Class DxWire

  extended by com.novell.nds.dirxml.util.DxWire

public class DxWire
extends Object

Utility class to construct NDAP wire-format buffers for DirXML subverbs.

The construction methods in this class construct the wire format starting with the DirXML subverb number. The part of the NDAP wire format that precedes the verb-specific data is not constructed.

Each DirXML subverb is documented under its manifest constant (e.g., DSVR_DRIVER_STATE). Each subverb must be issued as part of a DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER request or as part of a DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER request. The individual subverb documentation indicates with which verb or verbs the subverb can be used.

When issuing a DirXML subverb a return code of 0 always indicates success.

Nested Class Summary
static class DxWire.DxWireData
          Utility class to aggregate wire-format data.
Field Summary
          eDirectory NCP verb, used with various and sundry subverbs to get DirXML state and to read special DirXML values.
          eDirectory NCP verb, used with various and sundry subverbs to control DirXML, and to set special DirXML values.
static int DSVR_ABORT_JOB
          Subverb used to abort a DirXML job if the job is running.
static int DSVR_CACHE_UTIL
          Subverb used to view the contents of a stopped driver's cache, and to remove transaction records from the stopped driver's cache.
          Subverb used to check a DirXML-Job object's configuration.
          Subverb used to perform a check password synchronization request on a specified object and driver.
          Subverb used to release all resources associated with a "chunked" result.
          Subverb used to get the available job definitions on the server.
static int DSVR_DRIVER_SET
          Subverb used to set and get the active driver set for an eDirectory server.
          Subverb used to set and get a driver's startup option.
          Subverb used to set and get a driver's running state.
          Subverb used to retrieve a result that may be very large.
          Subverb used to obtain the engine's default reciprocal attribute mapping as an XML document suitable for placement in the DirXML-ReciprocalAttrMap attribute.
          Subverb used to retrieve the DirXML Engine version number.
          Subverb used to obtain a document containing Global Configuration Values for a DirXML driver.
          Subverb used to obtain a document containing various state/performance data for a DirXML driver.
          Subverb used to get the current running state and next run time of a DirXML job.
          Subverb used to obtain the value of a Named Passoword for a DirXML driver.
          Subverb used to determine if the following passwords are set for a driver.
          Subverb used to get the RSA Public Key certificate for the DirXML server.
          Subverb used to initialize any DirXML Engine-created values on a driver object.
static int DSVR_LOG_EVENTS
          Subverb used to set a list of IDs of events to be logged.
          Subverb used to queue a query to the application on the driver's Subscriber channel.
          Subverb used to set and clear named passwords for an object.
          Notify the DirXML Engine that the data associated with a DirXML-Job object has changed.
          Subverb used to send an XDS command or event document to a driver.
          Subverb used to cache an arbitrary event document for the driver.
          Subverb used to cause the generate of new encryption keys for the DirXML server.
          Subverb used to set and clear the remote loader password for a driver.
          Subverb used to reset various data collected about a DirXML driver.
          Subverb used to cause a driver resync.
          Subverb used to set and clear the application password for a driver.
static int DSVR_START_JOB
          Subverb used to manually start a DirXML job if the job is enabled and not already running.
Constructor Summary
          Construct an instance of DxWire that can be used to construct wire-format buffers.
DxWire(int dnFormatFlags)
          Construct an instance of DxWire that can be used to construct wire-format buffers.
Method Summary
 DxWire.DxWireData constructAbortJob(String jobObjectDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_ABORT_JOB version 0 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructCheckJobConfig(String jobObjectDN, String language, String country, int timeoutPeriod)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_CHECK_JOB_CONFIG version 0 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructCheckObjectPassword(String objectDN, int timeoutPeriod, String driverDN, int version)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to perform a check object password command for a specific user and DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructCheckObjectPassword(String objectDN, String driverDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to perform a check object password command for a specific user and DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructCloseChunkedResult(int handle)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to retrieve data available using the DSVR_CLOSE_CHUNKED_RESULT subverb.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructDeleteDriverCache(String driverDN, int positionToken, int transactionCount, String eventID)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_CACHE_UTIL version 1 request to a DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructDiscoverAllJobs(String dn, int timeoutPeriod)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_DISCOVER_JOBS version 1 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructDiscoverJobs(String dn, int timeoutPeriod)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_DISCOVER_JOBS version 0 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetChunkedResult(int handle, int additionalTimeout, int maxResponseSize)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to retrieve data available using the DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT subverb.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDefaultReciprocalAttrMap(int timeoutPeriod)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_GET_DEFAULT_RECIPROCAL_ATTR_MAP version 0 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDirXMLVersion()
          Construct a wire-format buffer to get the DirXML version on a server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDirXMLVersion0()
          Construct a wire-format buffer to get the DirXML version on a server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDriverCacheLimit(String driverDN)
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDriverSet()
          Construct a wire-format buffer to get the DN of the DirXML-DriverSet object associated with a server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDriverStartOption(String driverDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to get a DirXML driver's start up option.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDriverState(String driverDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to get a DirXML driver's state.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDriverStats(String driverDN, int timeoutPeriod, boolean ldapDNs)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_GET_DRIVER_STATS version 0 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetJobState(String jobObjectDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_GET_JOB_STATE version 0 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetNamedPassword(String driverDN, String key, int maxLen)
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetPasswordsState(String driverDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_GET_PASSWORDS_STATE version 0 request to a DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructGetServerCert(int returnFormat)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_GET_SERVER_CERT version 0 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructInitDriverObject(String driverDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to perform a driver object init on a new driver object.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructListNamedPasswords_v5(String driverDN, int maxResponseSize)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to return a list of named passwords and their description strings for a DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructListNamedPasswords(String driverDN, int maxResponseSize)
 DxWire.DxWireData constructMigrateApp(String driverDN, byte[] xdsDocumentBytes)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send an query document to a DirXML driver to cause the engine to migrate all objects returned as the result of the query into DirXML.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructNotifyJobUpdate(String jobObjectDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_NOTIFY_JOB_UPDATE version 0 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructOpenDriverAction(String driverDN, int timeoutPeriod, byte[] xdsDocumentBytes)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send an XDS command document to a DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructOpenDriverAction(String driverDN, int timeoutPeriod, byte[] xdsDocumentBytes, int version)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send an XDS command document to a DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructQueueEvent(String driverDN, byte[] xdsDocumentBytes)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send an query document to a DirXML driver to cause the engine to migrate all objects returned as the result of the query into DirXML.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructReadDriverCache(String driverDN, int timeoutPeriod, int positionToken, int maxTransactions)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_CACHE_UTIL version 0 request to a DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructRegenerateAllKeys()
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_REGENERATE_KEY version 1 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructRegenerateKey(int type)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_REGENERATE_KEY version 0 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructResetAllNamedPasswords(String driverDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to clear all named passwords for a DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructResetAppPassword(String driverDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to clear the shim password for a DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructResetDriverSet()
          Construct a wire-format buffer to associate from a server the currently associated DirXML-DriverSet object.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructResetDriverStats(String driverDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_RESET_DRIVER_STATS version 0 request to a DirXML server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructResetLogEvents(String objectDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to clear the list of event IDs to be logged on a DirXML-DriverSet or DirXML-Driver object.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructResetNamedPassword(String driverDN, String key)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to clear a named password for a DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructResetRemoteLoaderPassword(String driverDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to clear the Remote Loader password for a DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructResetShimPassword(String driverDN)
 DxWire.DxWireData constructResyncDriver(String driverDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to cause a manual resync of a DirXML driver's state.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructResyncDriver(String driverDN, int seconds)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to cause a manual resync of a DirXML driver's state.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetAppPassword(String driverDN, byte[] encryptedPassword, byte[] certHash)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to set the shim password for a DirXML driver using the "send-encrypted" form.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetAppPassword(String driverDN, String password)
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetDriverCacheLimit(String driverDN, int newLimit)
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetDriverSet(String driverSetDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to associate a DirXML-DriverSet object with a server.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetDriverStartOption(String driverDN, int newStartOption, boolean noResync)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to set a DirXML driver's start option.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetDriverState(String driverDN, int newState)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to set a DirXML driver's state.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetLogEvents(String objectDN, int[] eventIDs)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to set the list of event IDs to be logged on a DirXML-DriverSet or DirXML-Driver object.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetNamedPassword(String driverDN, String key, byte[] encryptedPassword, byte[] certHash, String description)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to set a named password for a DirXML driver, with encrypted password bytes.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetNamedPassword(String driverDN, String key, String password)
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetNamedPassword(String driverDN, String key, String password, String description)
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetRemoteLoaderPassword(String driverDN, byte[] encryptedPassword, byte[] certHash)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to set the Remote Loader password for a DirXML driver.
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetRemoteLoaderPassword(String driverDN, String password)
 DxWire.DxWireData constructSetShimPassword(String driverDN, String password, boolean dirXML_1x)
 DxWire.DxWireData constructStartJob(String jobObjectDN)
          Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_START_JOB version 0 request to a DirXML server.
 int extractCheckObjectPasswordResHandle(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the result handle from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD.
 int extractCheckObjectPasswordResSize(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the result handle from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD.
 int extractCheckObjectPasswordResult(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the result data from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD.
 byte[] extractChunkedResultBytes(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the result data from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_GET_RESULT_CHUNK.
 int extractDirXMLVersion(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the version value returned as a result of DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_GET_DIRXML_VERSION.
 int extractDriverActionResultHandle(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the result data handle from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_OPEN_DRIVER_ACTION.
 int extractDriverActionResultSize(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the result data size from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_OPEN_DRIVER_ACTION.
 int extractDriverCacheLimit(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
 String extractDriverSetDN(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the DN from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_DRIVER_SET.
 int extractDriverStartOption(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the sdriver start up option value returned as a result of DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_DRIVER_START_OPTION.
 int extractDriverState(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the state value returned as a result of DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_DRIVER_STATE.
 boolean[] extractGetPasswordsState(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract information on the passwords state returned from a DSVR_GET_PASSWORDS_STATE verb, version 0.
 int extractJobConfigState(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the 32-bit value from the results of a DSVR_GET_JOB_STATE request that contains the job's configuration state.
 long extractJobNextTime(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the 32-bit value from the results of a DSVR_GET_JOB_STATE request that contains the job's next run time and return it as a long that can be used with java.util.Date.
 int extractJobRunningState(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the 32-bit value from the results of a DSVR_GET_JOB_STATE request that contains the job's running state.
 int extractNamedPasswordsCount(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the count of password keys (version 3) or password key/description pairs (version 5) from the return data from DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD, version 3 or 5.
 int extractNamedPasswordsSize(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the total size required for the return data from DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD, version 3.
 String extractNamedPasswordValue(byte[] responseData, int responseSize)
 String extractPasswordName(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize, int keyIndex)
 String[] extractPasswordNameAndDesc(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize, int keyIndex)
          Extract a password key (name) and description from the return data from DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD, version 5.
 int extractReadDriverCachePositionToken(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the offset token from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CACHE_UTIL, version 0.
 int extractReadDriverCacheResultHandle(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the result data handle from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CACHE_UTIL, version 0.
 int extractReadDriverCacheResultSize(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the result data size from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CACHE_UTIL, version 0.
 byte[] extractServerCert(byte[] verbResponseData, int responseSize)
          Extract the X.509 certificate data returned in response to a DSVR_GET_SERVER_CERT request.
 int getDnFormatFlags()
          Return the DN format flags used with this instance.
 void setDnFormat(int dnFormat)
          Set the DN format based on an XdsDN format number.
 void setDnFormatFlags(int dnFormatFlags)
          Set the DN format flags used with this instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER
eDirectory NCP verb, used with various and sundry subverbs to control DirXML, and to set special DirXML values.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER
eDirectory NCP verb, used with various and sundry subverbs to get DirXML state and to read special DirXML values.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_DRIVER_STATE
Subverb used to set and get a driver's running state.

