3.2 Updating to the Next Minor Version (Mobility Pack 1.2.x)

Whether you are updating from a major release such as Mobility Pack 1.2 or a minor release such as Mobility Pack 1.2.x, the procedure is the same.

NOTE:If you prefer not to receive minor updates through the Novell Update channel of the Novell Customer Center, you can use the same procedure to install the minor update that you used to install the last major update.

3.2.1 Obtaining the Mobility Pack Activation Code from the Novell Customer Center

  1. Log in to the Novell Customer Center.

  2. In the Select an Organization to Manage drop-down list, select your organization that is entitled to the Mobility Pack.

  3. Click My Products, then click Novell GroupWise.

  4. Under Novell GroupWise 8, locate Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack 1.2, then make a note of the activation code in the Code field.

  5. Continue with Registering to Receive Mobility Pack Updates through the Novell Update Channel.

3.2.2 Registering to Receive Mobility Pack Updates through the Novell Update Channel

  1. In a terminal window on the Synchronizer server, enter the following command:

    suse_register -a regcode-mobility=registration_code 
                           -a email=email_address -L /root/.suse_register.log

    Replace registration_code with the Mobility Pack activation code that you obtained from the Novell Customer Center in Obtaining the Mobility Pack Activation Code from the Novell Customer Center. Replace email_address with the e-mail address that you used to log in to the Novell Customer Center. Notifications about future Mobility Pack updates will be sent to this e-mail address. You can then choose when to install each minor update.

  2. Enter the following command to verify that the Novell Update channel for the Mobility Pack has been added on your Synchronizer server:

    zypper ca

    This command lists all product-specific channels where you are registered to receive updates. The following Mobility Pack update channel should be listed:



  3. Continue with Applying a Minor Update to the Synchronizer Server.

3.2.3 Applying a Minor Update to the Synchronizer Server

  1. Enter the following command:

    zypper up -r nu_novell_com:Mobility-1.2-Updates

    Several Mobility Pack packages are listed for update through the channel.

  2. Enter YES to start the update process.

  3. Continue with Running the Mobility Pack Update Script

3.2.4 Running the Mobility Pack Update Script

Running the Update script updates the Synchronizer database (datasync) and the Mobility database (mobility) for use with the updated software.

  1. Change to the following directory:

  2. Make sure that PostgreSQL is running:

    rcpostgresql status
  3. Execute the Update script:


    For some version updates, the update process finishes quickly. However, when the version update includes database schema modifications, the update process can be lengthy for a large database.

  4. Continue with Restarting the Synchronizer Services.

3.2.5 Restarting the Synchronizer Services

  1. Stop the Synchronizer services:

    rcdatasync stop
  2. Verify that all Synchronizer services have stopped:

    ps -eaf | grep datasync
  3. Restart PostgreSQL:

    rcpostgresql restart
  4. Start the Synchronizer services:

    rcdatasync start