
A <policy> consists of an ordered set of <rule>'s. A <rule> consists of a set of <conditions> to be tested and an ordered set of <actions> to be performed when the conditions are met.

A <policy> operates on an XDS document and its primary purpose is to examine and modify that document. A <policy> can also get additional context from outside of the document and cause side effects that are not reflected in the result document.

The following outline describes the basic operation of a <policy>:


DirXML Script supports two kinds of variables: global and local. A global variable is a variable that gets its value from a Global Configuration Value that is defined for the driver or the driverset. Global variables are by definition read-only. A local variable is a variable that is set by a policy. A local variable may exist in one of two different scopes: policy or driver. A policy scoped variable is only visible during the processing of the current operation by the policy that sets the variable. A driver scoped variable is visible from all DirXML Script policies running within the same driver until the driver is stopped. A variable name must be a legal XML Name.

There are a number of global and local variables that are automatically defined:

Name Type Description
dirxml.auto.driverdn global/string Slash format DN of the current driver
dirxml.auto.driverguid global/string GUID of the current driver
dirxml.auto.treename global/string Tree name of the local eDirectory instance
fromNDS policy local/boolean true if the source datastore is eDirectory
false if the source datastore is the connected application
destQueryProcessor policy local/java object Instance of XdsQueryProcessor used to query the destination datastore
srcQueryProcessor policy local/java object Instance of XdsQueryProcessor used to query the destination datastore
destCommandProcessor policy local/java object Instance of XdsCommandProcessor used to query the destination datastore
srcCommandProcessor policy local/java object Instance of XdsCommandProcessor used to query the destination datastore
dnConverter policy local/java object Instance of DNConverter
current-node policy local/node-set The loop variable for each iteration of <do-for-each>
current-value policy local/node-set The loop variable for each iteration of <do-reformat-op-attr>
current-op policy local/node-set The current operation

Setting this variable using <do-set-local-variable> causes the first operation specified by <arg-node-set> to become the current operation for the remainder of the current policy execution or until it is set to another value. The new current operation must be an element sibling of the original current operation and must have been added by the current policy.

Variable Expansion

Many conditions, actions, and tokens support dynamic variable expansion in their attributes or content. Where supported, an embedded reference of the form $<variable-name>$ is replaced with the value of the local or global variable with the given name. $<variable-name>$ must be a legal variable name. If the given variable does not exist the reference is replaced with the empty string. Where it is desirable to use a single '$' and not have it interpreted as a variable reference, it should be escaped with an additional '$' (e.g. You owe me $$100.00). Content and attributes that support variable expansion are annotated with the phrase supports variable expansion.

Date/Time Parameters

Tokens that deal with dates and times have arguments that deal with the format, language, and time zone of the date and time representation. Date formats arguments may be specified in one of two ways. If the format begins with a '!' character, then the format is a named format. Legal names are defined in the following table:
Name Description
!CTIME Number of seconds since Midnight, January 1, 1970. (Compatible with eDirectory time syntaxes)


Number of milliseconds since Midnight, January 1, 1970. (Compatible with Java time)
!FILETIME Number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (Compatible with Win32 FILETIME)
!FULL.TIME Language specific FULL time format.
!LONG.TIME Language specific LONG time format.
!MEDIUM.TIME Language specific MEDIUM time format.
!SHORT.TIME Language specific SHORT time format.
!FULL.DATE Language specific FULL date format.
!LONG.DATE Language specific LONG date format.
!MEDIUM.DATE Language specific MEDIUM date format.
!SHORT.DATE Language specific SHORT date format.
!FULL.DATETIME Language specific FULL date/time format.
!LONG.DATETIME Language specific LONG date/time format.
!MEDIUM.DATETIME Language specific MEDIUM date/time format.
!SHORT.DATETIME Language specific SHORT date/time format.
If the format does not begin with '!', then the format is interpreted as a custom date/time format conforming to the patterns recognized by java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

Language arguments may be specified by an identifier that comforms to IETF RFC 3066. The list of identifiers understood by the system may be obtained by calling java.util.Locale.getAvailableLocales() and substituting all underscores in the result with a hyphens. If a language argument is omitted or blank, then the default system language is used.

Time zone arguments may be specified in any identifier recognizable by java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(). A list of identifies understood by the system may be obtained by calling java.util.TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(). If a time zone argument is omitted or blank, then the default system time zone is used.

XPATH evaluation

Arguments to some conditions and actions take an XPATH 1.0 expression. This XPATH is evaluated with the following context:


  <description>My policy</description>
  <include name="..\..\Library\My shared policy"/>
    <description>Rule to disallow moving a user</description>
    <comment>This rule was added because under no circumsances do we ever want to perform a move.</comment>
        <if-class-name mode="nocase" op="equal">User</if-class-name>
        <if-operation op="equal">move</if-operation>
    <description>Rule to disallow operations on a disabled user or group</description>
        <if-class-name mode="nocase" op="equal">User</if-class-name>
        <if-class-name mode="nocase" op="equal">Group</if-class-name>
        <if-attr mode="nocase" name="Login Disabled" op="equal">true</if-attr>

1. Allowed Content

description of a <policy> or a <rule>
rule within a policy
include rules from another policy

2. No Attributes

3. Content Rule

( description ? , ( rule | include ) * )

4. Parent Elements


Top Elements || All Elements || Tree

DirXMLScript DTD