The Novell® Identity Manager Roles
Based Provisioning Module is an add-on module to Identity Manager
that provides a complete roles-based provisioning solution. At
the heart of the Roles Based Provisioning Module is the User
Application, which is the business users view into the information,
resources, and capabilities of Identity Manager. The User
Application is a browser-based Web application that gives the
user the ability to perform a variety of identity self-service
and roles provisioning tasks. The User Application allows users
to initiate provisioning and role assignment requests, and also
manage the approval process for these requests.
The Identity Manager User Application is secure, scalable, and
easy to manage. Through streamlined user administration and processes,
the User Application helps organizations reduce management costs,
increase productivity and security, and comply with government regulations.
Identity Manager Roles Based Provisioning Module 3.7
is part of the Novell Compliance
Management Platform. The Novell Compliance Management Platform
delivers business process automation that provides users with
the appropriate resources, validated in real-time to ensure
compliance to company policy. For more information, see the
Novell Compliance Management Platform site.