Set a Driver's State

The "set" variant is used to start and stop drivers, and to cause a driver to retrieve the associated application's schema. To start a stopped driver, set the state to DxConst.VR_DRIVER_STARTING. To stop a running driver, set the state to DxConst.VR_DRIVER_SHUTDOWN_PENDING.


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessRun attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_DRIVER_STATE (1)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     state value (DxConst.VR_DRIVER_STARTING,
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Get a Driver's State

The "get" variant is used to retrieve the current running state of a driver.


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-AccessRun attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_DRIVER_STATE (1)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN

Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     current state value

DirXML 1.0 onward

See Also:
constructSetDriverState(java.lang.String,int), constructGetDriverState(java.lang.String), extractDriverState(byte[],int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_DRIVER_SET
Subverb used to set and get the active driver set for an eDirectory server.

Set the Active Driver Set


Rights needed:
Supervisor rights to the NCP-Server object corresponding to the target eDirectory server.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_DRIVER_SET (2)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver set DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver set DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Clear the Active Driver Set


Rights needed:
Supervisor rights to the NCP-Server object corresponding to the target eDirectory server.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_DRIVER_SET (2)
 uint32     version (1)
 uint32     DN format flags
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Get the Active Driver Set


Rights needed:

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_DRIVER_SET (2)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     length of DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver set DN
This subverb only operates on the reference to the DirXML-DriverSet object that is contained on the pseudo-server. There is also a link to the server on the DirXML-DriverSet object contained in the DirXML-ServerList attribute that must be removed or added, depending on the operation being performed.

If no driver set is associated with the server a -602 (DSErr.ERR_NO_SUCH_VALUE) error is returned when the "get" variant is issued.

DirXML 1.0 onward

See Also:
constructSetDriverSet(java.lang.String), constructResetDriverSet(), extractDriverSetDN(byte[],int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_RESYNC_DRIVER
Subverb used to cause a driver resync.

Initiate a Manual Resync


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessMigrate attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_RESYNC_DRIVER (3)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Initiate a Time-Constrained Manual Resync


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessMigrate attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_RESYNC_DRIVER (3)
 uint32     version (1)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
 uint8*     0-3 bytes for alignment
 uint32     starting time for resync (seconds in eDirectory TIME syntax)
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

The "starting time for resync" specifies the earliest creation or modification time that objects may have and still be part of the resync set

Version 0: DirXML 1.0 onward
Version 1: Identity Manager 2.0 onward

See Also:
constructResyncDriver(java.lang.String), constructResyncDriver(java.lang.String,int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_DRIVER_START_OPTION
Subverb used to set and get a driver's startup option.

Set the Driver Start Option


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     version (0 or 1)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     startup option (DxConst.VR_DRIVER_DISABLED,
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

A driver's start option may not be changed while the driver is running.
Version 1 suppresses the normal automatic resync that occurs when setting a disabled driver to something other than disabled.

Get the Driver Start Option


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     startup option value
Version 0: DirXML 1.0 onward
Version 1: Identity Manager 2.0 onward

See Also:
constructSetDriverStartOption(java.lang.String,int,boolean), constructGetDriverStartOption(java.lang.String), extractDriverStartOption(byte[],int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_DRIVER_CACHE_LIMIT
Subverb used to set and get a driver's cache size limit. Note that a cache limit value of 0 means unlimited.

Driver cache limits are not recommended.

Set a Driver's Cache Limit


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     cache limit value (0 or size in kilobytes)
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Get a Driver's Cache Limit


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     cache limit value

DirXML 1.0 onward

See Also:
constructSetDriverCacheLimit(java.lang.String,int), constructGetDriverCacheLimit(java.lang.String), extractDriverCacheLimit(byte[],int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_MIGRATE_APP
Subverb used to queue a query to the application on the driver's Subscriber channel. When the DirXML engine processes the query the engine will migrate into eDirectory all application objects returned as the result of the query.

Migrate into eDirectory


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessMigrate attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_MIGRATE_APP (7)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     size of query document data in bytes
 uint8*     query document data
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

The query document data must be a well-formed, serialized XML document.

