This section provides solutions to problems you might encounter while working with Personality Migration:
How do I enable debug logging for settings migration in Personality Migration?
Migration of the archive.pst file from a customized location in Microsoft Outlook fails
An error message is displayed when you use bundles to store or apply the Microsoft Outlook settings
Where do I find the Personality Migration log files for Microsoft Outlook?
Unable to open Microsoft Outlook after storing the Outlook settings
The network connection is lost while using Direct mode to migrate network settings from the source device to the destination device when both the devices are in the same subnet
How do I enable debug logging for settings migration in Personality Migration?
Where do I find the Personality Migration log files?
If Personality Migration is executed by using the Store/Apply Action through ZENworks Configuration Management you can find the PersonalityLog.xml file in the ZENworks_Configuration_Management_Installation_Path\Novell\Zenworks\Logs\PersonalityMigration directory on your device.
The Personality Migration application hangs
For more information on how to uninstall Personality Migration, see Section 3.0, Uninstalling Personality Migration.
Migration of the archive.pst file from a customized location in Microsoft Outlook fails
An error message is displayed when you use bundles to store or apply the Microsoft Outlook settings
Where do I find the Personality Migration log files for Microsoft Outlook?
If Personality Migration is executed as a standalone application, you can find the PersonalityMigration*_outlook.xml log file in %appdata%\Novell\PersonalityMigration\PersonalityMigration\11.0.0.x.
If Personality Migration is executed by using the Store/Apply Action through ZENworks Configuration Management, you can find the PersonalityLog_outlook.xml file in the ZENworks_Configuration_Management_Installation_Path\Novell\Zenworks\Logs\PersonalityMigration directory of your device.
Unable to open Microsoft Outlook after storing the Outlook settings
Cannot open your default e-mail folders. The information store could not be opened.
After you store the personality, Microsoft Outlook might not open in Offline mode.
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