Configuring the Settings for the Inventory Service Object

The Inventory Service object settings configure the scanning for the associated workstations. From the Inventory Service Object property page, you can configure the following:

To open the Inventory Service Object properties page:

  1. In ConsoleOne®, right-click the Inventory Service object (servername_ZenInvservice) > click Properties > click the Inventory Service Object Properties tab.

  2. Modify the following settings:

    Inventory Server Role: Based on the servers that you have deployed for scanning inventory, you must specify the role of the server. See Changing the Role of the Inventory Service Object .

    Discard Scan Data Time: Any scan data files (.ZIP files) that have scan information collected before the Discard Scan Data Time that you specify in the Inventory Service Object Property page will be discarded. The scan data files are removed from the server, which is one of the following types: Intermediate Server, Intermediate Server with Database, Intermediate Server with Database & Workstations, and Intermediate Server with Workstations.

    Scan Directory Path: When you install ZfD, you specify the volume on the server for storing the scan data files. If required, you can modify the volume or the directory of the Scan Directory (SCANDIR) setting in the Inventory Service Object property page. The SCANDIR directory path is the location on the server that stores the scan data files. The format of the Scan Directory Path is as follows: server_name\volume_of_the_server_directory.

    You cannot modify the server name specified in the SCANDIR path. If you modify the directory, the directory must already exist.

    To modify the path, click the Browse button.

    Enable Scan of Workstations: To scan the workstations associated with the Inventory Service object, you must enable the scan option listed in the Inventory Service Object property page. To disable the scanning of workstations, uncheck this option.

    Start Full Scan: When scanning the workstation for the first time, the Scanner collects the complete inventory of the workstation. A complete inventory scan of the workstation is referred as a full scan. After the workstation is scanned, the next time the Scanner compares the current inventory data to the history data that it maintains. If there are any changes to the workstation, the Scanner creates a delta scan, which collects the changes in inventory since the last scan was done. The delta scan setting is the default scan operation for each successive scan after the first scanning of the workstation. If the Status Log reported by the inventory component indicates the scanning on the workstation is not successful, you can enforce a full scan. This policy settings is applicable for all workstations associated with it. To override this policy, you set this option for an individual workstation. For more information about the Workstation object settings, see Configuring the Inventory Settings for the Workstation Object the Workstation.

  3. Click OK.

NOTE:  If you are modifying the Inventory policies or configuring the objects, always stop the Inventory services. Configure the policies and properties of the objects. Restart the Inventory services again.

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