Facilities Guide
This chapter provides reference documentation for the Novell exteNd Application Server deployment plan DTDs. Topics include:
Before you begin A basic understanding of XML is recommended for this chapter.
The deployment plan DTD files are used when you deploy J2EE archives to the application server. These DTDs (XML document type definitions) describe the structure you must follow when writing deployment plans for particular kinds of archives.
DTD and sample XML files Here's a summary of the names and locations of these files:
To find |
Look here in your server's install |
The deployment plan DTD files |
\Resources\DTDCatalog directory |
Sample deployment plan XML files that use the DTDs |
\Samples\SilverCmd directory |
DTD documentation You can learn about the DTDs by looking at:
The DTD files themselvesfor comments about the elements they define
This chapterfor details, hints, and examples for a subset of the elements
Editing deployment plans To create and edit a deployment plan, you can use:
This section provides reference information about the application server's client JAR deployment plan DTD:
DTD file The client JAR deployment plan DTD is deploy-car_1_3.dtd.
Selected elements A subset of the elements defined by the client JAR deployment plan DTD are described below (in alphabetical order):
<!ELEMENT beanLink (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the JNDI name of an EJB referenced by the application client. The referenced EJB can be located on a server other than the one the application client is deployed on.
Specifying the server host for a beanLink Whether you deploy your client JAR by itself or in an EAR, you must be careful about how you specify the application server host name for any EJB references you map because the host name you type when invoking SilverJ2EEClient must exactly match the host name that appears in the beanLink elements of your deployment plan:
Guidelines For instance, if the host name portion of the beanLink specifies myserver:
the SilverJ2EEClient command line must also specify that name:
SilverJ2EEClient myserver snuckerby appclient Sam
Alternatively, both may specify the IP address of that server or both may specify localhost (although it's generally best to avoid using localhost). If you specify the server's port number (such as myserver:80) in one, you must specify it in both.
Troubleshooting If there isn't an exact match (such as if one specifies the server's host name while the other specifies its IP address), a runtime error will occur when your client tries to access an EJB:
java.rmi.RemoteException: Unable to get a valid session for a request
For EARs If you decide to deploy your client JAR within an EAR, this matching requirement still applies, whether you specify the host name in your EAR deployment plan or on the SilverCmd DeployEAR command line.
<!ELEMENT clientDataSource (jdbcURL?, jdbcDriver?, jdbcUsername?,jdbcPassword?)>
Container element that describes access to a javax.sql.DataSource accessed by the application client. Clients access data source resources directly, so the client must have the appropriate JDBC drivers installed for the data sources it needs to access. These values are passed as Strings. See the documentation for your particular data source for the correct syntax for jdbcURL, jdbcDriver, jdbcUsername, and jdbcPassword.
<!ELEMENT mailRefProperties (el+)>
Specifies the set of name/value pairs to associate with a resource reference of type javax.mail.Session, as determined by the JavaMail specification.
mail.host mail.from mail.user mail.store.protocol mail.transport.protocol mail.debug mail.[protocol].host (for example, mail.http.host) mail.[protocol].user (for example, mail.http.user)
Specifies the name of an environment entry, a resource reference, or an EJB reference. The name must match the name of an entry of the same type in the deployment descriptor (if it does not, you'll get a warning message during deployment).
<!ELEMENT resourceEnvReference (name, resourceJNDIName)>
Maps a resource environment reference name to a JNDI name. Each occurrence of resource-env-ref in the deployment descriptor should have one corresponding resourceEnvReference in the deployment plan to specify the JNDI name. The name element must be the same as the corresponding resource-env-ref-name in the deployment descriptor.
<!ELEMENT resourceJNDIName (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the JNDI name for a resource reference. All resource references must contain a JNDI name except javax.sql.DataSource and java.net.URL resource references.
The JNDI name can be located on a server other than the one the application client is on. To find a resourceJNDIName, use this syntax:
<!ELEMENT resourceReference(name,(clientDataSource|resourceURL|resourceJNDIName|mailRefProperties))>
Container element for resource references. You must specify the resource reference name (from the deployment descriptor) plus one of the following:
<!ELEMENT resourceURL (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the URL that will be looked up at runtime for a specific JNDI name.
