Novell ZENworks 7 Server Management

October 7, 2005


Novell® ZENworks® 7 Server Management includes the following components:

   Policy and Distribution Services
   Server Inventory
   Remote Management
   Management and Monitoring Services

The known issues included in this document are identified for this release of the product. For resolved customer-reported issues, see TID 10097369 in the Novell Support Knowledgebase.

The ZENworks 7 Server Management Installation Guide provides detailed installation instructions. Its online HTML guide is available as a menu option when running the installation program from the ZENworks 7 Server Management Program CD. Its PDF file is also available on the ZENworks 7 documentation Web site.

1.0 Installing ZENworks 7 Server Management
1.1 Installation and Upgrade Prerequisites
1.2 Installation Procedures
1.3 Upgrade Procedures
2.0 Known Issues for Policy and Distribution Services
2.1 Installation Issues
2.2 Upgrade Issues
2.3 Tiered Electronic Distribution Issues
2.4 Server Software Package Issues
2.5 Novell iManager or ConsoleOne Issues
2.6 ZENworks Security Certificate Issues
2.7 Sybase Issues
3.0 Known Issues for Server Inventory
3.1 Installation Issues
3.2 Reporting Issues
3.3 Sybase Issues
4.0 Known Issues for Remote Management
4.1 Remote Control Issues
4.2 Hardware and Software Behavior Issues
5.0 Known Issues for Management and Monitoring Services
5.1 General Issues
5.2 Upgrade Issues
5.3 Trend Issues
5.4 Message Logging Issues
5.5 Activity Monitoring Issues
5.6 Sybase Issues
6.0 Documentation Conventions
7.0 Legal Notices

1.0 Installing ZENworks 7 Server Management

For detailed instructions, see the ZENworks 7 Server Management Installation Guide.

1.1 Installation and Upgrade Prerequisites

Be sure to fulfill the prerequisites before upgrading to or installing ZENworks 7 Server Management:

  • Minimum Requirements: Your target servers and installation workstation must meet the minimum requirements as stated in the ZENworks 7 Server Management Installation Guide.

  • Schema Extensions: You must extend the schema on the Novell eDirectoryTM tree where you want ZENworks objects to be installed. When running the GUI installation program, select Server Management > Schema Extension and Product Licensing.

  • Novell iManager (optional): For Policy and Distribution Services, you can use Novell iManager in addition to Novell ConsoleOne® for managing the software. You must have iManager 2.0.2 or 2.5 installed on at least one NetWare®, Windows*, Linux*, or Solaris* server, because the version 7 Policy and Distribution Services plug-ins are not compatible with any previous version of iManager.

    To install iManager 2.0.2 on NetWare or Windows servers, insert the ZENworks 6.5 Companion 1 CD and select Companion Programs and Files > Novell iManager.

    To install iManager 2.0.2 on Linux or Solaris servers, see Installing iManager > Installing a New Version of iManager on the iManager documentation Web site.

    To install iManager 2.5, obtain it from the Novell download Web site.

1.2 Installation Procedures

  1. Run the GUI installation program from the ZENworks 7 Server Management Program CD and extend the schema on the tree where you want the ZENworks objects created.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • For NetWare and Windows servers, go to the installation workstation, run the GUI installation program from the ZENworks 7 Server Management Program CD, and select the appropriate menu options:

      Server Management > Policy-Enabled Server Management (which includes Policy and Distribution Services, Server Inventory, and Remote Management)


      Server Management > Management and Monitoring Services

    • To install Policy and Distribution Services or Management and Monitoring Services on Linux and Solaris servers, use an Xterm window to run the appropriate text-based installation script that is provided on the ZENworks 7 Server Management Program CD.

      To install Policy and Distribution Services on Linux, run:


      To install Policy and Distribution Services on Solaris, run:


      To install Management and Monitoring Services on Linux, run:


      Management and Monitoring Services is not supported on Solaris. Remote Management is not supported on Linux and Solaris. See the ZENworks 7 Server Management Installation Guide for details.

    • To install Server Inventory on Linux, run mount /media/cdrom to mount the ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Program CD, change to the CD mount directory, and run ./setup.

      Server Inventory is not supported on Solaris.

  3. (Optional) If you have iManager 2.0.2 installed, and you are running the GUI installation program, to install the iManager plug-ins, select Server Management > Web-Based Management Components.

