Complete the setup tasks in this section to ensure that your Lotus Notes system works with Identity Manager.
You need to provide a number of system-specific details when you import the driver configuration for Lotus Notes. Some of these details can be collected before you complete the following procedures, and others are defined during the process.
See the list in Table 2-1.
Create a Notes User ID to be used exclusively by the driver and give it manager-level ACL access to the target Notes database (usually names.nsf), the output database ( ndsrep.nsf) created by ndsrep, and certlog.nsf. If you are synchronizing with the names.nsf database, you should select (turn on) all ACL roles (GroupCreator, GroupModifier, NetCreator, NetModifier, PolicyCreator, PolicyModifier, PolicyReader, ServerCreator, ServerModifier, UserCreator, UserModifier).
If a Deny Access group doesn’t already exist, create this group by using the Lotus Domino Administrator tool.
This group is used to hold disabled user accounts. You can learn how to set the Deny Access group parameter at Section C.1, Driver Configuration.
The installation procedure should take care of Universal ID issues. If you are having problems with Universal IDs, see Section 8.2.1, Creating Lotus Notes Accounts and Groups.
The Notes driver user needs access rights to the following:
Its own user certifier ID file for the driver user in Notes
The certifier ID files for the Notes certifiers that you want the driver to create users for
File access to a place where the driver can create new user certifier ID files (optional; depends on whether you want the driver to have this ability)