If you are planning to install the first server in a new eDirectory tree, skip to eDirectory. Otherwise start with the information in Planning to Install into an Existing Tree.
The following sections are included in Installation Planning:
The information in this section applies whenever you are planning to install an NNLS server into an existing eDirectory tree.
This could be the first NNLS server in a tree created when you installed eDirectory on another platform, such as NetWare® or Windows* 2000. Or it could be the second, third, etc., NNLS server installed in a tree created by an NNLS installation.
To facilitate the installation of the first server in a new tree, the installation script uses the eDirectory information you have specified as the default for each eDirectory parameter that follows.
This also applies when you are installing NNLS into an existing eDirectory tree.
Enter the Existing Server IP Address:
This connection is required for eDirectory installation operations such as schema extensions and object creation.
Table 4.
IMPORTANT: When the address is used for installation purposes, it must point to an eDirectory server that has a master or read/write replica of eDirectory installed to allow for schema extensions and other installation-related operations.
On the other hand, although servers responsible for fielding authentication requests must also have eDirectory installed, they need not contain a master or read/write replica.
As you install the second, third, etc., server in your tree, you will want to start replacing the default eDirectory addresses or names proposed by the installation script with the addresses or names of eDirectory servers that meet the installation or authentication requirements for the component you are installing.
After you have installed a service, if you need to change the eDirectory authentication configuration, see "Modifying Service Authentication Settings Created by the NNLS Installation" in the Novell Nterprise Linux Services Overview, Planning, and Implementation Guide.
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the new tree name: or Enter the existing tree name: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The tree name this installation of eDirectory uses. If Tree Type (CONFIG_EDIR_TREE_TYPE) is set to New Tree, this must be the network-unique name of a new tree. If the value is set to Existing Tree, this must be the name of an existing, accessible tree on the network. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid eDirectory tree name. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the existing server IP address or DNS hostname: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The primary IP address of the eDirectory server that contains the existing tree referenced in Tree Name (CONFIG_EDIR_TREE_NAME). This directive is used only when Tree Type (CONFIG_EDIR_TREE_TYPE) is set to Existing Tree. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The primary IP address of the eDirectory server containing the designated existing tree. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the admin password: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password for the admin specified in eDirectory Admin Name and Context (CONFIG_EDIR_ADMIN_CONTEXT). If you are using this file as a planning worksheet and you choose to write the password on this sheet, remember that the password is secure only if the sheet is stored in a secure location. If you are using these instructions to create a response file, you must specify the password in the response file. The install script assigns the password you supply, but it doesn't write the password to the configuration file that you can save at the end of the installation process. For more information on response files, see Performing a Noninteractive Express or Custom Installation. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The admin user's password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the admin name with context [admin name with context]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The fully distinguished name of a User object with administrative rights on the eDirectory server specified in LDAP Server IP Address (CONFIG_LUM_EDIR_IP_ADDR).The name and context must be specified using typeful syntax (cn=name.ou=organizational_unit.o=organization). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The name and fully distinguished context of an administrative User object as explained in the Description. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the admin password [******]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password for the User object specified in Admin Name with Context (CONFIG_LUM_ADMIN_FDN). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The admin user's password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the LDAP port number [389]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The LDAP port through which LUM users authenticate to the eDirectory server specified in LDAP Server IP Address (CONFIG_LUM_EDIR_IP_ADDR) for access to this NNLS server. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid LDAP port number (default = 389). |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the secure LDAP port number [636]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The secure LDAP port through which LUM users authenticate to the eDirectory server specified in LDAP Server IP Address (CONFIG_LUM_EDIR_IP_ADDR) for access to this NNLS server. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid secure LDAP port number (default = 636). |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the partition root [partition root]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The base context used in LDAP searches for User, Group, and Workstation objects on the LDAP server specified in LDAP Server IP Address (CONFIG_LUM_EDIR_IP_ADDR). This context must be at the same level or higher than the LUM User, LUM Group, and LUM Workstation objects in the tree. The context must be specified using typeful syntax (ou=organizational_unit.o=organzation). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid context on the designated eDirectory server. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the workstation context [default context]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The location in the eDirectory tree where the install creates the LUM Workstation object. This context can be different for each server installed into the tree, but it must be in or below the context specified in LDAP Search Base Context (CONFIG_LUM_PARTITION_ROOT).The context must be specified using typeful syntax (ou=organizational_unit.o=organzation). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid context on the designated eDirectory server. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the Admin name with context [admin name with context]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The fully distinguished name of the User object with administrative rights on the eDirectory server specified in eDirectory Server (CONFIG_DIRXML_HOST).The name and context must be specified using typeful syntax (cn=name.ou=organizational_unit.o=organization). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The name and fully distinguished context of the admin as explained in the Description. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the Admin password [******]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
