H.3 January 7, 2010

Updates were made to the following sections. The changes are explained below.

H.3.1 Configuring BCC for Peer Clusters



Section 9.0, Configuring BCC for Peer Clusters

IMPORTANT:Identity Manager must be configured and running on one node in each peer cluster before configuring clusters for business continuity. Make sure that the Identity Manager server is part of the cluster and that it is working properly whenever you make BCC configuration changes to the cluster. For information, see Section 8.0, Configuring the Identity Manager Drivers for BCC.

Section 9.4, Adding Storage Management Configuration Information

Added guidelines for adding Perl scripts to the load script and unload script of a BCC-enabled cluster resource.

H.3.2 Console Commands for BCC

H.3.3 Installing Business Continuity Clustering



Identity Manager Engine and eDirectory Driver

Each Identity Manager node must be online in its peer cluster and Identity Manager must be running properly whenever you attempt to modify the BCC configuration or manage the BCC-enabled cluster resources.

H.3.4 Managing a Business Continuity Cluster



Section 10.0, Managing a Business Continuity Cluster

IMPORTANT:Identity Manager must be configured and running on one node in each peer cluster before any BCC enabled cluster resource changes are made. Make sure that the Identity Manager server is part of the cluster and that it is working properly whenever you make BCC configuration changes to the BCC-enabled cluster resources. For information, see Section 8.0, Configuring the Identity Manager Drivers for BCC.

Section 10.1.1, Understanding BCC Resource Migration

The scan for devices follows the unload script and load script runs.

H.3.5 Removing Business Continuity Clustering Core Software

This section is new.

H.3.6 Troubleshooting Business Continuity Clustering



Section 10.16 Slow Failover

This section was removed. It applied only to BCC 1.1 for NetWare.

H.3.7 Upgrading Identity Manager Nodes to Identity Manager 3.6.1



Section 6.1, Upgrading to 32-Bit Identity Manager 3.6.1

It is not necessary to re-create the BCC drivers if you perform an in-place upgrade of 32-bit Identity Manager 3.6 to 32-bit Identity Manager 3.6.1.

Section 6.2, Upgrading to 64-Bit Identity Manager 3.6.1

Upgrading to 64-bit Identity Manager 3.6.1 requires a rebuild of the 64-bit cluster node and a re-creation of the BCC drivers.

H.3.8 Using Virtual IP Addresses with BCC 1.2



Section F.0, Using Virtual IP Addresses with BCC 1.2

This section is new.