29.7 Scheduling Recurring Items

You can send appointments, tasks, and reminder notes as recurring items. Recurring items can be scheduled daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or according to custom settings that you define.

When you send a recurring item, GroupWise copies the item and places one of the defined dates in each copy of the item. For example, if you define five dates for the event, GroupWise makes five copies of the item and schedules one copy for each date. If you send the item to other users, you have five outgoing items with five occurrences. If you receive the event, you find five copies of the incoming item in your Mailbox, each scheduled for a different date.

29.7.1 Scheduling a Daily Recurring Item

To schedule a daily recurring item:

  1. In an appointment, task, or reminder note you are scheduling, click Recurrence, and then click Daily.

  2. Select the pattern of recurrence, start date, end date (or number of occurrences), and then click Done.

29.7.2 Scheduling a Weekly Recurring Item

To schedule a weekly recurring item:

  1. In an appointment, task, or reminder note you are scheduling, click Recurrence, and then click Weekly.

  2. Select the pattern of recurrence, start date, end date (or number of occurrences), and then click Done.

29.7.3 Scheduling a Monthly Recurring Item

To schedule a monthly recurring item:

  1. In an appointment, task, or reminder note you are scheduling, click Recurrence, and then click Monthly.

  2. Select the pattern of recurrence, start date, end date (or number of occurrences), and then click Done.

29.7.4 Scheduling a Yearly Recurring Item

To schedule a yearly recurring item:

  1. In an appointment, task, or reminder note you are scheduling, click Recurrence, and then click Yearly.

  2. Select the pattern of recurrence, start date, end date (or number of occurrences), and then click Done.

29.7.5 Scheduling a Custom Recurring Item by Dates

This type of custom recurrence allows you to select specific days from a year calendar.

  1. In an appointment, task, or reminder note you are scheduling, click Recurrence, and then click Custom.

  2. On the Date tab, click the days you want to schedule.

  3. To move to a different year, click the year button, type the new year, and then click OK.

  4. If you want to clear all the dates you have selected, click Reset.

  5. Click OK.