This document provides troubleshooting guidelines for common problems related to Remote Management in ZENworks. If, after completing the troubleshooting steps, the problem is not resolved, please contact Technical Support for additional help.
Is the device you are trying to remote control turned on?
Is Remote Management enabled on device?
To check, double-click the ZENworks icon on the device to display the ZENworks Agent properties. If Remote Management is listed in the left pane, Remote Management is enabled on the device. If Remote Management is not enabled, you need to enable it for the device in ZENworks Control Center (device > Settings tab > Device Management > ZENworks Agent > Agent Features). After enabling Remote Management for the device, refresh the device (right-click ZENworks icon > Refresh).
Is the correct Remote Management policy applied to the device? Check the following:
On the device, double-click the ZENworks icon to display the ZENworks Agent properties. Under Remote Management, click Policy. Is the correct policy listed as the effective policy?
Has the device refreshed since the last change to the Remote Management policy? On the device, right click the ZENworks icon > Refresh.
In ZENworks Control Center, verify that the correct policy version is published.
Is the Remote Management policy using Rights authentication or is Password authentication enabled? If the policy is configured for Rights authentication:
Make sure you have Remote Management rights to the device object or user object on which you are performing the remote control operation.
Make sure that the time on all Primary Servers, the database server, and the device are synchronized (within 2 minutes of each other).
Verify the following network and port information for the device:
If you are using a DNS hostname for the device, verify that the hostname is being resolved and that forward lookup is working.
Verify that port 5950 is open on the device.
If the device cannot be directly accessed from the remote console, configure a Satellite Server with the JoinProxy role to enable remote management to be routed through the Satellite Server.
If you are receiving an encryption error, check the Session Security settings in the Remote Management policy.
Is your zone using the ZENworks internal certificate authority or an external certificate authority? If it uses external certificates, ensure that you specify the correct certificate and keyfile when initiating the remote control session.
If the issue is still not resolved, gather the Remote Management logs and contact Support. For information about which logs to collect, see the Remote Management sections in Knowledgebase TID 3418069.
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