" /> ZENworks Coexistence with Other ZENworks Products
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ZENworks Coexistence with Other ZENworks Products
1.0 ZENworks Desktop Management
2.0 ZENworks Asset Management
3.0 ZENworks Endpoint Security Management
4.0 ZENworks Patch Management
5.0 ZENworks Server Management
6.0 ZENworks Linux Management
7.0 ZENworks Handheld Management
8.0 Legal Notice

ZENworks Coexistence with Other ZENworks Products

1.0 ZENworks Desktop Management#

The following information applies to ZENworks 2017 coexistence with ZENworks 7.x Desktop Management (ZDM 7). ZENworks 2017 does not coexist with ZENworks for Desktops 4.x or ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management.

1.1 Server Coexistence#

The ZENworks 2017 Server cannot coexist with the ZDM 7 Server or Agent. Do not install a ZENworks 2017 Server on any network server that already has a ZDM 7 Server or Agent installed.

1.2 Agent Coexistence#

The ZENworks 2017 Agent can coexist with the ZDM 7 Agent on the same device if the following conditions are met:

  • Asset Management or Patch Management is the only ZENworks Agent feature installed on the device.

  • The ZDM 7 Agent is installed on a device before the ZENworks 2017 Agent. Installing the ZDM 7 Agent after the ZENworks 2017 Agent can have undesirable consequences, including being able to start Windows only in Safe mode until the agents are removed.

When you install the agent on a ZDM 7 registered device, the ZDM 7 GUID is used to register the device in the ZENworks 2017 Management Zone. This provides a migration path for the device if you decide to move from ZDM 7 to ZENworks 2017.

1.3 Agent Coexistence Scenario for ZDM 7 and ZENworks 2017#

If you plan to run both the ZDM 7 agent and the ZENworks 2017 Agent on the same managed devices, review the following instructions to ensure proper configuration of your environment:

  1. If you have not already done so, install the ZDM 7 agent on any devices that you want managed by ZDM 7. Refer to the ZENworks Desktop Management 7 documentation for instructions.

    The ZDM 7 agent must be installed on a device before the ZENworks 2017 Agent. Installing the ZDM 7 Agent after the ZENworks 2017 Agent can have undesirable consequences, including being able to start Windows only in Safe mode until the agents are removed.

  2. Configure ZENworks 2017 to support devices managed by both ZDM 7 and ZENworks 2017:

    1. In ZENworks Control Center, click Configuration.

    2. In the Management Zone Settings panel, click Device Management, then click ZENworks Agent.

    3. In the Agent Features panel, select the Installed and Enabled option next to the ZENworks 2017 features you want available on ZDM 7 devices: Asset Management, Patch Management, or both.

      Asset Management and Patch Management are the only ZENworks 2017 features supported on ZDM 7 managed devices. Do not install any of the other features.

    4. Deselect the Installed option next to the features you don’t want installed.

    5. Click OK.

    6. Deploy the ZENworks 2017 Agent on the ZDM 7 managed devices where you want ZENworks 2017 available.

      For information on how to deploy the ZENworks Agent, see Deploying the ZENworks Agent in the ZENworks Discovery, Deployment, and Retirement Reference.

      In ZENworks Control Center, the devices appear in the \Servers folder or the \Workstation folder on the Devices page.

  3. Configure ZENworks 2017 to support devices managed by ZENworks 2017 only:

    1. In ZENworks Control Center, click Devices, then create a folder in the \Servers folder and another one in the \Workstation folder.

      For information on how to create a folder, see Creating a Folder in the ZENworks 2017 Quick Start Reference.

    2. For each folder you created, override the ZENworks Agent settings to enable the ZENworks 2017 features you want available on ZENworks 2017 managed devices:

      1. Click Details next to the folder name to display the folder’s details.

      2. Click Settings > Device Management > ZENworks Agent.

      3. Click Override settings.

      4. In the Agent Features panel, select the Installed and Enabled option next to the ZENworks 2017 features you want available on ZENworks 2017 managed devices.

      5. Click OK.

    3. Deploy the ZENworks 2017 Agent on the devices you want managed only by ZENworks 2017.

      For information on how to deploy the ZENworks Agent, see Deploying the ZENworks Agent in the ZENworks Discovery, Deployment, and Retirement Reference.

      In ZENworks Control Center, the devices appear in the \Servers folder or the \Workstation folder on the Devices page.

    4. Move the devices to the folder you just created in the \Servers folder or the \Workstation folder.

      After the devices are moved, the ZENworks Agent settings for that folder take effect. The next time an agent refresh occurs on the devices, the ZENworks 2017 features you configured in Step 3.b are installed.

