2.2 Preinstallation Tasks

Perform the following applicable tasks, then continue with Section 2.3, Installing ZENworks Reporting Server:

2.2.1 Verifying That the Minimum Requirements Have Been Met

  • Make sure that short MS-DOS (also called 8.3) style naming convention is available for the installation location of the ZENworks 11 Server. By default, 8.3 is enabled on the device. For more information on how to enable 8.3 see, Microsoft documentation.

    For more information on the installation path of the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Server, see Installation Information in the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Installation Guide.

  • Make sure that the device where you want to install the server software fulfills the necessary requirements. For more information, see Section 1.0, Minimum Requirements.

  • Make sure that ports 6400, 3306, 6410, and 6420 are free. If these ports are busy, you are prompted to specify alternative ports on which to install ZENworks Reporting Server.

    If the ports are blocked by a firewall, you must enable the firewall. For more information, see Section 2.4, Working With a Firewall.

  • Make sure that the server is connected to the network.

  • Make sure that the Novell ZENworks Server, the Novell ZENworks Loader, and the Novell ZENworks Database services are running.

  • If you are installing ZENworks Reporting Server on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10 SP3 64-bit platform, make sure to install the libstdc++33-32-bit package by using the SLES 10 SP3 64-bit media.

2.2.2 Decommissioning an Existing Instance of ZENworks Reporting Server

There can be only one instance of ZENworks Reporting Server in a Management Zone. If you want to install a new instance of ZENworks Reporting Server in the same Management Zone, you must decommission the existing instance of ZENworks Reporting Server, and install the new instance.

IMPORTANT:Be sure to archive the reports from your existing instance before beginning the new installation. This is because the existing instance of ZENworks Reporting Server ceases to work after the new installation is complete, and you cannot retrieve any reports. You can restore the archived reports to the new instance of ZENworks Reporting Server.

You can use the zman rpsv command to save the reports and the user rights, and the zman rpld command to restore them. For more information on these commands, see Report Commands in the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Command Line Utilities Reference.

  1. Install the new instance of ZENworks Reporting Server on a different Primary Server in the same Management Zone that has ZENworks Configuration Management installed.

    A message is displayed, indicating that a ZENworks Reporting Server already exists in the zone.

  2. Click Yes to decommission the existing instance of ZENworks Reporting Server and begin installing the new instance of ZENworks Reporting Server.

  3. After the new installation of ZENworks Reporting Server installation is complete, uninstall the instance of ZENworks Reporting Server that you decommissioned.

    For more information on how to uninstall ZENworks Reporting Server, see Section 3.0, Uninstalling ZENworks Reporting Server.

2.2.3 Meeting the Hostname and Network Requirements in Linux

Your Linux server must have a fixed hostname before you run the installation script. You must have root privileges to set or modify this information on your system. For more information, see the Linux system documentation.

2.2.4 Creating an Installation DVD from the ISO Download

If you obtained the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management SP3 ZENworks Reporting Server software as an ISO image download, you need to create separate installation DVDs for Windows and Linux to install ZENworks Reporting Server on these platforms.

  1. Download the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management SP3 ZENworks Reporting Server installation ISO image from the Novell Web site and copy it to a temporary location on your Windows or Linux device.

  2. Burn the ISO image to a DVD.

    On Linux, optionally, you can simply run the installation program from the ISO mount point, instead of burning the DVD.

2.2.5 Installing and Configuring the Oracle Client

If ZENworks 10 Configuration Management SP3 is configured for an external Oracle10g database, then before installing ZENworks Reporting Server, install and configure the Oracle 10g client to the same Oracle database used by ZENworks 10 Configuration Management SP3 through the Net Configuration Assistant.

  1. Install the Oracle client on the server on which you will install ZENworks Reporting Server. The Oracle client must be of the same version as the external Oracle 10g database that you have configured for the ZENworks Configuration Management server.

    • On Windows 64-bit platforms, install the Oracle 10g 32-bit client. ZENworks Reporting Server supports only 32-bit emulation on 64-bit Windows platforms.

    • On Linux 64-bit platforms, install the Oracle 10g 64-bit client and set the value of the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 by using the following command:


    NOTE:The Oracle 10g R2 client is not supported on a SLES 10 server.If you want to install the Oracle 10g R2 client on a SLES 10 SP3 server, see the Novell Cool Solutions article “Installing Oracle 10g R2 Database on SLES 10“.

    For more information on how to install the Oracle client, see the Oracle Database Client Installation Guide. Make sure you select Administrator in the Installation Type window.

    IMPORTANT:On Linux, make sure that the Oracle client installation directory has Read and Execute access to all users.

  2. (Conditional) On Linux, after installing the Oracle client, check to see if the value of the environment variable ORACLE_HOME is set to the path of the directory where the Oracle client is installed. If the environment variable ORACLE_HOME is not available, manually add ORACLE_HOME as a new environment variable and set its value to the path where the Oracle client is installed.

  3. Create a new service name and use it to set up an external Oracle database for use with ZENworks:

    • On Windows, click Start > All Programs > Oracle client > Configuration and Management tools > Oracle Net Manager

    • On Linux, navigate to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory and run the netmgr script to open the Oracle Net Manager.

  4. Set the TNS_ADMIN environment variable correctly:

    • On Windows, if the tnsnames.ora file is not in the default location (%ORACLE_HOME%\NETWORK\ADMIN), create a new environment variable with the name TNS_ADMIN. Set the value of TNS_ADMIN environment variable to the path of the directory in which the tnsnames.ora file resides.

    • On Linux, if the tnsnames.ora file is not in the default location ($ORACLE_HOME/network/admin), create a new environment variable with the name TNS_ADMIN. Set the value of this new environment variable to the path of the directory in which the tnsnames.ora file resides.

  5. Test if the Oracle client is successfully installed:

    • On Windows, run the %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\tnsping new_service_name command.

    • On Linux, run the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/tnsping new_service_name command.

      The new_service_name is the name of the new service created in Step 3.