DirXML 1.0 onward

See Also:
constructMigrateApp(java.lang.String,byte[]), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_SHIM_PASSWORD
Subverb used to set and clear the application password for a driver. The application password is used by the application shim to authenticate to the connected application.

Note that many of the subverb versions are obsolete and deprecated.

Set the Application Password


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_SHIM_PASSWORD (9)
 uint32     version (0, 2, 3, or 5)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     size of password data bytes
 uint8*     password data bytes (see version notes and note for encrypted password data format)
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Clear the Application Password


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_SHIM_PASSWORD (9)
 uint32     version (1 or 4)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Notes on versions:
Deprecated. Version 0:
Password data bytes are the client's platform encoding of the password characters. Note that when used with DirXML 1.x a terminating null character is required on the password data.
Deprecated. Version 1:
Clear the password value.
Deprecated. Version 2:
Password data bytes are the UTF-8 encoding of the password characters. No terminating null is required, but is allowed.
Deprecated. Version 3:
Set the application password only. If a Remote Loader password is set then the RL password remains at its current value. Password data bytes are the UTF-8 encoding of the password characters. No terminating null character is required, but is allowed.
Version 4:
Clear the application password only. If a Remote Loader password is set then the RL password remains at its current value.
Version 5:
Set the application password only. The password data bytes are the UTF-8 encoding of the password characters that has been encrypted. If a remote loader password is set then the RL password remains at its current value.
Encrypted data format
The password data is encrypted using an RSA public key that is obtained using the DSVR_GET_SERVER_CERT subverb. The specific algorithm variant used is RSAES-OAEP with default parameters. In addition to the encrypted password data, the SHA-1 hash of the public key certificate bytes is sent to ensure that corresponding key pairs are used. The format, therefore, of the password data bytes is as follows:
 uint8{20}  20 byte SHA-1 hash of the X.509 public key certificate
            containing the public key used to encrypt the password data
 uint8*     RSAES-OAEP encrypted password data

The Remote Loader password.
The Remote Loader password is embedded in a delimited fashion in the shim password value (for historical reasons). Versions 3, 4, and 5 affect only the application password portion of the shim password. Versions 0, 1, and 2 affect the whole shim password value (i.e., if the client doesn't embed the remote loader password in the application password data then the remote loader password is lost).

Deprecated. Version 0: DirXML 1.0 onward.
Deprecated. Version 1: DirXML 1.0 onward.
Deprecated. Version 2: Identity Manager 2.0 onward.
Deprecated. Version 3: Identity Manager 3.0 onward.
Version 4: Identity Manager 3.0 onward.
Version 5: Identity Manager 3.0.1 onward.

See Also:
constructSetShimPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,boolean), constructSetAppPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String), constructSetAppPassword(java.lang.String,byte[],byte[]), constructResetShimPassword(java.lang.String), constructResetAppPassword(java.lang.String), DSVR_REMOTE_LOADER_PASSWORD, Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_LOG_EVENTS
Subverb used to set a list of IDs of events to be logged. This causes an event ID list on the target DirXML-DriverSet or DirXML-Driver objects to be updated.

Set Event ID List


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_LOG_EVENTS (10)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of DN in bytes
 uint16+    DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     operation (0)
 uint32     number of IDs
 uint32*    ID, repeated for number of IDs

Clear Event ID List


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_LOG_EVENTS (10)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of DN in bytes
 uint16+    DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     operation (1)
 uint32     number of IDs (0)

The event IDs are not Novell Audit event IDs. They are values defined in the DxConst class. In particular, they are those values whose names start with LOG_EV_.

Identity Manager 2.0 onward.

See Also:
constructSetLogEvents(java.lang.String,int[]), constructResetLogEvents(java.lang.String), DxConst, Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_OPEN_DRIVER_ACTION
Subverb used to send an XDS command or event document to a driver. Response is retrieved using the subverbs DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT and DSVR_CLOSE_CHUNKED_RESULT. Note that this bypasses the driver cache.

Send XDS Document to Driver


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessSubmitCommand attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_OPEN_DRIVER_ACTION (11)
 uint32     version (0 or 1)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     timeout value in minutes (legal values 0-10)
 uint32     size in bytes of document data
 uint8*     XML document data
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     handle of result data
            (use with DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT, 
 uint32     total size of result data
Version 0:
Submits a command document. The submitted commands are processed by the Command Transformation, Schema Mapping, and Output Transformation rules.
Version 1:
Submits an event document. The submitted events are processed by the normal Subscriber channel rules, starting with the Filter and Event Transformation.
The XML document data must be a well-formed, serialized XML document.

Version 0: Identity Manager 2.0 onward
Version 1: Identity Manager 3.5 onward

See Also:
constructOpenDriverAction(java.lang.String,int,byte[]), constructOpenDriverAction(java.lang.String,int,byte[],int), extractDriverActionResultHandle(byte[],int), extractDriverActionResultSize(byte[],int), DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT, DSVR_CLOSE_CHUNKED_RESULT, Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT
Subverb used to retrieve a result that may be very large.

Get Part of Large Result


Rights needed:
The same rights that were needed for the verb that generated the results.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT (12)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     handle to data
 uint32     additional timeout value in minutes (valid values are 0-10)
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     size of data in bytes
 uint8*     data

The "handle to data" is that returned by the subverb that generated the results.
Maximum data size to return is specified as normal for a DS verb.

Identity Manager 2.0 onward

See Also:
constructGetChunkedResult(int,int,int), extractChunkedResultBytes(byte[],int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_CLOSE_CHUNKED_RESULT
Subverb used to release all resources associated with a "chunked" result.

Release Large Result Resources


Rights needed:
The same rights that were needed for the verb that generated the results.

Wire format:
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     handle to data
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

The "handle to data" is that returned by the subverb that generated the results.

Identity Manager 2.0 onward

See Also:
constructCloseChunkedResult(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_GET_DIRXML_VERSION
Subverb used to retrieve the DirXML Engine version number.

Get DirXML Engine Version


Rights needed:

Wire format:
      uint32     DSVR_GET_DIRXML_VERSION (14)
      uint32     version (0)
      uint32     reserved
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     DirXML version number
Format of version number is as follows:
Bits 31-28 major version number
Bits 27-24 minor version number
Bits 23-16 patch or service pack level
Bits 15-0 build number

DirXML 1.x will return the error -683 (DSErr.ERR_INVALID_API_VERSION) if this subverb is sent to a DirXML 1.x server.

Identity Manager 2.0 onward

See Also:
constructGetDirXMLVersion(), extractDirXMLVersion(byte[],int), DxConst.parseDirXMLVersion(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD
Subverb used to perform a check password synchronization request on a specified object and driver. The eDirectory object's nspmDistributionPassword value is checked against the password of the corresponding object in the connected system.

Check Password Synchronization


Rights needed:
The subverb issuer must have Manage Password rights to the target object, or must be authenticated as the target object.

To check the password of the issuer's object, the issuer must have read access to the DirXML-AccessCheckObjectPassword attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

To check the password of any object, the issuer must have write access to the DirXML-AccessCheckObjectPassword attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     object DN format flags
 uint32     length of object DN in bytes
 uint16+    object DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     driver DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     result code
 uint32     version (1)
 uint32     object DN format flags
 uint32     length of object DN in bytes
 uint16+    object DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     driver DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32      result code
 uint32      handle of result data - use with DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT
 uint32      total size of data available from DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT.
The following result codes are of interest:
The target object has no association value for the target driver.
The password in the target system does not match the target object's Distribution Password. This can also indicate a problem retrieving the Distribution Password value.
The driver shim returned a retry status. This indicates the shim could not connect to the connected system to check the password.
Indicates an error of some sort.

Manage Password rights means that the verb issuer has write access to the ACL attribute on the target object.

Identity Manager 2.0 onward

See Also:
constructCheckObjectPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_INIT_DRIVER_OBJECT
Subverb used to initialize any DirXML Engine-created values on a driver object. This is initially used for populating Engine Control Values.

Initialize Driver Object


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_INIT_DRIVER_OBJECT (16)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     driver DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Identity Manager 2.0 onward

See Also:
constructInitDriverObject(java.lang.String), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD
Subverb used to set and clear named passwords for an object.

