1.8 Troubleshooting

If the ZENworks Server Upgrade fails, you must rectify the problem and re-run the ZENworks Upgrade Installer.

  • You must re-run the Upgrade Installer on the same server where the upgrade was started.

  • If the upgrade fails during the post-package upgrade database action, then on re-running and after zone authentication, the pre-upgrade Summary page displays and the upgrade proceeds to perform the database actions.

  • If Embedded Sybase database is used, ensure that the .dbR and .logR files are deleted from the database folder before re-running the Upgrade Installer.

The following sections provide solutions to the problems that you might encounter while upgrading the ZENworks Primary Server:

When ZENworks Upgrade is launched, if the database is executing any transactions, it might conflict with the upgrade process

Source: ZENworks 11 SP3; Upgrade
Explanation: When the ZENworks Upgrade is launched, if the database is executing any transactions, it might conflict with the upgrade process.
Action: Kill the database session that conflicts with the upgrade process. Perform the following steps, to kill a database session:
  1. Log in to the database as a system user and launch the SQL client.

  2. Execute one of the following scripts, based on the database type:

    • Oracle:

      select 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '''||SID||','||SERIAL#||''';' AS "Drop Query",b.sql_text,a.* from gv$session a, gv$sql b where (case when a.sql_id is null then a.prev_sql_id else a.sql_id end)=b.sql_id and a.program='JDBC Thin Client' and a.logon_time< (sysdate-3/60/24) and a.username='<<ZENWORKSUSER>>';


      ZENWORKSUSER is the ZENworks database user name.

    • MS SQL:

      select 'KILL '+cast(spid as varchar(100)) as "Drop Query", r.text,s.* from sys.sysprocesses s cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text (sql_handle) r where s.program_name='jTDS' and s.spid!=@@spid and s.login_time < dateadd(minute,-3,getdate()) and s.loginame='<<ZENWORKSUSER>>';


      ZENWORKSUSER is the ZENworks database user name.

    • SQL Anywhere:

      SELECT 'Drop connection '+cast(sa_conn_info.Number as varchar(100))+';' as "Drop Query", sa_conn_info.Number AS connection_number, DB_NAME( DBNumber ) AS database_name, sa_conn_info.name AS connection_name, sa_conn_info.userid, CONNECTION_PROPERTY( 'LoginTime', Number ) as "Login Time", CONNECTION_PROPERTY( 'LastStatement', Number ) As "Query" FROM sa_conn_info() where sa_conn_info.Number != @@spid and CONNECTION_PROPERTY( 'LoginTime', Number ) < dateadd(minute,-3,getdate()) and userid='<<ZENWORKSUSER>>';


      ZENWORKSUSER is the ZENworks database user name.

While using an Oracle database, during the upgrade or database creation, the TNS error message is displayed

Source: ZENworks 11 SP3; Upgrade
Explanation: While using an Oracle database during the upgrade or database creation, you get an error message: TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack.
Action: Increase the maximum load for dedicated connections, which is determined by the PROCESSES parameter. If the issue persists, contact Novell Technical Support.

While using an MS-SQL database, during the upgrade or database creation, there are connection issues

Source: ZENworks 11 SP3; Upgrade
Explanation: While using an MS-SQL database, during the upgrade or database creation, there are connection issues with the following error message:
org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException: Cannot open connection
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: I/O Error: Connection reset
Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
Action: Run select * from sys.configurations where name='user connections'

By default, the maximum connection is 32,767. You can adjust it to Number of Primary Servers * 200.For more information on how to configure the user connections, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187030.aspx.

Check whether the MS-SQL server has high CPU utilization and database server load. Contact Novell Technical support for further assistance.

Incorrect values displayed for the inventory records to be pruned

Source: ZENworks 11 SP3; Upgrade
Explanation: When you opt for pruning in the Upgrade wizard, the number of records specified for deletion is displayed in the Pre-prune summary page.

For example, if you have marked 8,000,000 records out of the total 10,000,000 records for pruning, then 8,000,000 of 10,000,000 is displayed in the number of records specified for deletion field.

After successful pruning, when you relaunch the Upgrade wizard for pruning, the Database Pruning page displays an incorrect value in the Total number of records found to be deleted field.

For example, if 8,000,000 inventory records have been deleted out of 10,000,000 inventory records, then the ideal value to be displayed in the Total number of records found to be deleted field is 200,000.

Currently, an incorrect value is displayed. As a result, there is a mismatch in the values displayed for deleted Inventory records and for Inventory records that are yet to be deleted.

Action: There is no workaround.