" />" />" />" />" />" />" /> GroupWise Administrator Quick Start
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GroupWise Administrator Quick Start
1.0 Locating GroupWise Documentation
2.0 Creating a GroupWise System
3.0 Accessing Your GroupWise Mailbox on Your Windows Desktop
4.0 Accessing Your GroupWise Mailbox from Your Web Browser, Tablet Device, or Mobile Device
5.0 Publishing Your Calendar and Free/Busy Information on the Internet
6.0 Synchronizing Your Mobile Device with GroupWise
7.0 Communicating in Real Time with Other GroupWise Users
8.0 Collaborating with Other GroupWise Users
9.0 Monitoring Your GroupWise System
10.0 Clustering Your GroupWise System
11.0 Updating Your GroupWise System with Support Packs
12.0 Legal Notices

GroupWise Administrator Quick Start

April 2024

GroupWise is a cross-platform, corporate email system that provides secure messaging, calendaring, and scheduling. GroupWise also includes task management, contact management, document management, and other productivity tools. Companion products provide secure instant messaging (GroupWise Messenger), synchronization with mobile devices (GroupWise Mobility Service), and teaming workspaces (OpenText Vibe) for robust enterprise connectivity and collaboration.

Your GroupWise system can run on Linux or Windows, or a combination of these operating systems. GroupWise users can access their mailboxes from their Windows desktops, in a web browser anywhere an Internet connection is available, on tablet devices such as the Apple iPad, and on mobile devices.

This Quick Start provides a high-level road map for novice GroupWise administrators and a concise checklist of essentials for experienced GroupWise administrators. For complete system requirements and installation instructions, see the GroupWise Installation Guide.

1.0 Locating GroupWise Documentation#

All GroupWise documentation is available on the GroupWise Documentation website.



GroupWise Release Notes

Known issues and new release features for GroupWise base components (client and administration).

GroupWise Installation Guide

Detailed system requirements and installation instructions for GroupWise system creation and for installation of all additional GroupWise components.

GroupWise Administration Guide

Creation and management of GroupWise domains, post offices, users, and all other GroupWise objects; configuration and optimization of all GroupWise agents and web applications; rollout strategies for the GroupWise Windows client.

GroupWise Interoperability Guide

How to use GroupWise in the context of other products, such as OES Cluster Services, Microsoft Failover Clustering, GroupWise Messenger, OpenText Vibe, and OpenText ZENworks.

GroupWise Client User Guide

Complete instructions for using the GroupWise client; also available in the client by clicking Help > User’s Guide, or by simply pressing F1 with the Client in focus.

GroupWise Web User Guide

Complete instructions for using GroupWise Web in a desktop web browser.

2.0 Creating a GroupWise System#

A GroupWise system consists of domains, post offices, users, and agents.

  • The Post Office Agent (POA) delivers messages between users’ mailboxes in each post office.

  • The Message Transfer Agent (MTA) routes messages between post offices and domains.

  • The Internet Agent (GWIA) transfers messages to and from the Internet.

  • The Document Viewer Agent (DVA) converts attached document files into HTML format for indexing by the POA and for display in the GroupWise Client and in GroupWise Web.

2.1 GroupWise System Requirements#

A snapshot of GroupWise system requirements are provided below. For comprehensive requirements, see the GroupWise Installation Guide.

  • Base server requirements can be found in the Hardware and Operating System Requirements in the GroupWise Installation Guide.

  • One or more of the following directories:

    • NetIQ eDirectory 9.2 or later, with LDAP enabled (optional)

      You can download eDirectory from the OpenText Downloads site.

    • Microsoft Active Directory (optional)

    • Native GroupWise directory (internal; required)

  • Any of the following web browsers for the GroupWise Administration console and agent consoles:

    • Linux: Mozilla Firefox; Google Chrome

    • Windows: Mozilla Firefox; Microsoft Edge with Chromium Edge; Google Chrome

    • Macintosh: Mozilla Firefox; Google Chrome; Safari

  • Adequate server memory as required by the operating system and by the GroupWise agents on the server

    For details, see Sample Agent Memory Requirements in the GroupWise Installation Guide.

