After you have completed the setup and administrations instructions in this guide that pertain to the Path you are following, the Filr and OES 11 VMs are ready for the exercises in the following sections:
Table 4-1 lists the different storage locations assigned to users for their personal storage needs and accessed through Filr’s My Files functionality.
The files and folders that users see when they access My Files are illustrated in Figure 4-2 and demonstrated in the steps that follow.
Figure 4-2 What Filr Users See in My Files Depends on What Is Set Up for Them
In the following steps, take the role and do the steps of the users that are indicated.
User this image.
is a fan of the Hubble telescope and especially likesClick the 1280X1024 link and save the displayed image to the desktop.
Copy the image to
’s home folder on the OES server.For example, on Windows 7:
Open Windows Explorer and enter the following URL in the Address Bar:
Log in as black with : filrrocks.
:Notice that although users
, , and each have home directories, only sees the directory.Open the
folder.Copy the downloaded image to the folder.
Access the Filr Web site, sign out as user admin, then sign in as black with : filrrocks.
:Notice that My Files includes a sub-folder named Home. This is
’s home directory on the OES server.Refer to Table 4-1 and notice that user has a home directory and is also assigned personal storage. In other words, user is an example of the section labeled Both
in Figure 4-2.
Open the Home folder. The Hubble image file is there as you would expect it to be.
Sign out as user admin with : novellfilr.
, then sign in as :Access the
(upper-right corner), then under click .Select
, then click and select >Select
again, then click and select .Sign out as user admin, then sign in as user
.Notice that the Home folder has disappeared from user
’s My Files folder and the Hubble image file is now directly listed as a child.Because you purged and removed the Personal Storage that was assigned to user Figure 4-2 that is labeled Only Home Folder.
(Purging ’s personal storage had no effect on the OES server’s file structure.)
Click the down-arrow next to the image, then select
.In the a, then select .
field, typeClick
> .Feel free to explore further if you want to get more experience with Filr’s About the Folders and Files That Are on the OES Server and Are Accessible through Filr.
functionality and the role that traditional home folders play in that context. Then continue withUnless you are following Path 3, and you personally prepared the OES and Filr VMs, you haven’t yet been introduced to the folders and files as they are stored on the OES 11 server. Figure 4-3 shows a visual summary.
Figure 4-3 Files and Folders on the Hands-on OES 11 Server
If you are following Path 1, then in Section 3.7, Setting Up Net Folders, you created Net Folder servers for the volumes shown and Net Folders for the folders marked with a single asterisk (*) in the graphic. If you are following Path 2, these were created for you in the VMs that you downloaded.
The remaining end user exercises deal primarily with these files and folders.
The exercises in this section demonstrate how Novell Filr users can share files with users who are internal to your organization.
User mpink_2013.odt). Rather than sending the file in email or assigning the required file system trustee rights on the OES server, simply shares the review file with and includes Editor privileges. First, however, optionally ensures that email notifications will be sent when the file changes.
needs to complete the annual review for user , but doesn’t have file system access to the review file (Sign in to the Web application as user
. (This requires that you sign out as user first.)Click
and notice that the image that shared is listed.IMPORTANT:If you are not experimenting with email notifications, skip to Step 4 and skip all subsequent steps that are marked (Email only).
(Email only) Click
in the upper-right corner, then select .When the profile displays, notice that the email address you configured in eDirectory for user
is listed.Click
> > .Click the check box for mpink_2013.odt, then click the file drop-down arrow to the right of the file and select .
In the p, then select .
field, typeSelect
, then click > .(Email only) Click the check box for mpink_2013.odt and the file drop-down arrow again, then click
.(Email only) Expand the
option, then select the email address you entered for user in Directory and click .Click the comment icon .
Add a comment, such as
Hi pink.
Would you please edit this with your objectives and achievements and let me know when you have finished?
and close the Comments dialog.On the desktop in the notifications area, right-click the Filr icon.
, then select .In the notifications area, right-click the Filr icon, then select
.The file opens in LibreOffice Writer.
Make a few changes, then save and close the file.
You can be as verbose or brief as you want.
In the Shared with Me folder on the workstation, right-click the file you just edited and select
.Sign in to the Web application as user
, then click .Click the drop-down arrow for mpink_2013.odt, then click View HTML.
Your changes are reflected in the view.
Close the HTML view tab.
Click the review file’s comment icon, type a comment indicating that the review is ready, then click
and close the comment panel.Log in to the email account that you assigned to user
.Open the message from filr-admin.
