Updates were made to the following sections. The changes are explained below.
Section H.5.1, Console Commands for BCC
Section H.5.2, Installing Business Continuity Clustering
Section H.5.3, Upgrading Identity Manager Nodes to Identity Manager 3.6.1
Section H.5.4, What’s New for BCC 1.2
Section A.0, Console Commands for BCC
Updated to add a link to Novell Cluster Services console commands.
Section 4.1.7, Identity Manager 3.6 Bundle Edition
Identity Manager 3.6.1 supports the 64-bit OES 2 SP2 operating system.
Section 4.1.16, Web Browser
This section is new.
Section 2.2, Identity Manager 3.6.1 Support (June 2009)
Identity Manager 3.6.1 now supports installation on 64-bit OES 2 SP1 Linux operating systems.