1.3 Upgrade Procedures

You can upgrade directly to ZENworks 7 Server Management from the following previous versions:

   ZENworks for Servers 3.0.2
   ZENworks for Servers 3 Support Pack 2
   ZENworks Server Management 6.5
   ZENworks Server Management 6.5 Support Pack 1

You can upgrade using one of the following methods:

  • GUI Upgrade Program: Upgrades the following ZENworks components by using the installation program from the ZENworks 7 Server Management Program CD.

       Policy and Distribution Services
       Server Inventory
       Remote Management
       Management and Monitoring Services

  • Server Software Package: Upgrades the following ZENworks components using the .cpk files contained on the ZENworks 7 Companion 2 CD:

       Policy and Distribution Services
       Inventory Agent
       Remote Management

For more detailed upgrade information, see the ZENworks 7 Server Management Installation Guide.

2.0 Known Issues for Policy and Distribution Services

The following sections list the software issues that are known for Policy and Distribution Services.

2.1 Installation Issues

The following are known installation issues.

2.1.1 Clustering services can go offline after installing ZENworks 7

If your cluster is running on servers with slow hardware, or on servers heavily loaded, the cluster can be set off-line by Cluster services if it detects that not all commands in the script completed successfully. For example, ZENworks might not load within the default time out of 25 seconds.

Workaround: To restore the cluster resource and reload ZENworks, enter the following command from the server console:

cluster online cluster_resource_name

For more information, see TID 10096473 in the Novell Support Knowledgebase.

2.1.2 On a Windows 2000 server using IIS 5.0, you cannot install Server Management NPMs using iManager's package manager

The error "Object not found (32)" is returned on a Windows 2000 server using IIS 5.0 (port 80) when attempting to use iManager's package manager to install the Server Management NPM files (located in the \NPM directory on the ZENworks 7 Server Management Program CD).

Workaround: To install the ZENworks NPM files, insert the ZENworks 7 Server Management Program CD on your workstation and select the following menu options: Server Management > Web-Based Management Components. This installs the zfs_polydistplugins.npm and zfsca.npm files.

2.1.3 Tomcat and iManager must be loaded during installation of the Policy and Distribution Services plug-ins

When installing the plug-ins using the Web-Based Management Components menu option, there is a wizard page that allows you to authenticate to the server. Tomcat and iManager must be loaded on the server before you authenticate to it.

2.1.4 Unable to use mounted ZENworks 7 installation CDs on a Linux machine

Filenames are truncated to the 8.3 format when mounting the CD, making the mounted CD unusable for installing.

Workaround: Mount the ISO for ZENworks 7, instead of the CD.

Or, for information on how to make changes in Linux that allow you to use the CD, see TID 10098763 in the Novell Support Knowledgebase.

2.2 Upgrade Issues

The following are known upgrade issues.

2.2.1 Upgrading only Workstation Inventory or only Policy and Distributions Services when both are present on a server can cause the other service to not start

When you have both ZENworks 4.x Desktop Management Workstation Inventory and ZENworks 3.x Server Management Policy and Distribution Services installed and running on the same server, upgrading one but not the other to ZENworks 7 can cause the other service to not start.

The problem lies with the ZENworks Web Server, which cannot properly start unless the upgraded service is started before the non-upgraded service.

Workaround: If you only upgrade Workstation Inventory, make sure that its service is started before you start the older Policy and Distribution Services service.


If you only upgrade Policy and Distribution Services, make sure that its service is started before you start the older Workstation Inventory service.

2.2.2 Services do not start correctly after upgrading them

If services have not started correctly after upgrading them, simply restart the services.

For more information, see "Starting and Stopping Server Management Services" in "Appendixes" in the ZENworks 7 Server Management Administration Guide.

2.2.3 Upgrading from ZfS 3.0.2 causes Server Management to not work

When upgrading from ZfS 3.0.2 (ZENworks 6 Suite) to ZENworks 7, information that is necessary for Server Management to function might not be created in the zfs-startup.xml file. Without this missing information, the upgraded Server Management software does not function.

This error only applies when upgrading from version 3.0.2 to ZENworks 7 Server Management. The lines are correctly created in the .xml file when upgrading from ZENworks 6.5 or 6.5 SP1 Server Management to version 7.

