Before you can configure and deploy a Branch Server, you must first create the necessary objects in the LDAP directory. These objects include:
NOTE:Each LDAP object has two types of attributes: must and may attributes. The must attributes are required for an object; the may attributes are optional. The tables in this section list only those may attributes that are relevant to Novell Linux Point of Service.
In a Novell Linux Point of Service system, Organizational Unit (organizationalUnit) objects are containers that typically represent regions, divisions, or branches within a company. These objects can be nested to visually represent the structure or organization of your company. Branch location objects are created in organizationalUnit containers within the LDAP directory.
Here is the posAdmin command syntax for adding an organizationalUnit object in LDAP (type the command all on one line): --user dn_of_admin_user --password password --base base_context --add --organizationalUnit --ou ou_name [--description ‘string’]
Table 6-1 summarizes the organizationalUnit object attributes.
Table 6-1 Attributes for organizationalUnit objects
For example, the following command adds the boston organizational unit to the LDAP directory and gives it the description “main headquarters”: --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret --base o=mycorp,c=us --add --organizationalUnit --ou boston --description ‘main headquarters'
The LDAP context of the newly created organizationalUnit is ou=boston,o=mycorp,c=us directory.
An scLocation object typically is used to represent a branch office; that is, a site where a Branch Server and Point of Service terminals are located. scLocation containers are used to store information about the Branch Servers and the deployed Point of Service terminals. This and all other information that can be modified at the Branch Server should be stored or referenced in the Location containers to limit the need to grant write privileges to subtrees.
Here is the posAdmin command syntax to add an scLocation object in LDAP (type the command all on one line): --user dn_of_admin_user --password password --base base_context --add --scLocation --cn location_name --ipNetworkNumber ip_address --ipNetmaskNumber subnet_mask --scDhcpRange ip_address,ip_address --scDhcpFixedRange ip_address,ip_address --scDefaultGw ip_address --scDynamicIp TRUE | FALSE --scWorkstationBasename string --scEnumerationMask number [--associatedDomain ldap_context]
Table 6-2 summarizes the command options which correspond to the scLocation object attributes.
Table 6-2 Attributes for scLocation objects
For example, the following command adds the Harbor scLocation to the LDAP directory, sets the IP addresses and DHCP ranges to the indicated values, and specifies a base name of CR and an enumeration mask of 000 (type the command all on one line): --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret --base ou=boston,o=mycorp,c=us --add --scLocation --cn harbor --ipNetworkNumber --ipNetmaskNumber --scDhcpRange, --scDhcpFixedRange, --scDefaultGw --scDynamicIp TRUE --scWorkstationBasename CR --scEnumerationMask 000
Before you can add the scBranchServer object to an scLocation object, you must define an scServerContainer.
Here is the posAdmin command syntax for adding an scServerContainer object in LDAP (type the command all on one line): --user dn_of_admin_user --password password --base base_context --add --scServerContainer --cn object_name
For example, the following command adds an scBranchServer object named server to the LDAP directory: --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret --base cn=east,ou=boston,o=mycorp,c=us --add --scServerContainer --cn server
The next step is to add an scBranchServer object to the new scServerContainer. The scBranchServer object stores configuration information that is specific to each Branch Server. It is located in the LDAP tree via an scLocation object. There must be an scBranchServer object for every Branch Server in the Novell Linux Point of Service system.
IMPORTANT:The location of the scBranchServer object in the LDAP directory must correspond to the hostname defined for the Branch Server during installation. For example, if the hostname is, the dn of the scBranchServer object would be cn=bs,cn=server, cn=east,ou=boston,o=mycorp,c=us. You must create the scBranchServer object and its supporting organizational structure before you can run posInitBranchserver and deploy the Branch Server. For more information on defining the server hostname during installation, see Network Interfaces.
Here is the posAdmin command syntax for adding an scBranchServer object in LDAP (type the command all on one line): --user dn_of_admin_user --password password --base base_context --add --scBranchServer --cn branch_server_name
As a may attribute, you can define the reference hardware with the --scRefServerDn option, specifying a pointer (Distinguished Name) to the global directory.
For example, the following command adds a Branch Server object named bs1 in the server container: --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret --base cn=server,cn=east,ou=boston,o=mycorp,c=us --add --scBranchServer --cn bs1
The scBranchServer object must contain at least one defined scNetworkcard object. You can define other hardware objects as necessary.
Here is the posAdmin command syntax for adding a network interface card to the Branch Server object (type the command all on one line): --user dn_of_admin_user --password password --base base_context --add --scNetworkcard --scDevice device_name --ipHostNumber ip_address
Table 6-3 summarizes the command options which correspond to the scNetworkcard object attributes.
Table 6-3 Attributes for scNetworkcard objects
For example, the following command adds a network interface card with a static IP address from the defined subnet (type the comman d all on one line): --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret --base cn=bs,cn=server,cn=east,ou=boston,o=mycorp,c=us --add --scNetworkcard --scDevice eth0 --ipHostNumber
The scBranchServer also contains objects representing services such as DHCP and DNS. At a minimum, you should define the required DHCP, DNS, and TFTP.
Here is the posAdmin command syntax for defining an scService object in LDAP (type the command all on one line): --user dn_of_admin_user --password password --base base_context --add --scService --cn service_name --ipHostNumber ip_address --scDnsName dns_name --scServiceName string --scServiceStartScript filename --scServiceStatus TRUE; | FALSE;
Table 6-4 provides a description of scService attributes.
Table 6-4 Attributes for scService objects
The following examples demonstrate how to add the DHCP, DNS, and TFTP services (type the commands all on one line). --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret --base cn=bs,cn=server,cn=east,ou=boston,o=mycorp,c=us --add --scService --cn dhcp --ipHostNumber --scDnsName dhcp --scServiceName dhcp --scServiceStartScript dhcpd --scServiceStatus TRUE --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret --base cn=bs,cn=server,cn=east,ou=boston,o=mycorp,c=us --add --scService --cn dns --ipHostNumber --scDnsName dns; --scServiceName dns --scServiceStartScript named --scServiceStatus TRUE --user cn=admin,o=mycorp,c=us --password secret --base cn=bs,cn=server,cn=east,ou=boston,o=mycorp,c=us --add --scService --cn tftp --ipHostNumber --scDnsName tftp --scServiceName tftp --scServiceStartScript atftpd --scServiceStatus TRUE
Before you can boot the Point of Service terminals associated with a Branch Server, you must create additional objects in the branch portion of the LDAP directory. These include an scCashRegister object and its associated configuration objects for each type of Point of Service terminal in your system, and scPosImage objects for the client image files you want the Branch Server to distribute to Point of Service terminals.
For instructions on how to create these objects, see Section 11.2, Creating the LDAP Objects Required for the Point of Service Terminals.