2.4 Administration Workstation Requirements

Make sure the workstation (or server) where you run the ZENworks Control Center to administer your system meets the requirements listed below:

Table 2-4 Administration Workstation Requirements



Web Browser

  • Firefox 1.4 or higher

  • Firefox 3.5 / 3.6

  • Mozilla 1.7 or higher

  • Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 (all Windows platforms except Windows XP)

  • Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 (Windows XP)

  • Internet Explorer 7.x

  • Internet Explorer 8.0

Java 1.4 Web Browser plug-ins

Required to use the Remote Management functionality in the ZENworks Control Center. For information about installing the browser plug-ins on Firefox and Mozilla, see the Java Runtime Engine information at Mozdev.org. For information about installing the browser plug-ins on Internet Explorer, visit Java.com.


  • Processor: Pentium III, 64-bit AMD Opteron, or 64-bit Intel Xeon EMT

  • RAM: 512 MB minimum

  • Disk space: 500 MB minimum

  • Display resolution: 1024 x 768