This section lists the following GroupWise specific extension commands:
The XGWCONF command is available from the Trusted Application Authenticated, Authenticated, Selected, or Examined states.
The XGWCONF command returns information about the GroupWise IMAP agent with the following untagged XGWCONF responses:
The GroupWise agent that responded to your request, followed by the agent’s release version
The name of the post office to which your application is connected (if it is connected using a post office agent)
The name of the domain to which your application is connected
XGWCONF is allowed from the EXAMINE state.
One example of a response to the XGWCONF command from a POA follows:
C: A004 XGWCONF S: * XGWCONF GroupWise POA Version 6.5.0 S: * XGWCONF Post Office: P0_1 S: * XGWCONF Domain: Domain_1 S: A004 OK XGWCONF completed
XGWDISPMODE enables new information to be viewed. You can set the parameters to ON or OFF. If they are left blank, the current state is returned.
The RFC specifically states that an application should not be able to view any extension data without requesting it so XGWDISPMODE is Novell's way to extend existing commands without violating the RFC.
LIST Command (RFC Section 6.3.8) returns the GroupWise record ID (which is the same ID as viewed using Object API) of the folder and the following folders that are not currently being displayed:
Documents folder
Work In Progress folder
any NNTP or IMAP folders
The NNTP or IMAP folders are included so that the contents can be viewed. However, no NNTP or IMAP functionality is available.
The FETCH ALL, FAST, and FULL commands also return extra information about an item when this mode is on. Extra fields can be individually or collectively requested on any FETCH command using
X-GWMessageID (Object API common message ID)
X-GWRecordID (Object API message ID)
Also, when the GroupWise enhanced display mode is on and no folder is selected, a NOOP command refreshes the folder list and allows the application to view the changes made to the folder list (using the LIST command) without having to re-login.
XGWEXTENSIONS returns a list of all the GroupWise specific extensions that are supported by the currently connected GroupWise IMAP agent.
XGWEXTHELP can return a quick description for an individual GroupWise extension. If the parameter is left blank, XGWEXTHELP returns a description for the whole set of extensions.
XGWMOVE mimics the GroupWise move to folder functionality. This command works like COPY but also does the EXPUNGE for you.
An untagged XGWMOVE response with the sequence number is returned.
UID XGWMOVE is also supported.
Moving to the Trash folder works just like a GroupWise delete command.
XGWRETENTION gives access to the GroupWise retention timestamp. If this command is issued without any parameters, the current value of the retention timestamp is returned. If a date is passed as a parameter, the retention timestamp is updated.
If the administrator enables the purge option (not to purge items until they have been retained), the user cannot delete items that have been delivered since the current retention timestamp.
XGWTAULIST is one of the GroupWise specific POA experimental commands that are available in the Trusted Application Authenticated State. It returns a list of users and resources for the post office with untagged XGWTAULIST responses. For more information, see Trusted Application Authenticated State (RFC Section 3.1.1).
The untagged responses return a flag indicating that this is a User or a Resource, followed by the user name.
One example of a response to this command from a POA follows:
C: A003 XGWTAULIST S: * XGWTAULIST (\User) "User1" S: * XGWTAULIST (\User) "User2" S: * XGWTAULIST (\Resource) "ConfRoom14A" S: A003 OK XGWTAULIST completed
You can enter the Trusted Application Authenticated State by using the GroupWise XGWTRUSTEDAPP extension and by providing the Trusted Application credentials through the IMAP AUTHENTICATE command (defined in section 3.2 of RFC 2060). For more information, see Trusted Application Authenticated State (RFC Section 3.1.1).
For an example of how this extension in used in an AUTHENTICATE command response, see AUTHENTICATE Command (RFC Section 6.2.1).
Additionally, the GroupWise XGWTRUSTEDAPP extension to the AUTHENTICATE command uses the "+" continuation character to indicate the server’s readiness to receive the Trusted Application credentials.
XGWUNDELETE works like XGWMOVE. However, XGWUNDELETE moves the item back to the folder it came from before residing in the Trash folder. XGWUNDELETE is available only when the Trash folder is selected.
An untagged XGWUNDELETE response with the sequence number is returned.
UID XGWUNDELETE is also supported.