This section provides reference information about the EJB JAR deployment plan DTD:
DTD file The EJB JAR deployment plan is deploy-ejb_2_0.dtd.
Selected elements A subset of the elements defined by the EJB JAR deployment plan DTD are described below (in alphabetical order):
<!ELEMENT alternateColumn (#PCDATA)>
Specifies an alternate column with a SQL type of BIGINT to manage the handling of data of type BLOB when isolationLevel is TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED.
<!ELEMENT autoInc (autoIncSequenceName?, (schemaName?, autoIncTableName, columnName)?)>
Specifies the support for an autoincrement column:
For databases that support autoincrement (most databases), an empty autoInc element is all that is required.
For Oracle databases, the autoIncSequenceName element specifies the sequence name used.
For databases that do not support autoincrement, use the schemaName element, autoIncTableName element, and columnName element to generate a unique number.
Specifies the JNDI name of an EJB. The JNDI name is used by the container to register the bean within the JNDI namespace. Any code that calls the bean must find it first using the JNDI name. JNDI names must be unique within a server and across servers in a cluster. You should consider using a hierarchical structure for naming your beans. You might even want to include the company name (or initials) within the hierarchy to ensure that EJBs are unique. Some examples include:
abccorp/samples/SalesDemo/Customers com/sssw/samples/BankDemo/SessionBeans/AddCustomer com/sssw/samples/BankDemo/EntityBeans/Customer
The JNDI lookup for these examples would be (respectively):
contextEnv.lookup("RMI/abccorp/samples/SalesDemo/Customers"); contextEnv.lookup("RMI/com/sssw/samples/BankDemo/SessionBeans/ AddCustomer"); contextEnv.lookup("RMI/com/sssw/samples/BankDemo/EntityBeans/ Customer");
<!ELEMENT beanLink (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the JNDI name of a referenced EJB. That EJB can be located on another server.
Here are two examples of specifying the JNDI name of an EJB:
When you specify a link to an EJB that resides on a different server, you have to copy the remote JAR for the referenced bean to the server from which it is being referenced.
<!ELEMENT classpathJars (excludeJ2EEXMLJars?, userlibJars?)>
This element allows a list of JAR files to be used in an application without deploying them to the server. It also allows the user to disable the inclusion of the default XML JARs that are used to pass the CTS tests.
<!ELEMENT columnName (#PCDATA)>
Maps a cmp-field (a persistent field) to a database column. The name must match the COLUMN_NAME property returned by JDBC DataMetaData.getColumns().
<!ELEMENT delayInstantiation (#PCDATA)>
Specifies whether a CMP entity bean is instantiated immediately (FALSEthe default) or only when required (TRUE).
This element determines how the server will retrieve and cache data during finder method execution. Beans whose instantiation is delayed are called lazy beans.
Here are the possible scenarios:
<!ELEMENT deployedObject (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the name of the EJB deployed object to create on the application server. It is optional and can also be specified on the command line (when deploying with SilverCmd DeployEJB).
When this element is not specified, deployment generates a name by appending the word Deployed to the value of the ejbJarName element.
<!ELEMENT destinationName (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the Queue or Topic Name. It must be specified like this:
<!ELEMENT mailRefProperties (el+)>
Specifies the set of name/value pairs to associate with a resource reference of type javax.mail.Session, as determined by the JavaMail specification.
mail.host mail.from mail.user mail.store.protocol mail.transport.protocol mail.debug mail.[protocol].host (for example, mail.http.host) mail.[protocol].user (for example, mail.http.user)
<!ELEMENT relationRole (beanName, cmrFieldName?, columnNames?)>
Defines a role within a relation and contains:
The bean name (from the deployment descriptor) for the source of a role that participates in the relationship. It needs to match that of the relationship-role-source element in the ejb-relationship-role node.
The CMR field name for the role (from the deployment descriptor). It needs to match the cmr-field-name (when there is no cmr-field-name this element shouldn't exist either). The deployer uses beanName and cmrFieldName to match the relationship.
A list of column names (that most frequently contains only one element) the container uses to manage the relationships. These are typically the foreign keys. For many-to-many relationships, these are the foreign key column names in the link table that correspond to the primary key for the bean.