Workaround: After upgrading to ZENworks 7, do the following on each upgraded server:

  1. Open the zfs-startup.xml file in a text editor. It is located in the \zenworks directory.

  2. After the following line:

    <Parameter Name="Version2">Off</Parameter>

    insert these two lines:

    <Parameter Name="DistributorDN">Distributor_DN</Parameter>
    <Parameter Name="Password">distributor_password</Parameter>
  3. If the following line is also not present in the .xml file:

    <Parameter Name=Domain>Tree_Name</Parameter>

    insert it after the other two lines.

  4. Save the .xml file.

  5. Restart ZENworks on the server.

2.2.4 The upgrade summary sometimes fails to display when upgrading from ZfS 3.0.2

When upgrading to ZENworks 7 from ZfS 3.0.2, the summary for the upgrade program sometimes fails to display and the log file is not created. When this happens, you receive no notification that the upgrade has finished.

Workaround: None. However, you can manually check the status of the upgrade. For more information, see "Verifying That the Server Has Been Upgraded" in the appropriate upgrade section under "Upgrade" in the ZENworks 7 Server Management Installation Guide.

2.2.5 Unloading Java when upgrading NetWare 5.1 servers using the .cpk file creates long pauses

Although an upgrade performed on a NetWare 5.1 server using the Server Software Package is successful, a long pause, as much as 30 minutes, can occur after Java* has been unloaded by the upgrade program.

However, after the delay, Java reloads and the ZENworks services start.

Workaround: None.

2.2.6 Using a Server Software Package to upgrade from ZfS 3.0.2 fails

Using the Server Software Package (zsm7_polydist.cpk) to upgrade from ZfS 3.0.2 can fail.

Workaround: Try restarting the services and verify that the services were not upgraded. If not, or the services do not restart or ZENworks fails to start, use the GUI upgrade method instead of the software package.

If the 3.0.2 version of the Server Management Database is loaded on a NetWare server, dbsrv7.nlm might not have unloaded. This causes an error in loading dbsrv8.nlm. To resolve this:

  1. On the DBSRV8 error screen, press the Spacebar to dismiss the message.

  2. Unload dbsrv7.nlm.

  3. Run mgmtdbs, which reloads dbsrv8.nlm.

2.2.7 ZENworks services occasionally fail to restart upon completion of a successful upgrade

Even though an upgrade appears to be successful, ZENworks can fail to restart.

Workaround: Do the following:

  • NetWare servers: Execute the following NCF files in order:

    1. sys:\system\zfsstop.ncf
    2. sys:\system\zfs.ncf

    If ZENworks is installed to a volume other than sys:, such as in a cluster, change the volume name.

  • Windows servers: Open the Services window and start the ZENworks services that are not running.

There is no upgrade path from Linux installations of ZfS 3.0.2; you must perform a new installation for Linux servers.

2.2.8 Erroneous error logged during database installation

When upgrading a ZENworks 6.5 or 6.5 SP1 server that already has Sybase* 8.0 installed, the summary might indicate that the database was not successfully upgraded. Because the server is already running Sybase 8.0, this error can be ignored.

2.2.9 The ZENworks 6.5/6.5 SP1 database is orphaned when upgrading to ZENworks 7 on Windows servers

When upgrading the database from ZENworks 6.5 or 6.5 SP1 on a Windows server, a new copy of the database file is placed in an appended location, causing the 6.5/6.5 SP1 version of the database to no longer be used. Instead of placing the database file, such as zfslog.db, into \zenworks\database\pds, the upgrade places it into \zenworks\database\pds\zenworks\database\pds.

Workaround: Do the following:

  1. Open the Windows registry on the server.

  2. Access the following key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Current Control Set\Services\ASANYs_ZENWORKS\Parameters
  3. Double-click Parameters and remove the second set of \zenworks\database\pds from the path.

    The remaining path should now be:

  4. Access the following key:

  5. Edit the value in PDSDBPath by removing the second set of \zenworks\database\pds from the path.

    The remaining path should now be:

  6. Close the registry to save the changes.

  7. To recognize the changes, either restart the database service or reboot the server.

2.2.10 Unable to use mounted ZENworks 7 installation CDs on a Linux machine

Filenames are truncated to the 8.3 format when mounting the CD, making the mounted CD unusable for upgrading.

Workaround: Mount the ISO for ZENworks 7, instead of the CD.