Deprecated. Set a Named Password w/o Display Name


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD (17)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of object DN in bytes
 uint16+    object DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     count of name data bytes
 uint8+     UTF-8 encoded name data bytes
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     size of password data bytes
 uint8*     UTF-8 encoded password data bytes
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Remove a Named Password


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD (17)
 uint32     version (1)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of object DN in bytes
 uint16+    object DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     count of name data bytes
 uint8+     UTF-8 encoded name data bytes
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Clear All Named Passwords


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD (17)
 uint32     version (2)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of object DN in bytes
 uint16+    object DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Deprecated. List Named Passwords w/o Display Names


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD (17)
 uint32     version (3)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of object DN in bytes
 uint16+    object DN
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32         size required for list of named passwords
 uint32         count of named passwords
 for each UTF-8 string in count:
      uint32    count of UTF-8 bytes
      uint8+    UTF-encoded password name
      uint8*    0-3 bytes for 32-bit alignment

Set a Named Password with Display Name


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD (17)
 uint32     version (4 or 6)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of object DN in bytes
 uint16+    object DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     count of name data bytes
 uint8+     UTF-8 encoded name data bytes
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     size of password data bytes (may be zero)
 uint8*     UTF-8 encoded password data bytes (if version 6, see notes)
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     count of display string data bytes (may be zero)
 uint8*     0 or more UTF-8 encoded display string data bytes
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

List Named Passwords with Display Names


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD (17)
 uint32     version (5)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of object DN in bytes
 uint16+    object DN
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32         size required for list of named passwords
 uint32         count of named passwords/display string pairs
 for each named password in count:
      uint32    count of UTF-8 bytes
      uint8+    UTF-8 encoded password name
      uint8*    0-3 bytes for 32-bit alignment
      uint32    count of UTF-8 bytes (may be zero)
      uint8*    UTF-8 encoded display string
      uint8*    0-3 bytes for 32-bit alignment
Deprecated. Version 0:
Name and password bytes are encoded in UTF-8. No terminating null is required, but is allowed.
Version 1:
Name bytes are encoded in UTF-8. No terminating null is required, but is allowed.
Deprecated. Version 3:
If the maximum return size is less than 8, -649 (DSErr.ERR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) is returned.

If the maximum return size is greater than or equal to 8, but less than the total size required to return the complete list, only 8 bytes are returned: the size required and the count.

If the maximum return size is greater than or equal to the size required then the full list is returned.
Deprecated. Version 4:
Name, password, and description bytes are encoded in UTF-8. No terminating null is required, but is allowed.
Version 5:
If the maximum return size is less than 8, -649 (DSErr.ERR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) is returned.

If the maximum return size is greater than or equal to 8, but less than the total size required to return the complete list, only 8 bytes are returned: the size required and the count.

If the maximum return size is greater than or equal to the size required then the full list is returned.
Version 6
Name and description bytes are encoded in UTF-8. No terminating null is required, but is allowed.

The password data is encrypted using an RSA public key that is obtained using the DSVR_GET_SERVER_CERT subverb. The specific algorithm variant used is RSAES-OAEP with default parameters. In addition to the encrypted password data, the SHA-1 hash of the certificate bytes is sent to ensure that corresponding key pairs are used. The format, therefore, of the password data bytes shown above is as follows:
 uint8{20}  20 byte SHA-1 hash of the X.509 public key certificate
            containing the public key used to encrypt the password data
 uint8*     RSAES-OAEP encrypted password data
Notes on versions:
Deprecated. Version 0: Identity Manager 2.0 onward.
Version 1: Identity Manager 2.0 onward.
Version 2: Identity Manager 2.0 onward.
Deprecated. Version 3: Identity Manager 2.0 onward.
Deprecated. Version 4: Identity Manager 2.0 onward.
Version 5: Identity Manager 2.0 onward.
Version 6: Identity Manager 3.0.1 onward

See Also:
constructSetNamedPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String), constructSetNamedPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String), constructSetNamedPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,byte[],byte[],java.lang.String), constructResetNamedPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String), constructResetAllNamedPasswords(java.lang.String), constructListNamedPasswords(java.lang.String,int), constructListNamedPasswords_v5(java.lang.String,int), extractNamedPasswordsSize(byte[],int), extractNamedPasswordsCount(byte[],int), extractPasswordName(byte[],int,int), extractPasswordNameAndDesc(byte[],int,int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_CACHE_UTIL
Subverb used to view the contents of a stopped driver's cache, and to remove transaction records from the stopped driver's cache.

View Driver Cache Contents


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-AccessManage attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_CACHE_UTIL (18)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     timeout value in minutes (legal values 0-10)
 uint32     starting position token - 0 or value returned
            from earlier call to version 0.
 uint32     maximum number of transactions to return (valid
            values 1 through 0xffffffff)
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32      handle of result data - use with DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT
 uint32      total size of data available from DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT.
 uint32      new position token - may be used in subsequent calls
             to version 0, or in calls to version 1
Remove Transactions from Driver's Cache


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessManage attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_CACHE_UTIL (18)
 uint32     version (1)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     position token - 0 or value returned from version 0.
 uint32     count of transaction records to remove.
 uint32     count of UTF-8 encoded bytes (may be 0)
 uint8*     UTF-8 encoded event-id data bytes for starting transaction
Wire format of returned data:

The position token must be either zero, or a value returned from a version 0 request. The position token represents the starting position in the cache from which to perform the requested operation.

The driver must not be disabled, and driver must not be running.

Version 0:
The data returned are the bytes of a serialized XML document containing one or more transactions. If no data is available (i.e., the cache is empty) then the returned handle and data size are zero.

An error code of -641 (DSErr.ERR_INVALID_REQUEST) is returned if:
  • driver is disabled
  • driver is running
  • timeout value is invalid
  • position token or number of transactions is invalid

Version 1:
An error code of -641 (DSErr.ERR_INVALID_REQUEST) is returned if:
  • driver is disabled
  • driver is running
  • position token or number of transactions is invalid

-602 (DSErr.ERR_NO_SUCH_VALUE) is returned if an event-id value is supplied and no transaction is found with the event-id value.

Identity Manager 2.0 onward

See Also:
constructReadDriverCache(java.lang.String,int,int,int), extractReadDriverCacheResultHandle(byte[],int), extractReadDriverCacheResultSize(byte[],int), extractReadDriverCachePositionToken(byte[],int), constructDeleteDriverCache(java.lang.String,int,int,java.lang.String), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_GET_PASSWORDS_STATE
Subverb used to determine if the following passwords are set for a driver.
  1. Application password.
  2. Remote Loader password.
  3. Driver Object password.

Get Driver Passwords Status


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32      bitmapped result:
             bit 0     : if set, driver object password is set (Public/Private Key exists)
             bit 1     : if set, application password is set
             bit 2     : if set, remote loader password is set
             bits 3-31 : reserved
Identity Manager 3.0 onward

See Also:
constructGetPasswordsState(java.lang.String), extractGetPasswordsState(byte[],int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_REMOTE_LOADER_PASSWORD
Subverb used to set and clear the remote loader password for a driver.

Set Remote Loader Password


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     version (0 or 2)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     size of password data bytes
 uint8*     password data bytes (if version 2, see note)
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Clear Remote Loader Password


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     version (1)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Deprecated. Version 0:
Password bytes are encoded in UTF-8. No terminating null is required, but is allowed.
Version 2:
Password data bytes are the UTF-8 encoding of the password characters, encrypted using an RSA public key that is obtained using the DSVR_GET_SERVER_CERT subverb. The specific algorithm variant used is RSAES-OAEP with default parameters. In addition to the encrypted password data, the SHA-1 hash of the certificate bytes is sent to ensure that corresponding key pairs are used. The format, therefore, of the password data bytes shown above is as follows:
 uint8{20}  20 byte SHA-1 hash of the X.509 public key certificate
            containing the public key used to encrypt the password data
 uint8*     RSAES-OAEP encrypted password data
Deprecated. Version 0: Identity Manager 3.0 onward
Version 1: Identity Manager 3.0 onward
Version 2: Identity Manager 3.0.1 onward

See Also:
constructSetRemoteLoaderPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String), constructSetRemoteLoaderPassword(java.lang.String,byte[],byte[]), constructResetRemoteLoaderPassword(java.lang.String), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_REGENERATE_KEY
Subverb used to cause the generate of new encryption keys for the DirXML server.