<!ELEMENT resourceEnvReference (name, resourceJNDIName)>
Specifies the mapping of a resource environment reference name to a JNDI name. Each occurrence of resource-env-ref in the deployment descriptor should have one corresponding resourceEnvReference in the deployment plan, to specify the JNDI name. The name element must be the same as the corresponding resource-env-ref-name in the deployment descriptor.
This section provides reference information about the WAR deployment plan DTD:
DTD file The WAR deployment plan DTD is deploy-war_2_3.dtd.
Selected elements A subset of elements defined by the WAR deployment plan DTD are described below (in alphabetical order):
<!ELEMENT beanLink (#PCDATA)>
Specifies a link to a referenced EJB. This may be an internal name if the EJB is in the same JAR, or a JNDI name if it's in a different JAR. The EJB can be located on a different server.
Here are two examples of specifying the JNDI name of an EJB:
<!ELEMENT classpathJars (excludeJ2EEXMLJars?, userlibJars?)>
This element allows a list of JAR files to be used in an application without deploying them to the server. It also allows the user to disable the inclusion of the default XML JARs that are used to pass the CTS tests.
<!ELEMENT deployedObject (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the name of the deployed object to create on the application server. When this element is not specified, deployment generates a name by appending the word Deployed to the value of the warJarName element.
<!ELEMENT deployToFilesystem (#PCDATA)>
Specifies whether or not the application should be deployed to the file system on the application server. The default is FALSE (no file system deployment).
<!ELEMENT excludedJSPs (el+)>
List of JSP resources that should not be compiled. (Typically, JSP pages intended to be included in other JSP pages should not be compiled on their own.)
<!ELEMENT mailRefProperties (el+)>
Specifies the set of name/value pairs to associate with a resource reference of type javax.mail.Session, as determined by the JavaMail specification.
mail.host mail.from mail.user mail.store.protocol mail.transport.protocol mail.debug mail.[protocol].host (for example, mail.http.host) mail.[protocol].user (for example, mail.http.user)
Specifies the name of an environment entry, a resource reference, an EJB reference, a role mapping, or a context parameter entry. The name must match the name of an entry of the same type in the deployment descriptor (if it does not, you'll get a warning message during deployment).
<!ELEMENT resourceJNDIName (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the JNDI name for a resource reference. All resource references must contain a JNDI name, except for javax.sql.DataSource or java.net.URL resource references.
The JNDI name can be located on a server other than the one containing the WAR. When accessing a different server, use this syntax:
<resourceJNDIName>sssw://server:port/RMI/JNDINameOfResource </resourceJNDIName>
<!ELEMENT resourceReference (name, (dataSource | resourceURL | resourceJNDIName | mailRefProperties))>
Container element for resource references. You must specify the resource reference name (from the deployment descriptor) plus one of the following:
<!ELEMENT sessionTimeout (#PCDATA)>
Specifies session timeout in minutes. Here is the hierarchy of session timeout precedence, from highest to lowest:
This section provides reference information about the resource adapter archive (RAR) deployment plan DTD:
DTD file The RAR deployment plan DTD is deploy-rar_1_0.dtd.
Selected elements A subset of the elements defined by the RAR deployment plan DTD are described below (in alphabetical order):
<!ELEMENT idleTimeout (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the number of seconds an unused connection remains in the pool before the server destroys it. The default is 60 seconds. The value you specify will depend on the type of applications that will rely on the connection pool. If you specify shorter timeout periods, the server may be forced to create connections more oftenand creating connections is an expensive operation. But if you specify a timeout that is too long, other applications may be forced to wait for an available connection.
<!ELEMENT isEnabled (#PCDATA)>
Specifies whether the RAR is enabled (the default) or not. You disable a deployed RAR by setting this flag to FALSE and redeploying the RAR.
<!ELEMENT password (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the password for the default connections created in the pool. A default connection is created when users invoke ConnectionFactory.getConnection(). This is the preferred method for obtaining a connection, because it allows the server to efficiently pool connections.
<!ELEMENT poolName (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the name of the connection pool added to the server. Use this name to administer the connection pool.
