Novell Vibe database disk space requirements are relatively modest. Files that are imported into Vibe are saved in the Vibe file repository, as described in Section 3.2.4, Vibe Installation Locations.
The Vibe database is primarily used for storing the following information:
Structural information about workspaces, folders, and entries (for example, their location in the workspace tree)
Identification information about workspaces, folders, and entries (for example, titles, descriptions, dates of creation/modification, and users associated with creation/modification)
User profile information (for example, full name, phone number, and e-mail address)
You or your database administrator must make the following decisions about the Vibe database:
By default, Vibe uses open source MySQL as its database on Linux and on Windows. On Linux, Vibe also supports Oracle. On Windows, Vibe also supports Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle.
Under , mark the type of database that you want to use with Vibe. |
Make sure that a supported version of the database server, as listed in Section 2.1, Vibe Server Requirements, is installed and running before you install Vibe.
If you plan to use a MySQL database, the Vibe installation program can automatically set up the database for you. This is the easiest way to get started. Before the database can be set up, you first need to install it and configure it on your server. For more information, see Section A.2, MySQL Database Server.
If you plan to use an Oracle database or a Microsoft SQL database, you must have your database administrator set up the database for you. Instructions for your database administrator are provided in Section 13.4, Creating an Oracle Database and Section 13.3, Creating a Microsoft SQL Database.
Under , mark whether you want the Vibe Installation program to automatically set up a MySQL database, or whether you need your database administrator to manually set up an Oracle database or Microsoft SQL database before you install Vibe. |
When you have the Vibe Installation program create the database for you, the database is created on the same server where you install the Vibe software. This is the preferable location for your Basic installation. The default database name is sitescape, a reference to the company that previously developed the Vibe software.
Database Server |
Default Linux Location |
Default Windows Location |
/var/lib/mysql |
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\
Application Data\MySQL\
MySQL Server version\Data
Microsoft SQL |
N/A |
N/A |
Oracle |
N/A |
N/A |
You can have your database administrator create a database on a remote server later, after you have successfully tested your Basic installation. See Section 13.0, Creating the Vibe Database on a Remote Server.
If you need to have your database administrator create an Oracle or Microsoft SQL database, you must decide before installation whether you want the database on the Vibe server or on a remote server. See Section 13.4, Creating an Oracle Database.
Vibe knows where to find its database from the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) URL that you provide during installation. For a database that is local to the Vibe software, the default JDBC URL that provides localhost as the hostname of the Vibe server is appropriate. If the database is on a remote server, the JDBC URL must provide the hostname of the remote database server.
The JDBC URL also includes the port number on which Vibe can communicate with the database server. The default port number depends on the database server you are using:
Database Server |
Default Port Number |
3306 |
Microsoft SQL |
1433 |
Oracle |
1521 |
Use this port number unless it is already in use by another process on the database server.
Under localhost or the hostname of a remote server) and the port number it will use to communicate with Vibe. , specify the appropriate hostname for the database server ( |
When you have the Vibe Installation program create the database for you, it defaults to the following administrator usernames for the database server:
Database |
Default Administrative Username |
root IMPORTANT:The MySQL root username is not the same as the Linux root user on a Linux server. |
Microsoft SQL |
(no default) For a Microsoft SQL database, your database administrator establishes the administrator username and password for the database server. |
Oracle |
(no default) For an Oracle database, your database administrator establishes the administrator username and password for the database server. |
For an Oracle database and Microsoft SQL database, your database administrator establishes the administrator username and password for the database server.
Check with your database administrator to see if the default administrator username is still in use for your database server, and obtain the administrator password for the database server before you run the Vibe Installation program.
Under , specify the administrator username and password for the database server so that Vibe can access its database. |
Different encryption algorithms provide differing encryption strength. The supported algorithms for encrypting the Vibe database password are listed below, in order from least strength to most strength.
This is the default option when you use Basic Authentication for WebDAV authentication, as described in Section 3.5, Planning the WebDAV Authentication Method
This is the only available option when you select Digest Authentication for WebDAV authentication, as described in Section 3.5, Planning the WebDAV Authentication Method
Under , mark the encryption algorithm you want to use for Vibe passwords. |