This section lists Linux commands that can help you manage your GroupWise system on Linux. It also helps you create a Linux core file if you need Support assistance with the Linux GroupWise agents.
The following basic commands are available on Linux:
Command |
Description |
man command |
Displays information about any Linux command, including the commands used to start GroupWise programs. |
whoami |
Displays who you are logged in as. |
uname -a |
Displays the kernel version, along with other useful information |
The following file and directory commands are available on Linux:
Command |
Description |
pwd |
Displays your current directory (“print working directory”). |
ls -l |
Lists the files in the current directory, along with useful information about them. |
ls -al |
Includes hidden system files (those whose names start with a dot) in the list. |
more file_name |
Pages through the contents of a file (forward only). |
less file_name |
Pages through the contents of a file and lets you page back up through the file. |
tail file_name |
Displays the last 10 lines of a file. This is helpful for log files. (The head commands displays the first 10 lines.) |
cp source destination |
Copies a file or directory. |
mv source destination |
Moves or renames a file or directory. |
find starting_directory -name file_name |
Find the specified file, starting in the specified directory. Specifying / starts the find operation in the root directory. |
grep string file |
Searches the specified file for the specific string of characters. This is useful for locating specific information in GroupWise agent startup files. |
mkdir directory_name |
Creates a new directory. |
rmdir directory_name |
Deletes an empty directory. |
rm file_name |
Deletes a file. |
rm -r directory_name |
Deletes a directory and recursively deletes its contents. |
cat file_name |
Displays a file. |
cat file_name /printer_device |
Prints a file. |
The following process commands are available on Linux:
Command |
Description |
top |
Lists all processes, sorted by CPU percentage with the highest at the top of the list. |
ps -eaf | grep program |
Lists all processes and their IDs associated with the specified program. Wildcard characters can be used to list a group of related programs (for example, gw*). |
ps -aux | grep user_name |
Lists all processes and their IDs associated with the specified user. |
kill process_ID |
Stops the specified process like a normal exit. |
kill -9 process_ID |
Stops the specified process after it has failed to exit normally. Temporary files are not cleaned up. |
killall program |
Kills all processes associated with the specified program. |
xkill |
Closes the window that you click on with the resulting box-shaped cursor. |
The following disk usage commands are available on Linux:
Command |
Description |
df |
Lists file system disk space usage in terms that make sense to your computer. |
df -h |
Lists file system disk space usage in terms that make sense to humans. |
du |
Lists disk space usage of each subdirectory below your current working directory |
du -s |
Lists the cumulative disk space usage of your current working directory. |
du -s file_or_directory |
Lists the disk space usage for a file or the cumulative disk space usage for a directory and its contents. |
The following package commands are available on Linux:
Command |
Description |
rpm -qa | grep novell |
Lists all Novell packages installed on your server |
rpm -qi package_name |
Lists useful information about an installed package, such as name, version, release date, install date, size description, build date, and so on. |
rpm -ql package_name |
Lists where each file in the package has been installed |
rpm -e package_name |
Uninstalls a package |
The following file system commands are available on Linux:
Command |
Description |
mount |
Lists the file systems that are currently mounted on your server. |
ncpmount -S fully_qualified_hostname -V volume_name -A ip_address -U fully_qualified_admin_user /linux_mount_directory |
Mounts a Linux filesystem to a Linux server. |
mount -t smbfs //fully_qualified_hostname/windows_share_name /linux_mount_directory -o username=windows_administrator |
Mounts a Windows server or Samba share as a file system on your Linux server. |
The following network commands are available on Linux:
Command |
Description |
ifconfig -a |
Lists the IP address and other detailed information about the NIC in your Linux server. |
hostname |
Displays the hostname of your server. |
dig |
Displays host information about your server |
netstat -lnp | grep program netstat -lnp | egrep ‘program|program|...' |
Lists the port numbers in use by one or more programs. It is also a handy command for checking to see whether the specified programs are currently running. |
ping ip_address_or_hostname |
Checks to see if the specified server is responding on the network. |
A core file is an image of a process such as a GroupWise agent that is created by the Linux operating system when the agent terminates unexpectedly. A proper core file can help Novell Support determine why a GroupWise agent is having problems in your GroupWise system. See TID 3447847, How to Obtain a GroupWise Agent Core File on Linux,
in the Novell Support Knowledgebase.