2.6 Installing the Conferencing System Components

The installation script takes you through the following to install and configure a new Conferencing Server instance:

2.6.1 Initial Installation

  1. Create and name a new Conferencing installation. See Installing the Conferencing Server.

    The name of the installation cannot contain spaces, but can contain any combination of ASCII and alphanumeric characters.

  2. Initialize the PostgreSQL database.

    Ensure that you have created the PostgreSQL database prior to installation. For additional information, see Installation Prerequisites.

  3. Identify a single-host or a multiple-host installation.

  4. Provide the IPs and the hostnames for the XML Router, Web Portal and Desktop/App Server.

    The installer attempts to ping hosts and IP addresses to ensure that they are running and reachable. If an intervening firewall is filtering out ICMP messages or the host is intentionally down, it might not appear to be reachable even though the entered value is valid.

  5. (Optional) Install a Conferencing Voice Bridge.

2.6.2 System Administration E-mail Configuration (Optional)

During installation you can define a list of system administrator e-mail addresses that are used when an error or event occurs:

  1. Perform Step 1 through Step 22 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:. In Step 23, use the following procedure to configure your list of e-mail addresses.

  2. Type the system administrator’s e-mail address.

  3. To configure multiple e-mail addresses, type the first e-mail address (for example admin@company.com) and press Enter. At the next EMAIL>>>> prompt, type the second e-mail address and press Enter, etc.

    IMPORTANT:If you want to use GroupWise as the e-mail system that is integrated with Conferencing, see Configuring GroupWise as the Conferencing E-Mail System in Novell Teaming and Conferencing in the GroupWise 7 Interoperability Guide for more information.

  4. Continue with Step 24 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:.

2.6.3 Mailer Configuration (Optional)

The mailer is used to notify Conferencing users of events. By default, the mailer uses the SMTP service provided on its host, but you can change the SMTP Server and provide user and password authentication for that server, if required:

  1. Perform Step 1 through Step 24 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:. In Step 25, use the following procedure to configure your mailer.

  2. Identify the SMTP Server.

  3. Configure the SMTP Server’s User and Password Authentication.

    IMPORTANT:If you want to use GroupWise as the e-mail system that is integrated with Conferencing, see Configuring GroupWise as the Conferencing E-Mail System in Novell Teaming and Conferencing in the GroupWise 7 Interoperability Guide for more information.

  4. Continue with Step 26 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:.

2.6.4 Database Backup Configuration (Optional)

Daily database backups are stored in the /var/iic/db-backups directory.

  1. Perform Step 1 through Step 25 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:. In Step 26, use the following procedure to configure database backups.

  2. Identify the directory where you want to store the database backups.

    We recommend that you do not store the database backups on the database server. Mount an external file system using NFS to maintain the daily database backup archives.

  3. Configure the number of days backups are kept.

  4. Define when backups are performed.

  5. Continue with Step 27 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:.

2.6.5 Meeting Archive and Document Sharing Repository Configurations (Optional)

The Meeting and Document Sharing (DocShare) Archive Repositories are both monitored daily at 4:00 a.m. to ensure that they have not reached a size of 2500 MB. When a repository exceeds 2500 MB, archives that have not been accessed within the last 30 days are deleted until the archive repository reaches 2000 MB. If the system cannot delete archives to reach the 2500 MB repository size, a warning e-mail is sent to the system administrator indicating the need for appropriate manual action. To avoid the automatic deletion of archives, the maintenance procedure can be configured to send daily notification when a meeting or document sharing archive repository reaches the specified maximum.

  1. Perform Step 1 through Step 26 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:. In Step 27 and Step 28, use the following procedure to configure your Meeting and Document Sharing (DocShare) Archive Repositories.

  2. Determine the repository maximum size. Set the repository size in MBs.

  3. Identify the action to take if the archive repository maximum is exceeded. The two available options are to automatically clean up archives that have not been accessed within the last 30 days, or to send e-mail notification to the systems administrator with no automatic archive deletion.

