June 09, 2008
This document was updated in the following sections on the dates indicated:
The following changes were made:
Added the following known issue:
Section 7.1, Unable to manually update Policy and Distribution Services
Updated the following section:
ZENworks Server Management was not released with the ZENworks 7 with Support Pack 1 Interim Release 3.
Novell® ZENworks® 7 Server Management with Support Pack 1 Interim Release 3a (SP1 IR3a) contains files that were updated for ZENworks 7 Server Management after the SP1 release. The Server Management product is shipped in two packages, one package for Windows* and NetWare®, and a second for ZENworks 7 Server Management Services on Linux*.
We recommend that you check the readme of the shipping version of ZENworks 7 Server Management with Support Pack 1 for issues that pertain to all of its interim releases.
Locate the Interim Release download at the Novell downloads Web site, then search for the ZENworks 7 product and this IR3a release.
Follow the prompts to copy the download file, zsm7sp1_ir3a.zip, to a suitable network path.
We recommend that you extract this Interim Release to the root of a local drive of a Windows workstation or to the root of a network server volume because it contains directory paths that could exceed the DOS limits.
Unzip the zsm7sp1_ir3a.zip file.
IMPORTANT:If you chose to download zsm7sp1_ir3a.zip to a location that includes a space in the path, for example, c:\documents and settings\downloads, the .zip fails to extract. To work around this problem, run the .zip from a DOS command prompt.
The .zip file extracts to a folder named zsm7sp1_ir3a.
We recommend that you back up your existing installation before applying the files from this interim release. The interim release installation updates a limited number of files.
NOTE:You must follow the proper installation order when you upgrade to IR3a. For more information, see Section 5.1, Interim Release 3a Installation Order.
Interim Release 3a is not a full overlay of ZENworks 7 Server Management with Support Pack 1. You must have the shipping version of ZENworks 7 Server Management with Support Pack 1 already installed on the server before you can install IR3a. IR3a is a comprehensive maintenance release, which means that it includes all of the fixes made after Support Pack 1 shipped.
Policy and Distribution Services should be updated first to update the Software Packaging feature because Server Inventory and Remote Management use this for their updates. Then you can update Server Inventory, Remote Management, and Management and Monitoring Services in any order.
Installing IR3a for Policy and Distribution Services requires updating the software then updating the plug-ins and snap-ins.
Follow the steps to update Interim Release 3a on NetWare, Windows, or Linux servers:
Make sure that no Distributions are currently running or are set to run.
For example, make sure that all other Channels are set to
until after IR3a CPK has been sent and extracted. You will be creating separate Channels for this Interim Release CPK.Copy the ...\zsm7sp1_ir3a\zfs_ted\cpk\zsm7sp1ir3a_polydist.cpk file to the Distributor server.
Create a Software Package Distribution to include the zsm7sp1ir3a_polydist.cpk file.
Because Distributor servers must be updated first, do the following:
Create a Channel for this Interim Release that will be used to update the Distributor servers.
If you were to include a Subscriber (that is on the same device as a Distributor) in the same channel as all of the other Subscribers, it could cause the Distributor to stop in the middle of sending IR3a to the other Subscribers, because the CPK restarts the ZfS Service and the send would not resume until the Channel's Send schedule starts again.
For each Distributor server, subscribe its Subscriber to this Channel.
Add the Software Package Distribution to this Channel.
Set the Channel's Send schedule to
.If necessary, resolve the certificates.
If you installed the server new before installing IR3a, you need to resolve certificates.
Refresh the Distributor that owns this Software Package Distribution.
This causes the Distributor to build the Software Package Distribution so that IR3a can be sent and installed on all Distributor servers via their Subscribers.
After the Distributions have been sent and extracted, set this Channel to
so that it won't be sent again to these Subscribers.After the Distributors have received and extracted the patch, do the following for the target Subscriber servers:
Create a separate Channel for this Interim Release that will be used to send it to all of the Subscribers needing to receive the patch.
Subscribe all of these Subscribers to this Channel.
Be sure to exclude any Subscribers where their Distributors have already been updated.
Add the Software Package Distribution to this Channel.
Set the Channel's Send schedule to
.Refresh the Distributor to install IR3a on the Subscriber servers.
The Subscriber servers will be updated with IR3a according to each Subscriber’s Extract schedule.
After the Distributions have been sent and received, set this Channel to
so that it won't be sent again to these Subscribers.The Subscriber servers will be updated according to the Channel's Send and Subscribers’ Extract schedules.
If desired, you may run a utility that was included with previous patches. It can determine if the patch was applied properly.
This tool can be run from the following locations:
Netware: sys:\temp\zsm7\patch\utils\checkpolydistfiles.ncf
Windows: c:\temp\zsm7\patch\utils\checkpolydistfiles.bat
Linux and Solaris: Check the version of the RPM.
After you have run this utility, it generates a cpdf.log file that contains the results of the patch installation.
Based on the folder structure in this patch under the ...\zsm7sp1_ir3a\zfs_ted\dirstruc\imanager2.6\webapps\nps directory, copy the files in this patch to the target servers running Novell iManager plug-ins.
If prompted to overwrite files, select
.Target path examples:
iManager Mobile: installation_location\imanager\tomcat\webapps\nps\
iManager on NetWare: sys:\tomcat\4\webapps\nps\
Restart TomCat.
