October 24, 2007
Novell® Teaming is an enterprise collaboration tool that integrates with GroupWise®. Novell Teaming can increase individual productivity, team effectiveness, and organizational success by providing the right set of tools. Key teaming features include:
Team workspaces, calendars, task lists, and milestone tracking
Easy document management and document sharing
Discussion threads, wikis, blogs, and RSS feeds
Workflow automaton with customized forms
Global searches
System requirements and installation instructions are available in the Teaming 1.0 Installation and Configuration Guide on the Novell Teaming 1.0 Documentation Web site.
If you purchased a number of licenses in such a way that you received multiple license key files, you need to consolidate the licene information.
Use any one of the license key files when you install Novell Teaming.
After Novell Teaming is installed and running, copy all your license key files to the following directory:
/opt/icecore/liferay-portal-tomcat-5.5-jdk5-4.3.0/webapps/ ssf/WEB-INF/license
Log in to Novell Teaming as the Teaming Site Manager.
In the Teaming Administration portlet, click Manage License.
Your current license information is displayed.
Scroll to the bottom of the license information, then click Reload License File.
The Teaming server reads all the license key files in the license subdirectory and displays your total license information.
Microsoft Vista has numerous problems with WebDAV access affecting all WebDAV interactions. There is also a Vista-specific issue with applets that prevents the edit-in-place feature from working properly. Monitor Microsoft support bulletins for updates on these issues. For the applets, refer to the following Sun bulletins:
At release time, the current version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) ships with an older 1.4.x version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). This version has a bug which prevents drag-and-drop from operating properly with the Novell Teaming file upload applet, However, copy-and-paste still works. Updating the JRE to 1.5.x on the SLED client machine resolves the problem.
If you modify a task “in place,” the summary page underneath does not update to reflect the change. You must refresh the page. A similar behavior can be seen in calendars.
If you change your interface language, the change is immediate in the Liferay portal, but requires logging out and logging in again before Novell Teaming responds to the change.
If you change your password through the Liferay portal or by other means, you might need to log out and log in again for WebDAV access to work properly.
The Liferay portal allows authentication by IDs other than screen name (e.g., e-mail address). Enabling this feature requires a number of prerequisites and has some side-effects that might not be desirable:
All e-mail addresses must be unique
Liferay’s LDAP search filter must be changed from cn=@screen_name@ to mail=@email_address@.
Unique screen names must still be defined for each user.
WebDAV and Web Services only support authentication by username (screen name), not e-mail address.
Alternatively, it is possible to use the e-mail address as the screen name (i.e., screen name and e-mail address fields are identical). This, however, is a decision that cannot be changed and must be part of the initial population of the database from LDAP.
In Internet Explorer, if you try to download the Novell Teaming system error log using the Reports menu item in the Teaming Administration portlet, you must have the Security setting set to Medium or less for the download to work. Firefox works in all cases.
If your session times out while viewing a folder with a table view, the Liferay pop-up box will be obscured. We hope to fix this in a future update.
Five warnings appear in the Liferay startup log file (catalina.out). These are benign and can safely be ignored:
service.impl.PortletLocalServiceImpl - "Portal with name EXT_1..."
org.hibernate.imple.SessionFactoryObjectFactory - "Initial context...
No appenders for log4j
net.sf.ehcache.config.Configurator - "No configuration found...
When you shut down Novell Teaming, the log file contains a message about a "NullPointerException". This error is benign.
A directory tree named jackrabbit is created in the FileRepository root directory. This is the result of initialization of software components that are not yet supported in the current release.
The following sources provide information about Novell Teaming 1.0:
Installation: The following files are available after you extract the software from the .exe file and before you install the software:
installation-guide.pdf (the Novell Teaming 1.0 Installation and Configuration Guide)
Product documentation included in Novell Teaming:
To access the Novell Teaming Help system, log in to Novell Teaming, then click the Help link.
To access the Novell Teaming guides from within Novell Teaming, click the Getting Started link on the Novell Teaming Home page.
Online product documentation: Novell Teaming 1.0 Documentation Web site
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