2.2 Accessing the Provisioning View

You can access the Provisioning view in the following ways:

When it is open, the Provisioning view displays all of the provisioning projects located in the same workspace.

Figure 2-1 Sample Provisioning View

The Provisioning view displays icons to indicate the object’s status. The icons are described in the Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Provisioning View Status Icons



Indicates that the local object has changed.

Indicates that the local object contains a validation warning.

Indicates that the local object contains a validation error.

Driver Information: The User Application driver icon includes a tooltip that provides the project's Identity Vault name, the DriverSet, the driver name, and the version. Figure 2-2 shows an example of the tooltip for a Version 3.5 User Application driver.

Figure 2-2 User Application Driver Tooltip

HINT:If you do not see the User Applications that you expect, it might be because the project is corrupt. If your project is corrupt, you must re-create it.