Cause Key Pair Regeneration


Rights needed:
Supervisor rights to the NCP-Server object corresponding to the target server.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_REGENERATE_KEY (21)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags (ignored)
 uint32     flag value of key pair to regenerate (e.g., 64 for RSA)
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Cause Regeneration of All Keys


Rights needed:
Supervisor rights to the NCP-Server object corresponding to the target server.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_REGENERATE_KEY (21)
 uint32     version (1)
 uint32     DN format flags (ignored)
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

The version 0 "flag" value specifies the Public Key algorithm. As of this writing, only RSA is supported, which has a value of 64.

Version 1 will invalidate all encrypted IDM data stored on the server. This includes driver passwords, named passwords, encrypted attribute values in the driver cache, etc.

Version 0: Identity Manager 3.0.1 onward
Version 1: Identity Manager 3.6 onward

See Also:
constructRegenerateKey(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_GET_SERVER_CERT
Subverb used to get the RSA Public Key certificate for the DirXML server.

Get Server DirXML Public Key Certificate


Rights needed:

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_GET_SERVER_CERT (22)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags (ignored)
 uint32     certificate format flag (0 for binary DER, 1 for base64-encoded DER)
Wire format of returned data:
 uint8+     certificate data (size is entire response size)
Identity Manager 3.0.1 onward

See Also:
constructGetServerCert(int), extractServerCert(byte[],int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_DISCOVER_JOBS
Subverb used to get the available job definitions on the server.

Get Available Job Definitions


Rights needed:
Create rights in the container object specified.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_DISCOVER_JOBS (23)
 uint32     version (0 or 1)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver or driver set DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver or driver set DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     timeout value in minutes (legal values 0-10)
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     handle of result data
            (use with DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT, 
 uint32     total size of result data

Version 0:
Returned job definitions are filtered by containment type (e.g., if a DirXML-Driver object is specified then only definitions for jobs that can be contained by a DirXML-Driver object are returned).
Version 1:
Returned job definitions are not filtered.

Identity Manager 3.5 onward

See Also:
constructDiscoverJobs(java.lang.String,int), constructDiscoverAllJobs(java.lang.String,int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_NOTIFY_JOB_UPDATE
Notify the DirXML Engine that the data associated with a DirXML-Job object has changed. This verb should be issued by a user agent after an editing session on the DirXML-Job object data has been completed.

Notify Engine of Job Configuration Change


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Job object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_NOTIFY_JOB_UPDATE (24)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of DirXML-Job object DN in bytes
 uint16+    DirXML-Job object DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Identity Manager 3.5 onward

See Also:
constructNotifyJobUpdate(java.lang.String), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_START_JOB
Subverb used to manually start a DirXML job if the job is enabled and not already running.

Start a Job


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessRun attribute on the target DirXML-Job object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_START_JOB (25)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of DirXML-Job object DN in bytes
 uint16+    DirXML-Job object DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Return Codes:
There is no DirXML-Job object as specified by DN
Insufficient rights to start job
The job is disabled, has an invalid configuration, or is already running

Identity Manager 3.5 onward

See Also:
constructStartJob(java.lang.String), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_ABORT_JOB
Subverb used to abort a DirXML job if the job is running.

Abort a Job


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessRun attribute on the target DirXML-Job object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_ABORT_JOB (26)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of DirXML-Job object DN in bytes
 uint16+    DirXML-Job object DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Return Codes:
There is no DirXML-Job object as specified by DN
Insufficient rights to abort job
The job is disabled, has an invalid configuration, or is already stopped

Identity Manager 3.5 onward

See Also:
constructAbortJob(java.lang.String), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_GET_JOB_STATE
Subverb used to get the current running state and next run time of a DirXML job.

Get Job State


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Job object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_GET_JOB_STATE (27)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of DirXML-Job object DN in bytes
 uint16+    DirXML-Job object DN
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     size of following data (12)
 uint32     running state (0 = stopped, 1 = running)
 uint32     configuration state (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, 2 = configuration error)
 uint32     next scheduled run time (0 = not scheduled, otherwise is next scheduled time in eDirectory TIME format)

Return Codes:
There is no DirXML-Job object as specified by DN.
Insufficient rights to get state.
The job is disabled, has an invalid configuration, or is already stopped.

Use DSV_CHECK_JOB_CONFIG to get a more complete and useful view of a job's configuration state.

Identity Manager 3.5 onward

See Also:
constructGetJobState(java.lang.String), extractJobRunningState(byte[],int), extractJobConfigState(byte[],int), extractJobNextTime(byte[],int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_QUEUE_EVENT
Subverb used to cache an arbitrary event document for the driver.

Queue Event


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessSubmitCommand attribute on the target DirXML-Job object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_QUEUE_EVENT (28)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     size of event document data in bytes
 uint8*     event document data
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Identity Manager 3.5 onward

See Also:
constructQueueEvent(java.lang.String,byte[]), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_CHECK_JOB_CONFIG
Subverb used to check a DirXML-Job object's configuration.

Check Job Configuration


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Job object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_CHECK_JOB_CONFIG (29)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of job DN in bytes
 uint16+    job DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     length of language code string (0 or 4)
 uint16*    0 or 2 UTF-16 chars (e.g., 'E' 'N')
 uint32     length of country code string (0 or 4)
 uint16*    0 or 2 UTF-16 chars (e.g., 'U' 'S')
 uint32     timeout value in minutes (legal values 0-10)
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     handle of result data
            (use with DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT, 
 uint32     total size of result data
The language and country codes are used to localize messages in the data returned via DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT. If the country code appears then the language code must appear; otherwise it is an error.

The data returned via DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT is a serialized XML document containing information about any configuration warnings or errors.

Identity Manager 3.5 onward

See Also:
constructCheckJobConfig(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_GET_DRIVER_STATS
Subverb used to obtain a document containing various state/performance data for a DirXML driver.

Get Driver Statistics


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_GET_DRIVER_STATS (30)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     timeout value in minutes (legal values 0-10)
 uint32     If non-zero, use LDAP format DNs in resulting XML, otherwise using form specified by DN format flags
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     handle of result data
            (use with DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT, 
 uint32     total size of result data
The data returned via DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT is a serialized XML document containing information about the driver's cache and possibly other performance data.

Identity Manager 3.5.1 onward

See Also:
constructGetDriverStats(java.lang.String,int,boolean), Constant Field Values


Subverb used to obtain the engine's default reciprocal attribute mapping as an XML document suitable for placement in the DirXML-ReciprocalAttrMap attribute.

Get Default Reciprocal Attribute Mappings


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-AccessConfigure attribute on the DirXML-DriverSet associated with the server.

Wire format:
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     reserved (0)
 uint32     timeout value in minutes (legal values 0-10)
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32     handle of result data
            (use with DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT, 
 uint32     total size of result data
The data returned via DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT is a serialized XML document containing the default attribute mappings.

Identity Manager 3.6 onward

See Also:
constructGetDefaultReciprocalAttrMap(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_RESET_DRIVER_STATS
Subverb used to reset various data collected about a DirXML driver.

Reset Driver Statistics


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-AccessManage attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_RESET_DRIVER_STATS (32)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of DirXML-Driver object DN in bytes
 uint16+    DirXML-Driver object DN
Wire format of returned data:
There is no data returned.

Return Codes:
There is no DirXML-Driver object as specified by DN
Insufficient rights to abort job
The driver is disabled.

Identity Manager 3.6 onward

See Also:
constructResetDriverStats(java.lang.String), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_GET_DRIVER_GCV
Subverb used to obtain a document containing Global Configuration Values for a DirXML driver.