This is the password for the user specified in Admin Name and Context (CONFIG_DIRXML_ADMIN_CONTEXT). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The admin user's password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the Secure LDAP port number [636]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The secure LDAP port number on which this NNLS server communicates with the eDirectory server specified in eDirectory Server (CONFIG_DIRXML_HOST). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid secure LDAP port number (default = 636). |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the LDAP port number [389]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The LDAP port number on which this NNLS server communicates with the eDirectory server specified in LDAP Server IP Address or Hostname (CONFIG_EGUIDE_EDIR_HOST). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid LDAP port number (default = 389). |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the Secure LDAP port number [636]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The secure LDAP port number on which this NNLS server communicates with the eDirectory server specified in LDAP Server IP Address or Hostname (CONFIG_EGUIDE_EDIR_HOST). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid secure LDAP port number (default = 636). |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the LDAP Admin name with context [LDAP admin name with context]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The fully distinguished name of a User object with administrative rights on the eDirectory server specified in LDAP Server IP Address or Hostname (CONFIG_EGUIDE_EDIR_HOST). This administrative user manages eGuide in eDirectory and is also used as a proxy user to search the LDAP tree for eGuide users. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The fully distinguished username as explained in the description. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the LDAP admin password [******]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password for the user specified in specified in LDAP Admin Name and Context (CONFIG_EGUIDE_ADMIN_CONTEXT). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The admin user's password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the Admin name with context [admin name with context]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The fully distinguished name of a user with administrative rights on the eDirectory server specified in eDirectory Server IP Address or Hostname (CONFIG_SAMBA_EDIR_SERVER_HOST). This administrative user must have rights to extend the eDirectory schema. The name and context must be specified using typeful syntax (cn=name.ou=organizational_unit.o=organization). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The name and fully distinguished context of the user as explained in the Description. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the admin password [******]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password for the user specified in Admin Name and Context (CONFIG_SAMBA_ADMIN_CONTEXT). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The admin user's password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the Samba Proxy username with context [LDAP proxy username with context]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
A user on the LDAP server specified in LDAP Server IP Address or Hostname (CONFIG_SAMBA_LDAP_HOST) with rights to search the LDAP tree for Samba users. The name and context must be specified using typeful syntax (cn=name.ou=organizational_unit.o=organization) |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The name and fully distinguished context of the proxy user as explained in the Description. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the Samba Proxy user password [******]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password for the Samba proxy user specified in LDAP Proxy User Name (CONFIG_SAMBA_PROXY_USER_CONTEXT). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The proxy user password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the LDAP port number [389]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The LDAP port through which Windows users authenticate to the LDAP server specified in LDAP Server IP Address or Hostname for access to the directories and files on this NNLS server. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid LDAP port number (default = 389). |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the secure LDAP port number [636]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The secure LDAP port through which CIFS client users authenticate to the LDAP server specified in LDAP Server IP Address or Hostname for access to the directories and files on this NNLS server. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid secure LDAP port number (default = 636). |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Optional CA certificate file [/mnt/floppy]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The name and path to a copy of the trusted root certificate file for the LDAP server specified in LDAP Server IP Address or Hostname (CONFIG_SAMBA_LDAP_HOST). If you are using eDirectory's LDAP server, specify a Trusted Root Certificate file that you extracted from any of the eDirectory tree's SSL Certificate objects. The certificate must be in base64 format and the file must be available on the file system at install time. In addition, the filename must not contain spaces. For example, if the default name of an exported file is TrustedRootCert - SSL CertificateDNS - linux.b64, you should rename the file to TrustedRootCert-SSLCertificateDNS-linux.b64. NOTE: If you are installing Samba into a new eDirectory tree that you are creating on this NNLS server, and you plan to use its LDAP server for user authentication, this directive is optional. Under all other conditions, you should provide the certificate file at install time so that the system is correctly configured for secure LDAP authentication. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The name and path of the LDAP server's trusted root certificate file. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Remove existing Samba packages [yes]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
