Interface ID

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable, Serializable

public interface ID
extends Serializable, Comparable

A unique identifier for an engine or a facility or Grid object.

The default identifiers for the broker, facilities, and an unknown ID are defined here.

Method Summary
 String getName()
          The name of the GridObject being identified.
 String getType()
          The type of the GridObject being identified.
 boolean sameAs(ID id)
          Is this ID is the same (excluding session) as the supplied ID.
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Method Detail


String getType()
The type of the GridObject being identified.


String getName()
The name of the GridObject being identified. Names are unique within types. Key use: The name is typically used as the key inside of map containing a set of *all* (real) objects.


boolean sameAs(ID id)
Is this ID is the same (excluding session) as the supplied ID.

true is this ID is the same (excluding session) as the supplied ID. Note that equals() will include the session info.

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