Get Driver Global Configuration Values


Rights needed:
Read access to the DirXML-ConfigValues attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_GET_DRIVER_GCV (33)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     count of GCVNames
 for each GCVName in count:
      uint32     length of GCVName in bytes
      uint8+     UTF-8 encoded GCV name
Wire format of returned data:
 uint32         count of GCV name/value info  pairs
 for each GCV info in count:
      uint32    length of GCVName in bytes
      uint8+    UTF-8 encoded GCV name
      uint8*    0-3 bytes for 32-bit alignment
      uint32    length of GCV Value in bytes
      uint8*    xml document representing the value
      uint8*    0-3 bytes for 32-bit alignment
Each GCV value returned is a serialized XML document. Special GCV name '*' represents return all effective GCV's of the driver in a single serialized XML document.

Identity Manager 4.0 onwards

See Also:
#constructGetDriverGCV(java.lang.String,int,boolean), Constant Field Values


public static final int DSVR_GET_NAMED_PASSWORD
Subverb used to obtain the value of a Named Passoword for a DirXML driver.

Get Named Password Value


Rights needed:
Write access to the DirXML-ConfigValues attribute on the target DirXML-Driver object.

Wire format:
 uint32     DSVR_GET_NAMED_PASSWORD (34)
 uint32     version (0)
 uint32     DN format flags
 uint32     length of driver DN in bytes
 uint16+    driver DN
 uint8*     0 to 3 bytes for alignment to 32-bit boundary
 uint32     length of key
 uint8+     Password Key
Wire format of returned data:
 uint8+ Named Password Value
Returns the Named Password Value

Identity Manager 4.0 onwards

See Also:
#constructGetNamedPassword(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DxWire()
Construct an instance of DxWire that can be used to construct wire-format buffers.

This sets the dn format flags to the default of:


See Also:


public DxWire(int dnFormatFlags)
Construct an instance of DxWire that can be used to construct wire-format buffers.

dnFormatFlags - some combination of the DSWire.DS_INFO_* bit flags.
See Also:
Method Detail


public void setDnFormat(int dnFormat)
Set the DN format based on an XdsDN format number.



public void setDnFormatFlags(int dnFormatFlags)
Set the DN format flags used with this instance.

dnFormatFlags - some combination of the DSWire.DS_INFO_* bit flags.


public int getDnFormatFlags()
Return the DN format flags used with this instance.

DN format flags.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetDriverState(String driverDN,
                                                 int newState)
Construct a wire-format buffer to set a DirXML driver's state.

driverDN - DN of driver whose state is to be set.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDriverState(String driverDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to get a DirXML driver's state.

driverDN - DN of driver whose state is to be retrieved.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_DRIVER_STATE, extractDriverState(byte[],int)


public int extractDriverState(byte[] verbResponseData,
                              int responseSize)
Extract the state value returned as a result of DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_DRIVER_STATE.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
state value.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructOpenDriverAction(String driverDN,
                                                   int timeoutPeriod,
                                                   byte[] xdsDocumentBytes)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send an XDS command document to a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver to which the command document is to be sent.
timeoutPeriod - timeout period, in minutes for result data. 0-10 are valid values, but value is not checked. 0 means use the default.
xdsDocumentBytes - bytes containing serialized XML document.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_OPEN_DRIVER_ACTION, extractDriverActionResultHandle(byte[],int), extractDriverActionResultSize(byte[],int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructOpenDriverAction(String driverDN,
                                                   int timeoutPeriod,
                                                   byte[] xdsDocumentBytes,
                                                   int version)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send an XDS command document to a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver to which the command document is to be sent.
timeoutPeriod - timeout period, in minutes for result data. 0-10 are valid values, but value is not checked. 0 means use the default.
xdsDocumentBytes - bytes containing serialized XML document.
version - subverb version flag
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_OPEN_DRIVER_ACTION, extractDriverActionResultHandle(byte[],int), extractDriverActionResultSize(byte[],int)


public int extractDriverActionResultHandle(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                           int responseSize)
Extract the result data handle from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_OPEN_DRIVER_ACTION.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
handle to result data
See Also:
DSVR_OPEN_DRIVER_ACTION, constructOpenDriverAction(java.lang.String,int,byte[]), constructGetChunkedResult(int,int,int), constructCloseChunkedResult(int)


public int extractDriverActionResultSize(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                         int responseSize)
Extract the result data size from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_OPEN_DRIVER_ACTION.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
total size of result data
See Also:
DSVR_OPEN_DRIVER_ACTION, constructOpenDriverAction(java.lang.String,int,byte[]), constructGetChunkedResult(int,int,int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetChunkedResult(int handle,
                                                   int additionalTimeout,
                                                   int maxResponseSize)
Construct a wire-format buffer to retrieve data available using the DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT subverb.

handle - handle to available data
additionalTimeout - additional timeout value, in minutes, for result data. 0-10 are valid values, but value is not checked.
maxResponseSize - maximum size of data to return as a result of this verb request.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_GET_CHUNKED_RESULT, constructCloseChunkedResult(int)


public byte[] extractChunkedResultBytes(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                        int responseSize)
Extract the result data from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_GET_RESULT_CHUNK.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
data bytes from wire buffer.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructCloseChunkedResult(int handle)
Construct a wire-format buffer to retrieve data available using the DSVR_CLOSE_CHUNKED_RESULT subverb.

handle - handle to data
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_CLOSE_CHUNKED_RESULT, constructGetChunkedResult(int,int,int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDriverSet()
Construct a wire-format buffer to get the DN of the DirXML-DriverSet object associated with a server.

DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_DRIVER_SET, extractDriverSetDN(byte[],int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetDriverSet(String driverSetDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to associate a DirXML-DriverSet object with a server.

driverSetDN - DN of DirXML-DriverSet object.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructResetDriverSet()
Construct a wire-format buffer to associate from a server the currently associated DirXML-DriverSet object.

DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public String extractDriverSetDN(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                 int responseSize)
Extract the DN from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_DRIVER_SET.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
DN value from wire buffer.
See Also:
DSVR_DRIVER_SET, constructGetDriverSet()


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDriverStartOption(String driverDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to get a DirXML driver's start up option.

driverDN - DN of driver whose option is to be retrieved.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_DRIVER_START_OPTION, extractDriverStartOption(byte[],int)


public int extractDriverStartOption(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                    int responseSize)
Extract the sdriver start up option value returned as a result of DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_DRIVER_START_OPTION.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
start up option value.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetDriverStartOption(String driverDN,
                                                       int newStartOption,
                                                       boolean noResync)
Construct a wire-format buffer to set a DirXML driver's start option.

driverDN - DN of driver whose option is to be set.
newStartOption - DxConst.VR_DRIVER_DISABLED, DxConst.VR_DRIVER_MANUAL_START, or DxConst.VR_DRIVER_AUTO_START (not checked).
noResync - if true, causes version number of 1 to be put in wire buffer. This may only be set to true for Identity Manager 2 and later.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructResyncDriver(String driverDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to cause a manual resync of a DirXML driver's state.

driverDN - DN of driver to be resync'd.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructResyncDriver(String driverDN,
                                               int seconds)
Construct a wire-format buffer to cause a manual resync of a DirXML driver's state.

driverDN - DN of driver to be resync'd.
seconds - starting time for resync
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetDriverCacheLimit(String driverDN,
                                                      int newLimit)

Construct a wire-format buffer to set a DirXML driver's cache size limit.

driverDN - DN of driver whose cache size limit is to be set.
newLimit - 0, or size in kilobytes.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDriverCacheLimit(String driverDN)

Construct a wire-format buffer to get a DirXML driver's cache size limit.

driverDN - DN of driver whose cache limit value is to be retrieved.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_DRIVER_CACHE_LIMIT, extractDriverCacheLimit(byte[],int)


public int extractDriverCacheLimit(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                   int responseSize)

Extract the cache size limit value returned as a result of DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_DRIVER_CACHE_LIMIT.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
cache limit
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructMigrateApp(String driverDN,
                                             byte[] xdsDocumentBytes)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send an query document to a DirXML driver to cause the engine to migrate all objects returned as the result of the query into DirXML.

