Application Techniques

Manipulating Strings with JavaScript

How to use JavaScript to perform basic string manipulation operations.

About this technique



HTML Client Techniques> JavaScript


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See the chapter on advanced page topics in the Programmer's Guide

Replacing strings   Top of page

Start with the string:

  Jack's birthday is 8/22 

To replace the string Jack with the string Jacques, you can use the JavaScript replace() method:

     demoString = "Jack's birthday is 8/22"; 
     // This is the replace() method.  It is invoked on 
     // a string and takes two parameters:  
     //   1) piece to substitute out 
     //   2) piece to substitute in 
     // You can put regular expression patterns in the replace 
     // method as parameters.  In many cases, this is what you  
     // would do because you don't always know what the starting 
     // string is exactly. 
     newString = demoString.replace("Jack","Jacques"); 
     // This line just prints the output to the page. 
     document.write("<pre>   " + newString + "</pre>"); 

The result is:

  Jacques's birthday is 8/22 

Inserting strings   Top of page

To insert the string also after the string is, you can use the JavaScript indexOf() and substring() methods:

     demoString = "Jack's birthday is 8/22"; 
     newString = demoString.replace("Jack","Jacques"); 
     // The indexOf() method returns a number where 
     // the parameter you give it first appears in the 
     // string it is invoked on.  In the word SilverStream, 
     // indexOf("S") would return 0, indexOf("i") would 
     // return 1, and indexOf("a") would return 10. 
     whereIS = newString.indexOf("is"); 
     // The substring() method returns a new string that's 
     // a piece of the string that substring() is invoked on. 
     // substring() takes either 1 or 2 parameters: 
     //   1) starting point for new string 
     //   2) ending point for new string (length of new string) 
     // If no ending point is specified, the new string goes from 
     // the starting point until the end. 
     // ** Important: When you specify an ending point, 
     // substring returns up to but not including the character  
     // at the ending point.  For instance, take this string: 
     //      someString = "Color is red"; 
     //    someString.substring(0,4) would return 'Colo' 
     //    C = 0      <-- included 
     //    o = 1      <-- included 
     //    l = 2      <-- included 
     //    o = 3      <-- included 
     //    r = 4 
     // The second parameter does not map to the index of a character 
     // in a string.  It specifies how long the new string should be. 
     firstPart = newString.substring(0,whereIS + 2); 
     lastPart = newString.substring(whereIS + 3); 
     newString = firstPart + " also " + lastPart; 
     document.write("<pre>   " + newString + "</pre>"); 

Or, you can use the JavaScript replace() method:

     demoString = "Jack's birthday is 8/22"; 
     newString = demoString.replace("Jack","Jacques"); 
     newString = newString.replace("is","is also"); 
     document.write("<pre>   " + newString + "</pre>"); 

Either way, the result is:

  Jacques's birthday is also 8/22 

Extracting strings   Top of page

To extract the string containing the date (month and day), you can use the JavaScript substring() method:

     demoString = "Jack's birthday is 8/22"; 
     // This takes a substring from the 4th to last character 
     // in the string until the end.  The length property 
     // returns a number equal to, as its name implies, the length 
     // of the string. 
     birthday = demoString.substring(demoString.length - 4); 
     document.write("<pre>   " + birthday + "</pre>"); 

The result is:


To extract the string containing just the day, you can use the JavaScript substring() and lastIndexOf() methods:

     demoString = "Jack's birthday is 8/22"; 
     // Similar to indexOf(), lastIndexOf() returns 
     // the position of the character at its last 
     // occurrence in the string. 
     //      someString = "SilverStream"; 
     //      someIndex = someString.lastIndexOf("S");   
     // someIndex would be equal to 6 
     dayNumber = demoString.substring(demoString.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); 
     document.write("<pre>   " + dayNumber + "</pre>"); 

The result is:


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