The My Tasks action lets you check your workflow queue for tasks that have been assigned to you. When a task is in your queue, you need to perform one of the following actions:
NOTE:You must have the appropriate authority to reassign tasks. To reassign a task, you must be an Organizational Manager or User Application Administrator.
Once you’ve claimed a task to work on, you have the ability to take an action that will forward the workitem to the next activity within the workflow. The actions you can perform on a claimed task are described below:
Click My Tasks in the My Work group of actions.
The list of tasks in your queue is displayed.
Click on the name of the task in the queue.
The Task Detail form is displayed.
To claim a task, follow the instructions under Section 9.2.3, Claiming a task.
To reassign a task, follow the instructions under Section 9.2.4, Reassigning a task.
To return to the task list, click Back.
Click the Claim button.
The Form Detail section of the page is updated to include the Deny and Approve buttons, and the appropriate fields become editable.
NOTE:The fields and buttons on the form will vary depending on which resource you requested. Some forms may include a Refuse button.
To deny the request, click Deny.
To approve the request, click Approve.
The user application displays a message indicating whether the action was successful.
Click the Reassign button.
The top section of the My Tasks page is updated to include the New Assigned To and Comments fields, as well as a Submit button.
Select the user you want to assign the task to in the New Assigned To field.
NOTE:An Organizational Manager can only reassign a task to a member of his/her team.
Optionally type a comment to explain the reason for the reassignment in the Comments field.
Click Submit.
The user application displays a message indicating whether the action was successful.