Class ClientOutOfDateException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by com.novell.zos.grid.GridException
              extended by com.novell.zos.grid.ClientOutOfDateException
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ClientOutOfDateException
extends GridException

Grid exception indicating the client is not compatible with the server.

This exception is thrown if a connection cannot be established with the ZOS server because the current client software is either too old or too new to be compatible with the server.

ZOS 2007/10/28
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
ClientOutOfDateException(String updateURL, String updateSum, long updateSize, int clientMajor, int clientMinor, int clientPoint, long clientBuild, int serverMajor, int serverMinor, int serverPoint, long serverBuild)
          Initialize this exception using the default message string.
ClientOutOfDateException(String message, String updateURL, String updateSum, long updateSize, int clientMajor, int clientMinor, int clientPoint, long clientBuild, int serverMajor, int serverMinor, int serverPoint, long serverBuild)
          Initialize this exception using a specified message string.
Method Summary
 long getClientBuildNumber()
          Return the client's software build number.
 int getClientMajorVersion()
          Return the client's major version number.
 int getClientMinorVersion()
          Return the client's minor version number.
 int getClientPointVersion()
          Return the client's point version number.
 long getServerBuildNumber()
          Return the server's software build number.
 int getServerMajorVersion()
          Return the server's major version number.
 int getServerMinorVersion()
          Return the server's minor version number.
 int getServerPointVersion()
          Return the server's point version number.
 long getUpdateSize()
          Get the update bundle file size.
 String getUpdateSum()
          Get the update bundle checksum.
 String getUpdateURL()
          Return the URL to use to download updated client software.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ClientOutOfDateException(String updateURL,
                                String updateSum,
                                long updateSize,
                                int clientMajor,
                                int clientMinor,
                                int clientPoint,
                                long clientBuild,
                                int serverMajor,
                                int serverMinor,
                                int serverPoint,
                                long serverBuild)
Initialize this exception using the default message string.

Sets all the client and server version and build numbers and initializes the exception object with a default reason string.

clientMajor - Client major version number.
clientMinor - Client minor version number.
clientPoint - Client point version number.
clientBuild - Client software build number.
serverMajor - Server major version number.
serverMinor - Server minor version number.
serverPoint - Server point version number.
serverBuild - Server software build number.


public ClientOutOfDateException(String message,
                                String updateURL,
                                String updateSum,
                                long updateSize,
                                int clientMajor,
                                int clientMinor,
                                int clientPoint,
                                long clientBuild,
                                int serverMajor,
                                int serverMinor,
                                int serverPoint,
                                long serverBuild)
Initialize this exception using a specified message string.

Sets all the client and server version and build numbers and initializes the exception object with the specified reason string.

message - Reason string to associate with this exception.
clientMajor - Client major version number.
clientMinor - Client minor version number.
clientPoint - Client point version number.
clientBuild - Client software build number.
serverMajor - Server major version number.
serverMinor - Server minor version number.
serverPoint - Server point version number.
serverBuild - Server software build number.
Method Detail


public String getUpdateURL()
Return the URL to use to download updated client software.

Returns an optional URL that may be followed to download new client softare that is compatible with the target server. This method returns null if no updated software is directly available on the server.

The URL pointing to updated software.


public String getUpdateSum()
Get the update bundle checksum.

If getUpdateURL does not return null, then this method returns the hexadecimal text string MD5 checksum of the update bundle pointed to by the URL.

The MD5 checksum of the downloadable update bundle.


public long getUpdateSize()
Get the update bundle file size.

If getUpdateURL does not return null, then this method returns the file size in bytes of the update bundle pointed to by the URL.

The file size in bytes of the downloadable update bundle.


public int getClientMajorVersion()
Return the client's major version number.

Returns the major version number for the client software that generated this exception.

The client's major version number.


public int getClientMinorVersion()
Return the client's minor version number.

Returns the minor version number for the client software that generated this exception.

The client's minor version number.


public int getClientPointVersion()
Return the client's point version number.

Returns the point version number for the client software that generated this exception.

The client's point version number.


public long getClientBuildNumber()
Return the client's software build number.

Returns the software build number for the client software that generated this exception.

The client's software build number.


public int getServerMajorVersion()
Return the server's major version number.

Returns the major version number for server this client failed to connect to.

The server's major version number.


public int getServerMinorVersion()
Return the server's minor version number.

Returns the minor version number for server this client failed to connect to.

The server's minor version number.


public int getServerPointVersion()
Return the server's point version number.

Returns the point version number for server this client failed to connect to.

The server's point version number.


public long getServerBuildNumber()
Return the server's software build number.

Returns the software build number for server this client failed to connect to.

The server's software build number.

Copyright (c) 2009 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.