  4. Determine what time of day the archive maintenance occurs.

  5. If automatic maintenance was specified in Step 2, do the following:

    1. Determine the minimum target repository size after automatic clean up.

    2. Identify the minimum days-since-accessed that an archive can be deleted during the automated clean up procedure. For example, if the minimum days-since-accessed was set to 60 days, the automated clean up procedure does not delete archives that have been accessed within the past 60 days.

    3. Determine if the archives should be permanently deleted, or moved into another designated folder, which must be monitored manually by the system administrator.

  6. Continue with Step 29 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:.

2.6.6 Chat Audit Log Configuration (Optional)

You can configure chat audit logging at system installation or reconfiguration time using the install.sh script.

  1. Perform Step 1 through Step 28 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:. In Step 29 and Step 30, use the following procedure to configure your chat audit logging.

  2. For Step 29, select where the logs should be stored:

    • The chat audit logs are placed in /var/iic/chatlog on the hosts assigned to run the XML router and meeting controllers. Conferencing IM and Conferencing chat room messages are written to the file /var/iic/chatlog/chat.log. Meeting chat messages are written to /var/iic/chatlog/mtgchat.log.

    • The chat messages contained in chat.log are XML stanzas:

      <message type='<"chat"|"groupchat">' from='<from_jid>' to='<to_jid>' time='<timestamp>' >
      <body> ... </body><x xmlns='jabber:x:event' />

      The from_jid and to_jid tags have the forms:


      Resource is a session identifier in the case where the message type is chat and it identifies the sender screen name in the case of groupchat type messages.

      The time stamp has the form<YYYY><MM><DD>“T”<hh><mm><ss> and uses GMT time.

    • Each chat message is logged to a line in mtgchat.log. The each line contains comma-separated fields. Each field has double quotes at the beginning and end of the field (for example, “field value”).

  3. For Step 30, edit the log configuration:

    The fields are as follows:






    The time of the chat message in GMT.



    The participant ID of the sender. A participant ID is assigned to each meeting participant and is sent in meeting invitations.



    The display name of the meeting participant who sent the chat message.


    String (one of: ToAll, ToOne, ToHost, ToModerators, ToNonModerators)

    This field shows to whom the message was delivered.



    This participant ID received the message. This field is empty unless the delivery field value is ToOne.



    The display name of the meeting participant who received the chat message. This field is empty unless the delivery field value is ToOne.



    The contents of the chat message.

  4. Continue with Step 31 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:.

2.6.7 Event Logging Configuration (Optional)

Log files are written to /var/log/iic, except for the Web portal and external API server logs, which are written to files in /usr/local/apache2/logs. Additional information may be found in /var/log/messages.

There are three levels for logging. You can modify these logging levels at any time from the Administration Console (see the Conferencing Operations Guide):

  • Error: Logs only error conditions.

  • Info: Logs error conditions as well as summary information about all server tasks.

  • Debug: This level logs error conditions, summary information, and detailed debugging information.

NOTE:We recommend that the Error logging level be the default logging level because of the increased CPU and I/O loads associated with more verbose logging.

To set the logging:

  1. Perform Step 1 through Step 30 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:. In Step 31, use the following procedure to set the event logging:

  2. Set default logging levels for system components.

  3. Determine at what size the logs should be rotated.

  4. Configure the number of rotated logs that should be kept.

  5. Configure real time, call, user and reservation logging.

    You can configure the Conferencing servers to produce real-time event logs for call, user and meeting reservation events. The real-time interface provides the event data records as they occur so that third-party systems (billing systems, cost accounting systems, management reporting systems, directory databases, etc.) can use them. The records are provided to event record consumers via a TCP connection to Conferencing server hosts. Real-time event logs are stored in the /var/iic/cdr directory.

    You cannot modify real-time event logging from the Administration Console. If you do not install real-time event logging during installation, you need to re-run the installation script when you want to install real-time event logging.

