28.0 Troubleshooting Satellites

The following section provides solutions to the problems you might encounter while working with Satellites:

An error is displayed After Promoting a Linux Managed Device to a Satellite Server

Explanation: After promoting a Linux Managed Device to a content Satellite Server role, the Unable to connect to the database, either the schema is invalid, or the connection could not be acquired error displayed in the ZCC and the same error is logged is the agent zmd log.
Possible Cause: This might be because the managed device was demoted from the content satellite role and after you promote the device as a Content Satellite Server for the second time, the issue is observed.
Action: Restart the agent service.

Linux managed device promoted as a Satellite server with authentication role, the Jetty service hangs

Explanation: When you promote a Linux managed device as a satellite server with authentication role, the Jetty service hangs.
Action: Set a system variable RegenerateJettyKeystore for the satellite server and refresh the agent.

Unable to add a Satellite with the Imaging role to a Windows managed device by using the zman ssc command

Source: ZENworks; Satellite.
Action: To promote a Windows managed device to be a Satellite with the Imaging role, use the zman ssaimg command.

For more information about the zman ssaimg command, view the zman man page (man zman) on the ZENworks Server or see Satellite Server Commands in the ZENworks Command Line Utilities Reference.

Unable to remove a Satellite with the Imaging role from a Windows device by using the zman ssd command

Source: ZENworks; Satellite.
Action: To remove the Imaging Satellite role from a Windows managed device, use the zman ssrimg command.

This command does not remove other Satellite roles such as Content or Collection if they are assigned to the device.

For more information about the zman ssrimg command, view the zman man page (man zman) on the ZENworks Server or see Satellite Server Commands in the ZENworks Command Line Utilities Reference.

The managed device is not promoted to the Imaging Satellite role even though the role has been assigned to it

Source: ZENworks; Satellite.
Possible Cause: The managed device is unable to contact the Primary Server because of the firewall settings configured on the managed device.
Action: Do the following on the managed device:
  1. Disable the firewall settings.

  2. Ping the Primary Server to make sure that the managed device can contact the server.

  3. Refresh the information on the ZENworks icon icon by right-clicking the icon, then clicking Refresh.

Updated Imaging statistics are not displayed on the ZENworks icon when a Windows Vista SP2 managed device is promoted to be a Satellite with the Imaging role

Source: ZENworks; Satellite.
Explanation: When you promote a Windows Vista SP2 managed device to be a Satellite with the Imaging role, any updated Imaging statistics are not displayed on the ZENworks icon icon (Show Properties > Satellite > Imaging)
Action: To view the latest Imaging statistics on the Satellite:
  1. At the console prompt, go to ZENworks_installation_directory\novell\zenworks\bin\preboot.

  2. Run the following command:

    zmgmcast -status -i Satellite_IP_address

Updated Imaging statistics are not displayed on the ZENworks icon when a Windows Vista SP2 managed device is promoted to be a Satellite with the Imaging role

Source: ZENworks; Satellite.
Explanation: When you promote a Windows Vista SP2 managed device to be a Satellite with the Imaging role, any updated Imaging statistics are not displayed on the ZENworks icon icon (Show Properties > Satellite > Imaging)
Action: For older satellites (with the Authentication and Collection roles) that have been updated to 2020, you need to import the certificate again with the DNS suffix in place before enabling collection over SSL.

For older Satellite Servers (with only the Collection role) that have been updated to 2020, you need to ensure that the device has a proper DNS suffix before importing the certificate using the zac command.

After upgrading Satellite Servers with Authentication and Collection roles and Collection over SSL enabled, the Satellite Servers stop working.

Source: ZENworks; Satellites.
Explanation: In an external CA zone, when you upgrade Satellite Servers with Authentication and Collection roles to ZENworks 2020 and enable SSL for collection, they will stop working if the device certificate is not imported with the DNS suffix.
Action: Ensure that the device has the proper DNS suffix and re-import the certificate before enabling the Collection over SSL feature.