2.2 GroupWise System Creation#

On a machine that meets the GroupWise system requirements:

  1. Start the GroupWise Installation Wizard in the downloaded GroupWise software image:

    • Linux:
    • Windows:
    • /gwXX.X.X-build_version/install.sh
    • \groupwise\setup.exe
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to create your initial GroupWise system:

    • Create the primary domain and configure if for the Message Transfer Agent.

    • (Optional) Create a post office and configure the Post Office Agent.

    • (Optional) Set up the Internet Agent (GWIA) to provide Internet access.

    • (Optional) Set up the Document Viewer Agent (DVA) to provide viewing and indexing services.

After you create the primary domain, you typically create secondary domains and post offices on additional servers.

For compete setup instructions, see GroupWise System Creation in the GroupWise Installation Guide. For maintenance information, see the following sections in the in the GroupWise Administration Guide:

3.0 Accessing Your GroupWise Mailbox on Your Windows Desktop#

Each GroupWise user has a mailbox in a post office. In a corporate workplace environment, users with Windows workstations can run the GroupWise client to access their mailboxes and to send and receive mail.

3.1 GroupWise Client Workstation Requirements#

A snapshot of GroupWise Client requirements are provided below. Note that the OS requirements shown for the Client encompass both the latest version of GroupWise and several legacy versions and are not all applicable to every GroupWise version. To see specific supported operating systems by version, see GroupWise Client User Requirements in the GroupWise Installation Guide.

  • x86-32 processor or x86-64 processor

    On a 64-bit processor, GroupWise still runs as a 32-bit application.

  • Any of the following desktop operating systems for the GroupWise client:

    • Windows 10 on a 1 GHz or higher workstation with at least 1 GB of RAM

      IMPORTANT:Windows 10 feature releases that have reached end-of-service are not supported. For information about those releases, see Microsoft documentation, Lifecycle FAQ - Windows.

    • Windows 11 on a 1 GHz or higher workstation with at least 4 GB of RAM

  • Approximately 200 MB of free disk space on each user’s workstation to install the GroupWise client.

3.2 GroupWise Client Installation#

At a Windows workstation that meets the client requirements:

  1. Run the GroupWise Installation Wizard (gw-version_client_win_multi.exe).

  2. Click GroupWise Client to start the GroupWise Client Setup Wizard.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the GroupWise client software on your workstation.

    The Installation Wizard adds a GroupWise client icon to your desktop.

  4. Double-click the GroupWise client icon to start the GroupWise client.

For system-wide rollout of the GroupWise Client software, you will probably not provide the downloaded software image to each GroupWise user. See Client in the GroupWise Administration Guide for various client rollout alternatives, including the use of OpenText ZENworks.

4.0 Accessing Your GroupWise Mailbox from Your Web Browser, Tablet Device, or Mobile Device#

GroupWise Web enables GroupWise users to access their GroupWise mailboxes through web browsers, on tablet devices, and on mobile phones.

GroupWise Web integrates into your web server so that GroupWise mailbox information can be displayed in your web browser or on your tablet device or mobile device. The application communicates with the POA to obtain the mailbox information and with the DVA to convert documents into HTML format for viewing in your mobile environment.

GroupWise Web is delivered via Docker containers to our customers, enabling them to install and manage their Web installations on any Docker supported platform. For detailed instructions to install Docker and GroupWise Web, see Setting Up GroupWise Web in the GroupWise Installation Guide.

NOTE:GroupWise Web replaced GroupWise WebAccess in GroupWise 18.2 and later and is regularly enhanced and updated. WebAccess is no longer maintained or supported as of GroupWise 18.3. However, setup instructions for WebAccess are still available in Setting Up GroupWise WebAccess (Legacy) in the GroupWise 18 Installation Guide.

5.0 Publishing Your Calendar and Free/Busy Information on the Internet#

The GroupWise Calendar Publishing Host enables GroupWise users to publish their GroupWise Calendars and free/busy status on the Internet, so that non-GroupWise users can see their schedules and availability. This helps non-GroupWise users schedule convenient appointments with GroupWise users.

For installation instructions, see Setting Up the GroupWise Calendar Publishing Host in the GroupWise Installation Guide. For maintenance instructions, see Calendar Publishing Host in the GroupWise Administration Guide.