Click the
link.Sign in to the Web application as user
.The revised Performance Review is displayed as HTML.
Click the Comments down arrow to view
’s comment.In the new comment box, type a comment indicating that the review is approved, then click
.Close the view.
Continue with (Email Only) External Sharing.
The exercises in this section demonstrate how Filr users can share files with users who are external to your organization.
IMPORTANT:Completing the instructions in Section 3.10, (Optional) Setting Up Email Communication with the Filr VM is required for the exercises in this section.
External users are those who receive share invitations through email and subsequently provision themselves as system users. They can then log in to the system using the credentials they establish with Filr, or they can elect to be authenticated through a Google or Yahoo Open ID account.
For more information about the different kinds of users who can access Filr, see Users and Groups with Filr
in the Novell Filr 1 “How Filr Works”–Overview Guide.
User Section 2.0, System Requirements and further explained in Section 3.10, (Optional) Setting Up Email Communication with the Filr VM.
managed the ABC product release and is responsible for gathering input for the upcoming XYZ product. User also wants to invite input from a key partner named M Opaque. Inviting M Opaque to participate requires using the second email address mentioned inIf you aren’t already signed in to the Web application as user
, do so now.Click
> > .Click the check box for abc_reqr.odt, then click the file drop-down arrow to the right of the file and select .
In the
field, type your second email address, then click the plus sign (+) to add the external user.At this point user
could share the document with other internal users, but for brevity’s sake, we aren’t including steps for that.Click
> .Click the check box for abc_reqr.odt and the file drop-down arrow again, then click .
Expand the
option, then select the email address you entered for user in Directory and click .Click the comment icon to the right of the down-arrow.
Add a comment, such as
It’s time to gather input for the next release.
Please log comments to let us know which features we need to include this time.
Then click
and close the Comments dialog.Log in to the email account that you used to invite user
to participate in the review.Open the message from the email address you assigned to user
.Click the
link.The email address is the automatic User ID assigned to M Opaque and cannot be changed.
We suggest you type M, Opaque, filrrocks, and filrrocks, but you are free to customize these fields as you wish.
Of course, the two password field values must match.
.Open the confirmation email, then click
.Type the password you chose for user opaque, then click
and read the comment from user .Click
, then click .Emails will now be sent to user
as others comment on the document, and so on.Read the HTML view of ABC Project displayed in the window, then log the following comment:
Competing products have had morning coffee functionality for over 18 months now.
If the next release doesn’t include this, we will be forced to switch.
.User xyz_reqr.odt), but isn’t certain that it is.
receives notification of user opaque’s comment (you can check ’s email if you wish) and remembers that the requested feature has been discussed. It should already be in the next requirements document (Log in to the Web application as user
> > .Click the file drop-down arrow for xyz_reqr.odt and select .
The file has not been updated.
Click the file drop-down arrow again, then select .
, then continue past the security warning and other messages until you are prompted to log in.Log in as user
.Insert the following text before the period:
, and it will make the morning coffee
Save the file and close LibreOffice.
Navigate to xyz_reqr.odt again and view its details to confirm that the change has been made.
Log and send a comment indicating that the file has been updated.
Share the file with user
wants to get the word out about the abc version of the organization’s product and elicits user ’s help with the effort.Log in to the Web application as yellow with : filrrocks.
> .Click the file drop-down arrow for abc_flyer.pdf, then select .
In the o, then select .
field, typeClick
> > .Log in as orange with : filrrocks.
.Select the abc_flyer.pdf file, then click .
.In the
column, click to view and copy the URLs that can be shared in social media, and so on.Enter one of the URLs in a separate browser window or tab to see what Internet users who access the URL will see.
hears about a training quick start but can’t find it.Log in to the Web application as blue with : filrrocks.
:In Net Folders, navigate to
> > , then share the file with as a with rights to reshare the file with internal users.Log in as user
, then share the file, with rights to reshare, with users , , , , and .At this point, user
comments on the quick start to user in the hallway.Log in as user quick and press Enter.
, then in the search field typeBecause the file is not found, user
asks to share the file.Log in as user
and share the file with .Log in as user
and search for the file again.The file is listed in the search results window.
There are a few additional files in the other Net Folders that you can experiment with as indicated below. You can also experiment with your own files.
Activity Type |
Net Folder |
File Location |
Task Descriptions |
Planning |
comp planning |
2014.ods |
Planning |
projections |
fy_2014.ods |
Reporting |
quotas |
fy_2013.ods |