driverDN - DN of driver to which the query document is to be sent.
xdsDocumentBytes - bytes containing serialized XML document.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructQueueEvent(String driverDN,
                                             byte[] xdsDocumentBytes)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send an query document to a DirXML driver to cause the engine to migrate all objects returned as the result of the query into DirXML.

driverDN - DN of driver to which the query document is to be sent.
xdsDocumentBytes - bytes containing serialized XML document.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetShimPassword(String driverDN,
                                                  String password,
                                                  boolean dirXML_1x)

Construct a wire-format buffer to set the shim password for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver whose shim password value is to be set.
password - password value to set.
dirXML_1x - set to true if this request is for DirXML 1.x.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetAppPassword(String driverDN,
                                                 String password)

Construct a wire-format buffer to set the shim password for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver whose shim password value is to be set.
password - password value to set.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetAppPassword(String driverDN,
                                                 byte[] encryptedPassword,
                                                 byte[] certHash)
Construct a wire-format buffer to set the shim password for a DirXML driver using the "send-encrypted" form.

driverDN - DN of driver whose shim password value is to be set.
encryptedPassword - encrypted bytes of UTF-8 encoded password bytes that have been encrypted using the RSA public key for the server to which the password is to be set. The encryption algorithm must be RSAES-OAEP with default parameters.
certHash - the 20-byte SHA-1 hash of the public key certificate used for encrypting the password bytes
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructResetShimPassword(String driverDN)

Construct a wire-format buffer to clear the shim password for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver whose shim password value is to be cleared.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructResetAppPassword(String driverDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to clear the shim password for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver whose shim password value is to be cleared.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetRemoteLoaderPassword(String driverDN,
                                                          String password)

Construct a wire-format buffer to set the Remote Loader password for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver whose Remote Loader password value is to be set.
password - password value to set.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetRemoteLoaderPassword(String driverDN,
                                                          byte[] encryptedPassword,
                                                          byte[] certHash)
Construct a wire-format buffer to set the Remote Loader password for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver whose Remote Loader password value is to be set.
encryptedPassword - encrypted bytes of UTF-8 encoded password bytes that have been encrypted using the RSA public key for the server to which the password is to be set. The encryption algorithm must be RSAES-OAEP with default parameters.
certHash - the 20-byte SHA-1 hash of the public key certificate used for encrypting the password bytes
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructResetRemoteLoaderPassword(String driverDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to clear the Remote Loader password for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver whose Remote Loader password value is to be cleared.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDirXMLVersion()
Construct a wire-format buffer to get the DirXML version on a server. Uses sub-verb version 1 for getting the version. This new sub-verb version has been introduced from dirxml version 4.0 and returns the edition information too.

DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_GET_DIRXML_VERSION, extractDirXMLVersion(byte[],int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDirXMLVersion0()
Construct a wire-format buffer to get the DirXML version on a server. Uses sub-verb version 0 for getting the version. This is the legacy call for getting dirxml version and does not returns the edition info.

DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_GET_DIRXML_VERSION, extractDirXMLVersion(byte[],int)


public int extractDirXMLVersion(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                int responseSize)
Extract the version value returned as a result of DSV_GET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_GET_DIRXML_VERSION.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
version number
See Also:
DSVR_GET_DIRXML_VERSION, DxConst.parseDirXMLVersion(int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetLogEvents(String objectDN,
                                               int[] eventIDs)
Construct a wire-format buffer to set the list of event IDs to be logged on a DirXML-DriverSet or DirXML-Driver object.

objectDN - DN of DirXML-DriverSet or DirXML-Driver object.
eventIDs - array of event ID values.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructResetLogEvents(String objectDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to clear the list of event IDs to be logged on a DirXML-DriverSet or DirXML-Driver object.

objectDN - DN of DirXML-DriverSet or DirXML-Driver object.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructCheckObjectPassword(String objectDN,
                                                      String driverDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to perform a check object password command for a specific user and DirXML driver.

objectDN - DN of object to perform a check object password request
driverDN - DN of driver to which the command document is to be sent.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD, extractDriverActionResultHandle(byte[],int), extractDriverActionResultSize(byte[],int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructCheckObjectPassword(String objectDN,
                                                      int timeoutPeriod,
                                                      String driverDN,
                                                      int version)
Construct a wire-format buffer to perform a check object password command for a specific user and DirXML driver.

objectDN - DN of object to perform a check object password request
timeoutPeriod - timeout period, in minutes for result data. 0-10 are valid values, but value is not checked.s
driverDN - DN of driver to which the command document is to be sent.
version - Sub-verb version that should be used.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD, extractDriverActionResultHandle(byte[],int), extractDriverActionResultSize(byte[],int)


public int extractCheckObjectPasswordResult(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                            int responseSize)
Extract the result data from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
result of check object password
See Also:
DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD, constructCheckObjectPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String), constructCheckObjectPassword(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int)


public int extractCheckObjectPasswordResHandle(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                               int responseSize)
Extract the result handle from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
result of check object password
See Also:
DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD, constructCheckObjectPassword(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int)


public int extractCheckObjectPasswordResSize(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                             int responseSize)
Extract the result handle from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
result of check object password
See Also:
DSVR_CHECK_OBJECT_PASSWORD, constructCheckObjectPassword(java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructInitDriverObject(String driverDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to perform a driver object init on a new driver object.

driverDN - DN of driver object to be initialized.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetNamedPassword(String driverDN,
                                                   String key,
                                                   String password)

Construct a wire-format buffer to set a named password for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver for which the named password value is to be set.
key - The key value (name) of the password value.
password - The password value to set.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetNamedPassword(String driverDN,
                                                   String key,
                                                   String password,
                                                   String description)

Construct a wire-format buffer to set a named password for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver for which the named password value is to be set.
key - The key value (name) of the password value.
password - The password value to set.
description - Description string for named password.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructSetNamedPassword(String driverDN,
                                                   String key,
                                                   byte[] encryptedPassword,
                                                   byte[] certHash,
                                                   String description)
Construct a wire-format buffer to set a named password for a DirXML driver, with encrypted password bytes.

driverDN - DN of driver for which the named password value is to be set.
key - The key value (name) of the password value.
encryptedPassword - encrypted bytes of UTF-8 encoded password bytes that have been encrypted using the RSA public key for the server to which the password is to be set. The encryption algorithm must be RSAES-OAEP with default parameters.
certHash - the 20-byte SHA-1 hash of the public key certificate used for encrypting the password bytes
description - Description string for named password.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructResetNamedPassword(String driverDN,
                                                     String key)
Construct a wire-format buffer to clear a named password for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver for which the named password value is to be cleared.
key - The key value (name) of the password value.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructResetAllNamedPasswords(String driverDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to clear all named passwords for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver for which the named password value is to be cleared.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructListNamedPasswords(String driverDN,
                                                     int maxResponseSize)

Construct a wire-format buffer to return a list of named passwords for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver for which the named password value is to be cleared.
maxResponseSize - maximum size to allocate for response buffer.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructListNamedPasswords_v5(String driverDN,
                                                        int maxResponseSize)
Construct a wire-format buffer to return a list of named passwords and their description strings for a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver for which the named password value is to be cleared.
maxResponseSize - maximum size to allocate for response buffer.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public int extractNamedPasswordsSize(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                     int responseSize)
Extract the total size required for the return data from DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD, version 3. This is useful if you need to know how big a buffer to allocate before actually getting the data. Use constructListNamedPasswords() with a maxResponseSize == 0 and the only data returned will be the size required and the count of named passwords.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
total size in bytes required
See Also:
DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD, constructCheckObjectPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)


public int extractNamedPasswordsCount(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                      int responseSize)
Extract the count of password keys (version 3) or password key/description pairs (version 5) from the return data from DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD, version 3 or 5.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
count of named passwords
See Also:
DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD, constructCheckObjectPassword(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)


public String extractPasswordName(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                  int responseSize,
                                  int keyIndex)

Extract a password key (name) from the return data from DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD, version 3.

This must only be used with the return from version 3.

