6.2 Migrating Your GroupWise Messenger System

You should have already reviewed Planning Your GroupWise Messenger System and filled out the worksheet. The following sections guide you through the installation process:

IMPORTANT:Migrating your Messenger System does not move your archive data. You must follow the steps found in Migrating the Archive from 3.x to 18.1 or Later after you have run the migration to move the archive to your new server.

6.2.1 Migration Prerequisites

Before starting the Messenger Installation program, ensure that your system has been prepared for the Messenger system configuration for which you have planned. In addition to this list, ensure that the server requirements have been met.

6.2.2 Migrating Messenger

Follow these instructions to download, install, and configure the Messenger system.

Starting the Messenger Installation Program

NOTE:If you are migrating from an old Messenger server to a new Messenger server and have archive data, you must move it manually if you want to keep the archive data in your new Messenger system. Follow the steps in Migrating the Archive before running Messenger.

  1. Download the GroupWise Messenger 18 tar file and extract the files.

  2. In a terminal, become root by entering su and the root password.

  3. Browse to the server directory in the previously extracted directory.

  4. Run the following command:

  5. Follow the prompts to install the Messenger files.

  6. Continue with Configuring Your Messenger System.

Configuring Your Messenger System

To configure Messenger:

  1. After the packages are installed, enter y to configure the Messenger system.

  2. Select Migrate a 3.x or earlier system.

  3. Use the GroupWise Messenger Worksheet and follow the prompts to configure Messenger.

6.2.3 Migrating the Archive from 3.x to 18.1 or Later

If you want to keep your archive data, you need to copy the archive files to your new 18.1 or later server and then run a utility to copy the data into the Messenger database or Retain:

  1. Stop the Archive Agent on the 3.x Messenger server.

  2. Copy the files from the store directory from your 3.x server to /var/opt/novell/messenger/aa/store on your 18.x server.

  3. In a terminal, browse to /opt/novell/messenger/bin. Run the following command to import the Archive:

    ./arcmigrate -a -u root -p <database user password> -s <Messenger Service Name> -f /var/opt/novell/messenger/aa/store

    The Messenger Service Name default is MessengerService, and was set during the installation. You can view the Messenger Service Name in the GroupWise Admin Console > Messenger. If you are using self-signed certificates, you must use the -l option. If you didn’t use the default database port of 8320, use the -z option and specify the database port.

  4. Begin using the Archive Agent on your 18.x server.