<!ELEMENT resourceAdapterName (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the name under which the resource adapter will be deployed in the application server. This is a logical name.
Specifies the user name for the default connections created in the pool. A default connection is created when users invoke ConnectionFactory.getConnection(). This is the preferred method for obtaining a connection, because it allows the server to efficiently pool connections.
This section provides reference information about the EAR deployment plan DTD:
DTD file The EAR deployment plan DTD is deploy-ear_1_3.dtd.
Selected elements A subset of elements are described below (in alphabetical order):
<!ELEMENT alternateDeplDesc (#PCDATA)>
Identifies a deployment descriptor to use for a specified module. Use this element when you do not want to use the deployment descriptor in the specified module's archive. The alternate deployment descriptor that you specify must be in the EAR.
There are two situations when you might want to use this element:
<!ELEMENT classpathJars (excludeJ2EEXMLJars?, userlibJars?)>
This element allows a list of JAR files to be used in an application without deploying them to the server. It also allows the user to disable the inclusion of the default XML JARs that are used to pass the CTS tests.
<!ELEMENT deployAs (#PCDATA)>
Overrides the name under which the module would normally be deployed. By default, the EAR deployment process creates a deployment name that is a combination of the EAR name and the module name. For EJB modules, this name (if specified) is also used as the base name for the remote JAR. Use with caution.
<!ELEMENT earJarName (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the name of the EAR to deploy. You may specify this in the deployment plan or on the command line (when deploying with SilverCmd DeployEAR). Values specified on the command line take precedence. You can specify a full path (if the EAR is on disk) or just the name. When you specify just the name and the EAR is not in the current directory, the EAR is assumed to already exist in the same database and server to which it is being deployed.
<!ELEMENT module (ejbJar | warJar | carJar)>
Describes a specific J2EE module in the EAR.
The information contained in this element is the deployment plan for the specific module. You should cut and paste the deployment plan from the application client JAR, EJB JAR, or WAR to complete this section.
For EJBs, the beanName components of the bean element must be unique within the EAR or you will encounter errors when deploying the EAR (because the bean names are used to resolve bean references within an EAR).
Specifies the name of a role reference that must be mapped to a user or group name. It must match the name of a role reference entry in the deployment descriptor (if it does not, a warning is generated at deployment).
<!ELEMENT order (#PCDATA)>
Identifies the order of deployment of the modules. The smaller the number the higher its deployment priority. Modules without the order element are deployed after ordered modules.
<!ELEMENT roleMap (roleMapping+)>
Container for EAR-level role mappings.
You might consider mapping security roles at the EAR level and not within individual modules (EJB JARs, WARs, and so on). This allows you to combine and simplify the security settings for the constituent J2EE modules.
If the individual modules do not contain any role maps, the EAR-level role map is used
If some or all individual modules and the EAR both contain a role map:
And the roles are unique, the role map used for each module is a union of the EAR-level role map and the module
And one or more of the roles are not unique, the module-level role map takes precedence for the duplicate role and the unique roles are added to the role map
This example illustrates how a role map is determined when roles are not unique. If the EAR-level role map contains the following values:
This role |
Is mapped to this userOrGroupName |
EJBAdmin |
Zack |
User |
Mary |
and an EJB module within the EAR contains this role map:
This role |
Is mapped to this userOrGroupName |
Admin |
Joe |
User |
Helen |
then the role map used for the EJBs will look like this:
This role |
Is mapped to this userOrGroupName |
Admin |
Joe |
User |
Helen |
EJBAdmin |
Zack |
In this case, the EJB module's User role takes precedence. The Admin role is added to the EJB's role mapping, because it is inherited from the EAR's role map.
<!ELEMENT userOrGroupName (#PCDATA)>
Specifies the name of a principal in a security policy domain or a user group in the operational environment. This is mapped to a role reference name from the deployment descriptor. You can map a role reference to any of the security domains supported by the application server.
<!ELEMENT userlibJars (el+)>
Lists any additional JAR files that should be made available to the application. The JARs must reside in the server's userlib directory. The value is a StringArray of JAR names, relative to (and contained within) the userlib directory.
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