Passing an invalid index will return null.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
keyIndex - index of the password key to return.
String containing password key, or null if keyIndex is out-of-range.


public String[] extractPasswordNameAndDesc(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                           int responseSize,
                                           int keyIndex)
Extract a password key (name) and description from the return data from DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_NAMED_PASSWORD, version 5.

This must only be used with the return from version 5.

Passing an invalid index will return null.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
keyIndex - index of the password key to return.
2-element String array containing password key and description at index 0 and 1, respectively. null if keyIndex is out-of-range.


public DxWire.DxWireData constructReadDriverCache(String driverDN,
                                                  int timeoutPeriod,
                                                  int positionToken,
                                                  int maxTransactions)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_CACHE_UTIL version 0 request to a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver whose cache is to be read.
timeoutPeriod - timeout period, in minutes for result data. 0-10 are valid values, but value is not checked. 0 means use the default.
positionToken - 0 or value returned from earlier DSVR_CACHE_UTIL version 0 request.
maxTransactions - maximum transactions to read and return.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_CACHE_UTIL, extractReadDriverCacheResultHandle(byte[],int), extractReadDriverCacheResultSize(byte[],int), extractReadDriverCachePositionToken(byte[],int)


public int extractReadDriverCacheResultHandle(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                              int responseSize)
Extract the result data handle from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CACHE_UTIL, version 0.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
handle to result data
See Also:
DSVR_CACHE_UTIL, constructReadDriverCache(java.lang.String,int,int,int), constructGetChunkedResult(int,int,int), constructCloseChunkedResult(int)


public int extractReadDriverCacheResultSize(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                            int responseSize)
Extract the result data size from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CACHE_UTIL, version 0.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
total size of result data
See Also:
DSVR_CACHE_UTIL, constructReadDriverCache(java.lang.String,int,int,int), constructGetChunkedResult(int,int,int)


public int extractReadDriverCachePositionToken(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                               int responseSize)
Extract the offset token from the wire data returned as a result of DSV_SET_REPLICATION_FILTER with DSVR_CACHE_UTIL, version 0.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
position token
See Also:
DSVR_CACHE_UTIL, constructReadDriverCache(java.lang.String,int,int,int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructDeleteDriverCache(String driverDN,
                                                    int positionToken,
                                                    int transactionCount,
                                                    String eventID)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_CACHE_UTIL version 1 request to a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver from whose cache one or more transaction records are to be deleted.
positionToken - 0 or value returned from earlier DSVR_CACHE_UTIL version 0 request.
transactionCount - number of transaction records to delete
eventID - event-id value of first transaction to delete (may be null or empty)
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetPasswordsState(String driverDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_GET_PASSWORDS_STATE version 0 request to a DirXML driver.

driverDN - DN of driver whose passwords state should be returned.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public boolean[] extractGetPasswordsState(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                          int responseSize)
Extract information on the passwords state returned from a DSVR_GET_PASSWORDS_STATE verb, version 0.

If the raw 32-bit return value is desired use extractUint32().

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
Array of 3 booleans that contain the passwords state: entries 0, 1, and 2 correspond to the Driver Object password, the application password, and the remote loader password, respectively.
See Also:
DSVR_GET_PASSWORDS_STATE, constructGetPasswordsState(java.lang.String)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructRegenerateKey(int type)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_REGENERATE_KEY version 0 request to a DirXML server.

type - flag indicating which public/private key pair to regenerate.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructRegenerateAllKeys()
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_REGENERATE_KEY version 1 request to a DirXML server.

DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetServerCert(int returnFormat)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_GET_SERVER_CERT version 0 request to a DirXML server.

returnFormat - 0 for binary DER, 1 for base64 DER.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public byte[] extractServerCert(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                int responseSize)
Extract the X.509 certificate data returned in response to a DSVR_GET_SERVER_CERT request.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of the DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
Server certificate data.
See Also:
DSVR_GET_SERVER_CERT, constructGetServerCert(int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructDiscoverJobs(String dn,
                                               int timeoutPeriod)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_DISCOVER_JOBS version 0 request to a DirXML server.

dn - DN of DirXML-DriverSet or DirXML-Driver object.
timeoutPeriod - timeout period, in minutes for result data. 0-10 are valid values, but value is not checked.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructDiscoverAllJobs(String dn,
                                                  int timeoutPeriod)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_DISCOVER_JOBS version 1 request to a DirXML server.

dn - DN of DirXML-DriverSet or DirXML-Driver object.
timeoutPeriod - timeout period, in minutes for result data. 0-10 are valid values, but value is not checked.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructNotifyJobUpdate(String jobObjectDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_NOTIFY_JOB_UPDATE version 0 request to a DirXML server.

jobObjectDN - DN of the DirXML-Job object that has been modified
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructStartJob(String jobObjectDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_START_JOB version 0 request to a DirXML server.

jobObjectDN - DN of the DirXML-Job object that has been modified
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructAbortJob(String jobObjectDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_ABORT_JOB version 0 request to a DirXML server.

jobObjectDN - DN of the DirXML-Job object that has been modified
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetJobState(String jobObjectDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_GET_JOB_STATE version 0 request to a DirXML server.

jobObjectDN - DN of the DirXML-Job object that has been modified
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_GET_JOB_STATE, extractJobRunningState(byte[],int), extractJobConfigState(byte[],int), extractJobNextTime(byte[],int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructCheckJobConfig(String jobObjectDN,
                                                 String language,
                                                 String country,
                                                 int timeoutPeriod)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_CHECK_JOB_CONFIG version 0 request to a DirXML server.

jobObjectDN - DN of the DirXML-Job object
language - two-char language identifier (e.g., "EN")
country - two-char country identifier (e.g., "US")
timeoutPeriod - timeout period, in minutes for result data. 0-10 are valid values, but value is not checked. 0 means use the default.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDriverStats(String driverDN,
                                                 int timeoutPeriod,
                                                 boolean ldapDNs)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_GET_DRIVER_STATS version 0 request to a DirXML server.

driverDN - DN of the DirXML-Driver object
timeoutPeriod - timeout period, in minutes for result data. 0-10 are valid values, but value is not checked. 0 means use the default.
ldapDNs - if true use LDAP form DNs in resulting XML document
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_GET_DRIVER_STATS, extractDriverActionResultHandle(byte[],int), extractDriverActionResultSize(byte[],int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetDefaultReciprocalAttrMap(int timeoutPeriod)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_GET_DEFAULT_RECIPROCAL_ATTR_MAP version 0 request to a DirXML server.

timeoutPeriod - timeout period, in minutes for result data. 0-10 are valid values, but value is not checked. 0 means use the default.
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:
DSVR_GET_DEFAULT_RECIPROCAL_ATTR_MAP, extractDriverActionResultHandle(byte[],int), extractDriverActionResultSize(byte[],int)


public DxWire.DxWireData constructResetDriverStats(String driverDN)
Construct a wire-format buffer to send a DSVR_RESET_DRIVER_STATS version 0 request to a DirXML server.

driverDN - DN of driver object whose statistics are to be reset
DxWireData instance containing wire information.
See Also:


public DxWire.DxWireData constructGetNamedPassword(String driverDN,
                                                   String key,
                                                   int maxLen)


public String extractNamedPasswordValue(byte[] responseData,
                                        int responseSize)
                                 throws UnsupportedEncodingException


public int extractJobRunningState(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                  int responseSize)
Extract the 32-bit value from the results of a DSVR_GET_JOB_STATE request that contains the job's running state.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of a DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
32 bit value (0 means stopped, 1 means running)


public int extractJobConfigState(byte[] verbResponseData,
                                 int responseSize)
Extract the 32-bit value from the results of a DSVR_GET_JOB_STATE request that contains the job's configuration state.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of a DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
32 bit value (0 = enabled, 1 = disabled, 2 = configuration error)


public long extractJobNextTime(byte[] verbResponseData,
                               int responseSize)
Extract the 32-bit value from the results of a DSVR_GET_JOB_STATE request that contains the job's next run time and return it as a long that can be used with java.util.Date.

verbResponseData - data returned as a result of a DS verb request.
responseSize - size of value data in verbResponseData array.
time value