      Any time you deploy the ZENworks 2017 Agent to a new device and register it in the zone, you must move it to this folder if it is a ZENworks 2017 managed device. If it is a ZDM 7/ZENworks 2017 managed device, keep it in the root \Servers or \Workstations folder (or in a folder that is configured to install only the desired ZENworks 2017 features).

2.0 ZENworks Asset Management#

The following information applies to ZENworks 2017 coexistence with ZENworks 7.5 Asset Management (ZAM 7.5):

  • Server Coexistence: There are no known coexistence issues. For performance reasons, however, we recommend that you do not install a ZENworks 2017 Server on the same network server as a ZAM 7.5 Server.

  • Agent Coexistence: Beginning with ZAM 7.5 IR19, the ZENworks 2017 Agent (including the Inventory-Only Agent) and ZAM 7.5 client can coexist.

3.0 ZENworks Endpoint Security Management#

The following information applies to ZENworks 2017 coexistence with ZENworks Endpoint Security Management 4.1 (ZESM 4.1):

  • Server Coexistence: There are no known coexistence issues. For performance reasons, however, we recommend that you do not install a ZENworks 2017 Server on the same network server as a ZESM 4.1 Server.

  • Agent Coexistence: The ZENworks 2017 Agent and ZESM 4.1 Client can not coexist. You must uninstall the ZESM 4.1 Client before installing the ZENworks 2017 Agent.

4.0 ZENworks Patch Management#

The following information applies to ZENworks 2017 coexistence with ZENworks 7.x Patch Management (ZPM 7) and ZENworks Patch Management 6.4 (ZPM 6.4):

  • Server Coexistence: There are no known coexistence issues. For performance reasons, however, we recommend that you do not install a ZENworks 2017 Server on the same network server as a ZPM 7/ZPM 6.4 Server.

  • Agent Coexistence: The ZENworks 2017 Agent and ZPM 7/ZPM 6.4 Agents can coexist. If you decide to use ZENworks 2017 Patch Management instead of ZPM 7/ZPM 6.4, you can remove the ZPM 7/ZPM 6.4 Agent, because ZENworks 2017 Patch Management uses the ZENworks 2017 Agent.

5.0 ZENworks Server Management#

The following information applies to ZENworks 2017 coexistence with ZENworks 7.x Server Management (ZSM 7) and ZENwork for Servers 3.x (ZfS 3):

  • Server Coexistence: There are no known coexistence issues. For performance reasons, however, we recommend that you do not install a ZENworks 2017 Server on the same network server as ZSM 7 Servers or ZfS 3 Servers.

  • Agent Coexistence: ZSM 7 and ZfS 3 do not include an agent.

6.0 ZENworks Linux Management#

The following information applies to ZENworks 2017 coexistence with ZENworks 7.x Linux Management (ZLM 7):

  • Server Coexistence: There are two issues related to server coexistence:

    • Issue 1: The ZENworks 2017 Server (Linux version) cannot coexist with the ZLM 7 Server. Do not install the ZENworks 2017 Server on any Linux server that already has a ZLM 7 Server installed.

    • Issue 2: The ZENworks 2017 Satellite (Linux version) cannot coexist with the ZLM 7 Server. Do not install the ZENworks 2017 Satellite on any Linux server that already has a ZLM 7 Server installed.

  • Server/Agent Coexistence: The ZENworks 2017 Server and Satellite (Linux versions) cannot coexist with the ZLM 7 Agent, meaning that the ZENworks 2017 Server and Satellite cannot be a managed device in your ZLM 7 zone. Do not install the ZLM 7 Agent on the same Linux server as a ZENworks 2017 Server or Satellite.

    If your device has the ZENworks Linux Management Server installed, you must manually uninstall the ZENworks Linux Management Server before installing the ZENworks Configuration Management Server. However, if your device has the ZENworks Linux Management Agent installed, you need not manually uninstall the ZENworks Linux Management Agent, because it is automatically uninstalled from the device while installing the ZENworks Configuration Management Server.

  • Agent Coexistence: If your device has the ZENworks Linux Management Agent installed, you need not manually uninstall the ZENworks Linux Management Agent, because it is automatically uninstalled from the device while installing the ZENworks Configuration Management Agent. You cannot uninstall ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management Agent on ZENworks 2017 Inventoried-Only devices, because ZENworks 7.3 Linux Management Agent removes the files that are used by ZENworks 2017 Inventory-Only Agent.

7.0 ZENworks Handheld Management#

The following information applies to ZENworks 2017 coexistence with ZENworks 7.x Handheld Management, ZENworks for Handhelds 5.x, and ZENwork for Handhelds 3.x:

  • Server Coexistence: There are no known coexistence issues. For performance reasons, however, we recommend that you do not run the ZENworks 2017 Server on the same network server as the traditional ZENworks Handheld Management Servers.

8.0 Legal Notice#

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