12. Directory Abstraction Layer: What's New

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1. Migration of Directory Abstraction Layer Objects

Directory Abstraction Layer objects created in Identity Manager 3 or 3.0.1 must be migrated if they are to exist in an Identity Manager 3.5 User Application. The migration process performs the following changes:

  • Entity property LDAP Naming Attribute will be absorbed into a Naming Attribute property that contains LDAP and NDS attributes name and localized Display Labels for the attribute.
  • Entity property Password Attribute will be removed.
  • Attribute property Filter will be moved into its parent Entity under the listing Filter Conditions.
  • Base entities Task Group and Task Manager Lookup will have their "protected" status lifted. They are being replaced by Team-Management features and therefore are no longer required. Users are free to delete these entities if they wish.
  • Add new Global List Delegatee Relationship. This list can only contain DN attributes from the User entity.
  • Add new Global List Email notification types. This list is read only.
  • Add new Query container.
  • Add new Relationship properties: Used by Organizational Chart, Used by Team-Management, Enable Cascading and relationship Conditions.
  • Configuration property Default Locale will be removed and new properties Default LDAP Naming Attribute and Default Team Management Attributes will be added.
The migration procedure for a User Application and its children is outlined in the What's New: ProvisioningView.

2. Localization of Directory Abstraction Layer Objects

Directory Abstraction Layer objects can now export their display label strings into an XML or .properties file for any of the supported locales. After a translation service inputs the translated strings for the display label values into the file, importing the file will insert the new localized strings back into the Directory Abstraction Layer objects.

See the Provisioning View: What's New for more information.

3. Filtering on Class lists

The Object Class list presented to users when creating an Entity can now be filtered to only display the classes of interest.

4. Query Objects (Identity Manager 3.5 Only)

The Directory Abstraction Layer now supports Query objects, which containes definitions of parameterized queries used by the Identity Manager user application to dynamically filter attribute display lists based on a user's selection.

5. DAL Calculated Attribute (Identity Manager 3.5 Only)

An Entity can now add a DAL Calculated Attribute whose value is evaluated from an expression. Instead of being directly linked to one eDirectory attribute, this DAL Calculated Attribute can be a concatenation of values from several attributes and modified to display in any format the user wishes.

6. Default Value for Attribute (Identity Manager 3.5 Only)

An Attribute can now provide a default value during the Create Entity process. This default value can be a literal string or evaluated from an expression.

7. Filter Conditions on Relationships (Identity Manager 3.5 Only)

A Relationship can now specify conditions to help further define its relations.

8. Team Management Support for Relationships (Identity Manager 3.5 Only)

A Relationship can now be defined so it can be used by both the Organizational Chart and Team Management applications.

Other Enhancements & Bug Fixes
  1. Check "Display Label" uniqueness for all languages - Click here for details...
  2. Entity and attribute key values not incrementing correctly - Click here for details...
  3. FileNotFoundException when deleting driver with DALE open - Click here for details...
  4. Removed old copyright text from DALE object XML - Click here for details...
  5. Improvements to "Add Entity" dialog such as linking - Click here for details...
  6. Add more Help documentation and tooltips throughout

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