Shut down ConsoleOne® if it is running.
Based on the folder structure in this patch under the ...\zsm7sp1_ir3a\zfs_ted\dirstruc\consoleone directory, update the ConsoleOne snap-ins with the new JAR files in this patch.
If prompted to overwrite files, select
.Target path examples:
NetWare: sys:\public\mgmt\consoleone\
Windows: c:\novell\consoleone\
Restart ConsoleOne.
Installing IR3a for Server Inventory and Remote Management requires updating the Inventory Server software and the ConsoleOne components, then updating the agents using Software Packages.
Stop ConsoleOne, if it is running.
Stop the Inventory service and XML Proxy service, if they are running.
For more information on how to stop these services, see the ZENworks 7 Server Management Administration Guide.
(Conditional) While upgrading the NetWare server using the Inventory Agent software package file (zsm7sp1ir3a_invagnt.cpk), ensure that no scan is scheduled on the server.
In the downloaded and unzipped files, locate and edit ...\zsm7sp1_ir3a\zfs_invrm\zfs7sp1ir3ainvrm_updt.bat to set the value for the following variables:
CD_ROOT = extraction_directory\zfs_invrm\zfs.
(Conditional) To upgrade the ConsoleOne components of Server Inventory or Remote Management, set the value of C1_ROOT = ConsoleOne_installation_path, where c:\consoleone\1.2 is the default value.
(Conditional) If ZENworks 7 Server Management is installed on a NetWare server, then set the value of NWSYS to the drive mapped to the SYS: volume on the NetWare server.
(Conditional) To upgrade the Inventory server, set the value of ZENPATH = ZENworks_installation_path, where c:\zenworks is the default value.
Run zfs7sp1ir3ainvrm_updt.bat from the Windows device where zsm7sp1_ir3a.zip was extracted.
If you are upgrading an Inventory server and have more than one Inventory server installed in your network, you must repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for each Inventory server.
Execute queryswsupportpack_fix.sql on the database (use mssql_queryswsupportpack_fix.sql in case of MS SQL).
The script is available in the respective directories (sybase, oracle or mssql) of Inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\inv\ server\wminv\properties\sql.zip on Windows and /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/inv/sql.zip on Linux.
To run the script on Sybase*, create a new folder and copy the queryswsupportpack_fix.sql from the sql.zip file to the new folder. Navigate to Inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\inv\ server\wminv\bin in case of Windows or /opt/novell/zenworks/bin in case of Linux and run sybindex -path full path of the newly created folder.
Restart the Inventory and XML Proxy services, if they are installed on the server.
For more information on how to restart these services, see the ZENworks 7 Server Management Administration Guide.
Restart ConsoleOne.
Create a separate Channel for this Interim Release CPK.
Copy the ...\zsm7sp1_ir3a\zfs_invrm\cpk\zsm7sp1ir3a_invagnt.cpk file to the Distributor server.
Create a Software Package Distribution to include the zsm7sp1ir3a_invagnt.cpk file.
Create a separate Channel for this Interim Release.
Add the Software Package Distribution to a Channel that contains all of the Subscribers to receive the patch.
Refresh the Distributor.
Copy the ...\zsm7sp1_ir3a\zfs_invrm\cpk\zsm7sp1ir3a_remmgmt.cpk file to the Distributor server.
Create a Software Package Distribution to include the zsm7sp1ir3a_remmgmt.cpk file.
Create a separate Channel for this Interim Release.
Associate all Subscribers to the Channel which are to receive the Remote Management agent CPK.
Create a CPK variable MIRROR in the Subscriber object.
If you want to install Mirror Driver, set the value as
; otherwise, set the value as .Add the Software Package Distribution to the Channel that contains all of the Subscribers to receive the patch.
Stop Management and Monitoring Services.
Based on the folder structure in this patch under the ...\zsm7sp1_ir3a\zfs_mms directory, copy the files in this patch to the target servers running Management and Monitoring Services.
If prompted to overwrite files, select
.Restart Management and Monitoring Services.
For a list of the issues fixed in ZENworks 7 Server Management with Support Pack 1 Interim Release 3a, see Novell Support site.
The following sections list the software issues that are known:
You cannot update the Policy and Distribution Services by copying the files in the
directory because it might not list all the files.Workaround: Use the ZSM7SP1_IR3a_PolyDist software package to update Policy and Distribution Services.
The certificates do not get resolved on a linux platform from Consoleone.
Workaround: To resolve certificates on a Linux device, do as follows:
Create a samba share by editing the /etc/samba/smb.conf file to add the following:
comment = Zenworks Share
path = /var/opt/novell/zenworks
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
valid users = root
Restart the samba service to enable the new share.
Browse to the zen$/zfs/pds/security folder to resolve the certificate.
You must manually download the dictionary from the Novell Support site and save it in the zenworks_installation_directory\zenworks\inv\server\dictdir directory on the Inventory server. For more information, see the Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management documentation Web site.
After distributing the ZSM7 SP1 IR3a cpk to Linux subscriber you might encounter an exception during the subsequent distributions.
Workaround: Manually restart the ZFS service as follows:
Exit the ZENworks Server Management console if it is already running.
Open a new terminal and run the following command:
/etc/init.d/novell-zfs start
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