6.0 Synchronizing Your Mobile Device with GroupWise#

You can use the GroupWise Mobility Service to synchronize email and other personal information manager (PIM) data from GroupWise to mobile devices that support Microsoft ActiveSync protocol 12.x.

Supported mobile device operating systems include:

  • Android 3.x and 4.x

  • Apple iOS 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x

  • Windows Phone 7

  • Windows 8 (Phone, Tablet, and Desktop)

  • BlackBerry 10.x

For installation instructions, see the GroupWise Mobility Service Installation Guide. For maintenance instructions, see the GroupWise Mobility Service Administration Guide.

7.0 Communicating in Real Time with Other GroupWise Users#

GroupWise Messenger is a cross-platform, corporate-based, secure instant messaging solution that supports instant messaging, presence, chat rooms, broadcasts, and archiving of conversations for GroupWise users. Messenger runs on Linux and Windows.

For basic instructions, see the GroupWise Messenger Quick Start. For more detailed information, see the GroupWise Messenger Installation Guide and the GroupWise Messenger Administration Guide.

8.0 Collaborating with Other GroupWise Users#

Micro Focus Vibe enhances GroupWise by providing easy document management and sharing, team calendars and task lists, workflows, discussion threads, wikis, blogs, RSS feeds, and more.

For basic instructions, see the Vibe User Quick Start. For more detailed information, see the Vibe Installation Guide and the Vibe Administration Guide.

9.0 Monitoring Your GroupWise System#

GroupWise Monitor is a monitoring and management tool that allows you and other GroupWise administrators to monitor GroupWise agents from any location where you are connected to the Internet and have access to a web browser. Some agent administration can also be performed from your web browser.

9.1 GroupWise Monitor System Requirements#

More detailed Monitor requirements are listed in the GroupWise Installation Guide.

9.2 GroupWise Monitor Installation#

  1. Start the GroupWise Installation Wizard, as described in GroupWise System Creation.

  2. On Linux, enter Installation > GroupWise Monitor Agent.


    On Windows, click GroupWise Monitor.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the Monitor Agent to a Linux or Windows server.

  4. (Optional) Install the Monitor Application to the web server of your choice, if you want to be able to monitor the agents from outside your firewall.

    On Windows, the Installation Wizard can immediately start the Monitor Agent and web server for you.

  5. (Conditional) On Linux, restart Apache and Tomcat if you installed the Monitor Application.

  6. (Optional) To display the main Monitor web console in your web browser either inside or outside your firewall, use the following URL:


    Replace web_server_address with the IP address or DNS hostname of your web server.

  7. To display the more full-featured Monitor Agent console in your web browser, use the following URL:


    The Monitor Agent console, provided by the Monitor Agent itself, can be accessed only from behind your firewall.

For complete installation instructions, see Setting Up GroupWise Monitor in the GroupWise Installation Guide. For maintenance instructions, see Monitor in the GroupWise Administration Guide.

10.0 Clustering Your GroupWise System#

Clustering ensures high availability and manageability of critical network resources by providing failover, failback, and migration (load balancing) capabilities for clustered resources. By setting up post offices in a cluster, you ensure that GroupWise users can always access their mailboxes. By setting up the Internet Agent (GWIA) in a cluster, you ensure that GroupWise users can always send mail across the Internet.

GroupWise can be installed in clusters on Linux and Windows. For more information, see Setting up a GroupWise Cluster in the GroupWise Interoperability Guide.

11.0 Updating Your GroupWise System with Support Packs#

Updates to your GroupWise software are provided on the OpenText Downloads page.

Follow the installation instructions in the Readme for each GroupWise Support Pack, keeping in mind the following important guidelines:

  • Always update your primary domain first.

  • When you update any domain, always start the MTA first (before any updated POAs) so that the domain database is fully updated.

  • After you update a domain and start the MTA for it, start the updated POAs for the post offices that belong to the updated domain.

12.0 Legal Notices#

Copyright 1993 - 2024 Open Text.

The only warranties for products and services of Open Text and its affiliates and licensors (“Open Text”) are as may be set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Open Text shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.