  6. Continue with Step 32 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:.

2.6.8 Port Forwarding (Optional)

The Conferencing client attempts to connect to ports 1270, 443 and 21 when the primary port (either 5222 for the XML router or 2182 for desktop/app-share server) is blocked by a firewall. Connections to these ports should be forwarded to the primary port. If you are not running a load balancer that performs this task, you must forward these ports locally on the XML router hosts or the desktop/app-share server hosts.

2.6.9 XML Router Security

In order for a Conferencing service (meeting controller, voice bridge, etc.) to connect to the XML router, it must use the correct authentication key. If your XML router allows connections from the Internet, change the Service Connection Key so that unauthorized services cannot access and connect to your router. Additionally, the meeting controller needs to provide a User Session Creation Key. You should change this key so that unauthorized meeting controllers cannot create sessions on behalf of your users.

  • The default value for the Service Connection Key is: secret

  • The default value for the User Session Creation Key is: QAZXSW88

2.6.10 Configuring LDAP Synchronization (Optional)

Synchronization between eDirectory™ or Active Directory* users and Conferencing users is established when you install Conferencing.

NOTE:If you plan on running Active Directory LDAP Synchronization, you need to edit the ldap.xml.in file in the cluster-prototype directory (see Section E.0, LDAP User Authentication) before running the installer.

  1. Perform Step 1 through Step 32 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:. In Step 33, use the following procedure to configure your list of e-mail addresses.

  2. Type y, then press Enter.

    Next, you are prompted:

    Should the system enable LDAP synchronization? (y/n)
  3. Type y, then press Enter.

    Next, you are prompted with options:

    LDAP servers
      1: URL=ldap://ldapserver 
    	import filter=(objectClass=User) 
    	auth filter=(uid=%s) 
    	(%s represents your users)
    	(The community automatically created during installation).
       A - Add
       E - Edit
       D - Delete
       Q - Quit

    The line of settings indicates the information that the Conferencing installation program gathers for each LDAP server.

  4. Type e for Edit to define your first LDAP server, then press Enter.

  5. Type 1 for the server number, then press Enter.

    Next, you are prompted:

    Input the URL of the LDAP server:
  6. Specify the URL in the following format, then press Enter.


    Next, you are prompted:

    Input the dn with which to bind to the LDAP server:
  7. Specify the Admin-equivalent username with full context, then press Enter.

    Next, you are prompted:

    Input the password for the bind dn:
  8. Type the password for the Admin-equivalent user, then press Enter.

    Next, you are prompted:

    Input the base dn under which to search for users:
  9. Specify the eDirectory/ActiveDirectory container that defines the search scope, then press Enter.

    Next, you are prompted:

    Input the filter used to select users for import:
  10. Press Enter to accept the default value.

    Next, you are prompted:

    Input the filter used to select users for import:
  11. Press Enter to accept the default value.

    Next, you are prompted:

    Input the community into which to place users imported from LDAP:
  12. Press Enter to accept the default value.

    You return to the original options prompt, which displays the information you have provided for the first LDAP server.

  13. To add more LDAP servers to the list, type a for Add, press Enter, then repeat Step 5 through Step 12, adjusting the information as needed for each LDAP server.

  14. If you make a mistake and need to remove an LDAP server from the list, type d for Delete, press Enter, type the number of the server to delete, then press Enter, type y to confirm, then press Enter again.

  15. When you are finished listing LDAP servers, type q for Quit, then press Enter.

  16. Continue with Step 34 in Section 2.5.1, Running the Installer on SLES:.

    See Address Book Configuration (Synchronization) for testing the LDAP synchronization.

2.6.11 Template Configuration (Optional)

You can modify the e-mail templates that Conferencing uses to communicate with users (see Section 4.0, Modifying Template Files).

  1. Configure system e-mail headers.

    • Configure the New User e-mail From display name.

    • Configure the New User e-mail Subject.

    • Configure the Meeting Invitation e-mail Subject.

    • Configure the New Meeting Archive e-mail From display name.

    • Configure the New Meeting Archive e-mail From e-mail address.

  2. Configure the New User e-mail template.

  3. Configure the Meeting Invitation template.

  4. Configure the Meeting Summary e-mail template.

  5. Configure the New Meeting Archive e-mail template.