The Filter editor gives you the options of editing how information is synchronized between the Identity Vault and the connected system.
Figure 5-1 Filter Editor
Here is a list of most common tasks when editing the filter:
Select the class or attribute, then click
.Change the options to synchronize the information.
.Change the option to synchronize the information.
.Allows you to copy the filter from an existing driver into the driver you are currently working on.
.Browse to the driver you want to copy the filter from, then click
.Allows you to set the default values for an attribute you add to the filter.
.Select options you would like new attributes to have, then click
.You can change the values of the attributes after they have been created.
The Filter editor gives you the option of changing how information is synchronized between the Identity Vault and the connected system. The filter has different settings for classes and attributes.
In the Filter editor, select a class.
Change the filter settings for the selected class.
Select an attribute.
Change the filter settings for the selected attribute.
to save the changes.