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ZENworks Application 2017
1.0 Overview
2.0 Troubleshooting
3.0 Legal Notices

ZENworks Application 2017

December 2016

1.0 Overview#

ZENworks Application (ZAPP) leverages the capabilities of a unified endpoint management solution to provide an enhanced user experience, while using the same functionality as that of the old Novell Application Launcher (NAL) window. The features include:

    • A brand new user interface that serves as a single place for all ZENworks end user functionality on Windows.

    • An integrated search to help you find the app of your choice. The search includes full and split pattern matching by name, description, and contact information.

    • A new branding policy that enables your organization to customize certain aspects of the ZENworks Application based on your own branding requirements, such as the ZAPP icon, wallpaper, and color.

    • An improved user experience, including:

      • Providing remote assistance to end users from the ZAPP window. You do not need to go to the ZENworks system tray icon, you can click the menu from ZAPP itself to request remote assistance.

This document includes the following:


  • If NALWIN is configured as Shell, then during upgrade ZAPP will replace NALWIN.

  • Administrator has to configure the Refresh, Progress status, Technician Application, ZENworks > icon, and Remote assistance options to enable users to access them.

1.1 Launching ZAPP#

You can launch ZAPP by using any of the following options:

  • Click the ZENworks icon from the system tray.

  • Start > Novell ZENworks > ZENworks Application.

  • Start > Run and then type ZAPP-launcher.

1.2 Loging into ZAAP#

To log into the ZAPP:

  • Right-click the ZENworks icon and click Sign in.

  • Select the Hamburger menu and click Sign in.

1.3 Launching Technician Application #

In this release the Show Properties menu is renamed as Technician Application.

To launch Technician Application:

  1. Right-click the ZENworks icon and click Technician Application.

1.4 Refreshing the agent#

You can refresh the agent by using any of the following options:

  • Select the Hamburger menu and click Refresh.

  • Click the Refresh icon in the status bar.

1.5 Searching bundles and folders#

The Search option enables you to search the required bundles and folders within the name, description, and contacts parameters. Even if a particular folder is selected the search is performed across the application.

1.6 Viewing bundles and folders using the icons#

The following views are available:

  • Icon View: Displays icons of bundles and folders.

  • Detailed View: Displays folders and bundle information such as name, version, and status. You can sort the bundle as required.

  • Toggle Tree View: Displays and hides the left pane folder view.

1.7 Viewing the bundle progress status #

In this release the Show Progress menu is renamed as View Progress.

To view the bundle progress status:

  1. Select the Hamburger menu and click View Progress.

    In the Progress Status you can retry on bundle failure, pause and resume while downloading bundle content.

You can also clear the bundle progress by right-clicking the progress status and click Clear.

1.8 Requesting for remote assistance#

To request the remote assistance from an administrator:

  1. Select the Hamburger menu and click Remote assistance.

  2. In the Request Session, specify connection details and then click Request.

1.9 Viewing and using the bundle actions#

To view and use the bundle actions:

  1. Select a bundle and right-click.

    • Open: Performs install and launch actions. If any install action set is specified in a bundle, then it installs else it executes launch action set, if specified.

    • Repair: Re-runs the install action set. This option is enabled only if a bundle has the install action. This is same as Verify in NAL.

    • Uninstall: If this option is enabled for a bundle it will undo the install actions. This option is enabled only if administrator has configured the uninstall action.

    • Properties: Displays bundle details such as name, status, description, contacts, and failure messages in case of system requirements failure.

1.10 Accessing options through shortcuts#

You can use the following shortcuts:

  • Tab: To navigate between panes (Toggle Tree View, Icon View, and Detailed View), folders, and bundles. After an element is highlighted, press Enter to perform the related operation.

  • Ctrl + Tab: To navigate through the Hamburger menu, Toggle Tree View, Icon View, Detailed View, Properties, Progress status, and Status bar.

  • Ctrl + Shift: Use the following keys for different views:

    • Ctrl + shift + 1 Toggle Tree View

    • Ctrl + shift + 2 Icon View

    • Ctrl + shift + 3 Detailed View

  • Ctrl + F: Go to the Search window.

1.11 Important information about bundles behavior in Windows 7 Start menu#

If a bundle is pinned to the Start menu and if you launch the bundle, the bundle will get pinned to the recently used items.

2.0 Troubleshooting #

2.1 When the response time between ZAPP and ZENworks Agent exceeds an error message is displayed#

When the response time between ZAPP and ZENworks exceeds the default value of 5 minutes, the following error message is displayed:

ZENworks Application Launcher failed to authorize. Please restart. If the problem persists, please contact system administrator.

Workaround: Increase the ZENworks agent response time:

  1. Go to %zenworks_home%\logs\LocalStore

  2. Open the zmd-messages.log file.

  3. Search for The request took longer than expected to reach the server. The time delay was X ms, where X ms is the value.

  4. Increase the ZENworks agent response time:

    1. Go to HKLM\Software\Novell\ZCM

    2. Create the MAX_REQUEST_DELAY registry.

    3. Specify the time in milliseconds.

      For example, if you want to delay for 10 seconds, then specify the time as 10000.

2.2 The ZAPP logs are not getting zipped when ZAPP reaches the maximum size#

In ZAPP, the <username>.zapp.log rollover files are created after reaching the maximum size. However, the .gz zip files are not created for these rollover files due to some zip-creation issues.

The latest file is named as <username>.zapp.log and the name of the oldest file is appended with the largest number.

Workaround: None. Ensure that you do not change the "zippedArchive" property value to true in the logger.json file (located at %zenworks_home%/zapp/conf).

2.3 ZAPP cannot be launched at startup#

ZAPP cannot be launched at startup to run in the foreground as it is already running in the system tray.

Solution: To launch ZAPP at startup in the foreground from the next login:

  1. Go to %zenworks_home%/zapp.

  2. Open the package.json file.

  3. Search for the "show" property and change the value from false to true.

  4. Save the file.

2.4 ZAPP will not be able to communicate with the ZENworks Agent#

If the Internet proxy is set, then ZAPP will not be able to communicate with the ZENworks Agent.

Solution: Enable Bypass proxy server for local addresses:

  1. On the Windows device, click Start, and select Control Panel.

  2. Select Internet Options.

  3. In the Internet Properties window, select the Connections tab and click LAN Settings.

  4. In the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window, under Proxy Server, select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses option.

  5. Click OK.

2.5 Bundle does not display in Start menu tile and taskbar#

If you create a bundle name with a reserved word that is used by Windows operating system, then the bundle does not get pinned to the Start menu tile and taskbar.

Solution: Do not use the Windows reserved words to create a bundle.

Reserved keywords are available in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileAssociation\AddRemoveNames registry key.

2.6 Two ZENworks icons are displayed in the Start menu#

In the Start menu, under the recently used items two ZENworks icons (ZENworks Application and ZENworks) are displayed for ZAPP. Both the ZENworks icons have the same functionality.

Workaround: None.

2.7 The Check For Updates menu might not be displayed in the ZENworks system tray icon#

The Check For Updates menu might not be displayed in the ZENworks system tray icon.

Workaround: Restart ZAPP.

2.8 The Alert pop-up window might be displayed in the center of the screen#

If you refresh ZAPP, the Alert pop-up window might be displayed in the center of the screen.

Workaround: To display the pop-up window on the ZENworks system try icon:

  1. End all the ZAPP process.

  2. Go to %localappdata%

  3. Delete the ZENworks folder and restart ZAPP.