The Version Discovery Tool enables you to do the following:
In iManager click
, then click to find your driver set.Click
, in the Identity Manager Overview screen.You can also select
, then browse to and select the driver set, then click .View a top-level or unexpanded display of versioning information.
The unexpanded hierarchical view displays the following:
The eDirectory tree that you are authenticated to
The driver set that you selected
Servers that are associated with the driver set
If the driver set is associated with two or more servers, you can view Identity Manager information on each server.
View version information related to servers by expanding the server icon.
The expanded view of a top-level server icon displays the following:
Last log time
Version of Identity Manager that is running on the server
View version information related to drivers by expanding the driver icon.
The expanded view of a top-level driver icon displays the following:
The driver name
The driver module (for example, com.novell.nds.dirxml.driver.nds.DriverShimImpl)
The expanded view of a server under a driver icon displays the following:
The driver ID
The version of the instance of the driver running on that server
Identity Manager publishes versioning information to a file. You can view this information in text format. The textual representation is the same information contained in the hierarchical view.
In iManager click
, then click to find your driver set.Click
in the Identity Manager Overview screen.You can also select
, then browse to and select the driver set, then click .In the Versioning Discovery Tool dialog box, click
.The information is displayed as a text file in the Report Viewer window.
You can save version information to a text file on your local or network drive.
In iManager click
, then click to find your driver set.Click
in the Identity Manager Overview screen.You can also select
, then browse to and select the driver set, then click .In the Versioning Discovery Tool dialog box, click
.In the File Download dialog box, click
.Navigate to the desired directory, type a filename, then click
.Identity Manager saves the data to a text file.