Indicates whether Samba components installed prior to the NNLS install are removed. NOTE: If you run the install script multiple times, this does not remove the NNLS distribution of Samba installed by a previous install. You must specifically uninstall any previous NNLS products to remove them. For more information, see Uninstalling NNLS Components. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
yes, no |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the LDAP admin name with context [LDAP admin name with context]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The fully distinguished name of the User object with sufficient rights to extend the schema and install iFolder objects on the eDirectory server specified in eDirectory Server IP Address or DNS Hostname (CONFIG_IFOLDER_EDIR_IP_ADDR). The name and context must be specified using typeful syntax (cn=name.ou=organizational_unit.o=organization). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The name and fully distinguished context of a user as explained in the Description. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the LDAP admin password [******]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password for the user specified in eDirectory Admin Name and Context (CONFIG_IFOLDER_ADMIN_CONTEXT). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The admin user's password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the iFolder admin usernames [admin]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The User objects that have rights to manage iFolder after it is installed. At least one of these users must have rights to extend the schema for certain tasks, such as creating new iFolder users. These users must exist in the same context as the User object specified in eDirectory Admin Name and Context (CONFIG_IFOLDER_ADMIN_CONTEXT). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
Usernames as explained in the Description separated by semicolons (;) with no spaces. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the admin password [******]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password for the user specified in Admin and Context (CONFIG_NETMAIL_ADMIN_CONTEXT). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The admin user's password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the admin password [******]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password for the Admin specified in iManager Admin Name and Context (CONFIG_IMANAGER_ADMIN_CONTEXT). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The admin user's password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the LDAP port number [636]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
Indicates the secure LDAP port that users communicate with the eDirectory server through specified in LDAP Server IP Address or Hostname (CONFIG_IMANAGER_LDAP_ADDRESS using LDAP). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid secure LDAP port number (default = 636). |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the admin name with context [admin name with context]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The fully distinguished name of the User object with rights to extend the schema for iPrint installation on the eDirectory server specified in iPrint Server IP Address or Hostname. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A fully distinguished username as explained in the Description. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the admin password [******]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password of the user specified in Admin Name and Context (CONFIG_IPRINT_ADMIN_CONTEXT). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The admin user's password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the admin name with context [admin name with context]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The fully distinguished name of the User object with administrative rights to the eDirectory server specified in eDirectory Server IP Address or Hostname (CONFIG_VO_ADDRESS). This user must have rights to extend the schema for the Virtual Office installation on the designated eDirectory server. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A fully distinguished username as explained in the Description. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the admin password [******]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password for the user specified in Admin Name and Context (CONFIG_VO_ADMIN_CONTEXT). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The admin user's password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the NetStorage proxy username with context [proxy username with context]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The fully distinguished name of a User object with rights to do the following:
Acceptable Parameters: |
A fully distinguished LDAP username. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the NetStorage proxy user password [******]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password of the user specified in NetStorage Proxy User Name and Context (CONFIG_VO_PROXY_CONTEXT). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The proxy user's password. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the users' context [o=novell]: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The context of the NetStorage Authentication Server (CONFIG_VO_EDIR_SERVER_HOST) to search for NetStorage users on. All subcontexts are searched as well. If you want NetStorage to search the entire eDirectory tree, specify the root context. |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid LDAP context. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the proxy URL: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The URL that the NNLS server uses to communicate with its Proxy Server (CONFIG_RCD_PROXY). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid URL. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the proxy username: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The username the NNLS server uses to authenticate with its Proxy Server (CONFIG_RCD_PROXY). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
A valid username. |
Planned Parameter: |
Install Script Prompt: |
Enter the password: |
.conf File Directive: |
Description: |
The password for the Proxy User Name (CONFIG_RCD_PROXY_USER). |
Acceptable Parameters: |
The proxy user password. |
Planned Parameter: |