Severity of the message


    Component name


    Device ID


    Time when the message is generated


    Alias name of the device on which the message is generated.

    Format specifiers are a special set of characters that are replaced with their associated values.

    For example, if you want the subject line to be displayed as “ERROR occurred on device TestDevice at 4/7/05 5:31:01 PM,” then in the subject line you should specify “%s occurred on device %a at %t.”

  11. Click OK or Apply.

40.1.4 Configuring SNMP Settings

These settings allow you to send messages as SNMP traps. The location of the MIB file is /opt/novell/zenworks/share/loggermodule/messageloger.mib.

NOTE:The MIB file should not be modified or deleted, or sending of traps does not work.

  1. In the ZENworks Control Center, click Configuration.

  2. In Management Zone Settings, click Centralized Message Logging.

  3. Under SNMP Traps, select the Log to SNMP Trap if Severity Is check box to enable all the fields.

  4. In the Log to SNMP Trap if Severity Is field, select a value from the drop-down list.

    • Select Error to forward as traps the messages that have Error, Information, Warning, and Debug severity.

    • Select Warning and Above to forward as traps the messages with a severity of Warning and Error.

    • Select Information and Above to forward as traps the messages that have a severity of Information, Warning, and Error.

  5. Specify a trap target.

    You can specify the IP address or DNS name of the management console as a trap target.

  6. Specify the port number of the SNMP server.

    By default, the port number is 162.

  7. Specify the community string of the SNMP trap that is to be sent.

    The default value of the community string is Public.

  8. Click OK or Apply.