Or, for information on how to make changes in Linux that allow you to use the CD, see TID 10098763 in the Novell Support Knowledgebase.

2.3 Tiered Electronic Distribution Issues

The following are known Tiered Electronic Distribution issues.

2.3.1 Distributions might fail because of certificate exceptions on Subscriber servers

When there are two or more Distributors sending Distributions to the same Subscriber, or a parent Subscriber in the routing hierarchy is also a Distributor, the end node Subscriber could reject a Distribution because the certificate was signed by a non-trusted Distributor, rather than the trusted Distributor that sent the Distribution.

  • Where two Distributors send to the same Subscriber, Subscriber configurations cached on the parent Subscriber from the different Distributors can cause this situation. Event logs indicate that the certificates need to be properly resolved, but doing so for the trusted Distributor does not resolve the problem.

    Workaround: Resolve certificates for the non-trusted Distributor so that the Subscriber recognizes it as a trusted Distributor and accepts Distributions from it.

  • Where a parent Subscriber is also a Distributor, the parent Subscriber's Distributor re-signs the Distributions before passing them on. This causes all of the downstream Subscribers to reject the Distribution because it is thought to be from an untrusted Distributor (because of a signature error/certificate exception).

    Workaround: Do not make a Distributor a parent Subscriber.

2.3.2 The Working Context field for a Solaris Subscriber is not disabled

Desktop Application Distributions are not supported on Solaris; however, in the Subscriber properties for a Solaris server, the Working Context field on the General tab appears to be available. It should be dimmed and inaccessible.

Workaround: Ignore this field for Solaris Subscriber servers.

2.3.3 Manual Distributions to Linux Subscribers require browsing for the working directory

For NetWare and Windows servers, the working directory is found by the Manual Distribution process. However, Linux server file systems are not recognized.

Workaround: Set up a share in Samba for the Linux servers. The Manual Distribution process then recognizes the Linux server's working directory as it would for a Windows server.

2.3.4 Encrypted Distributions do not work after upgrading to ZENworks 7

After upgrading NetWare Subscribers to ZENworks 7 from ZENworks 6.5, or from ZfS 3.0.2 via ZENworks 6.5, encrypted Distribution support is lost for the upgraded Subscriber servers.

Workaround: Reboot the upgraded NetWare Subscriber servers so that the encrypted Distributions can be extracted.

2.3.5 Exception given when upgrading a NetWare 6.5 SP3 (OES) server to ZENworks 7 using the zsm7_polydist.cpk file

When NetWare 6.5 servers are upgraded to SP3 (NetWare OES), a newer JVM* is installed that is incompatible with the zencommon.jar file in ZENworks 6.5, so the Server Policies and Server Software Package functionalities no longer work. Therefore, an exception is given when trying to upgrade OES servers to ZENworks 7 using the Server Software Package.

Workaround: Choose one of the following options:

  • Install ZENworks 7 using the GUI installation instead of using the .cpk file. The zencommon.jar file copied during the GUI installation of ZENworks 7 is compatible with the JVM used by OES.

  • To install ZENworks 7 using the .cpk file:

    1. Send the zencommon.jar file contained in the ZENworks 7 download as a File Distribution to the target OES servers to replace the older zencommon.jar file with the ZENworks 7 version.

    2. Restart ZENworks on the OES servers so that it recognizes the new zencommon.jar file.

    3. Send the zsm7_polydist.cpk file as a Software Package Distribution to those OES servers to successfully upgrade them to ZENworks 7.

  • To install ZENworks 7 using the .cpk file, install ZENworks 7 on the server before installing NetWare 6.5 SP3 (or OES) on the server. The ZENworks 7 zencommon.jar file is compatible with the JVM used by OES.

2.4 Server Software Package Issues

The following are known Server Software Package issues.

2.4.1 For Text File components, a word followed by punctuation causes the word searched for to not be found

When creating a Server Software Package with a Text File component, if you configure the component to search for a word, but the word in the text file being searched is adjacent to a punctuation mark, the word is not discovered by the search, because the punctuation mark is considered by the search engine to be part of the word.

Workaround: Be aware of the possibility that punctuation can affect the ability of a search to locate words in a text file. You should account for that fact in your search patterns. When possible, review the text files to be searched to verify that your search pattern can be located.

2.5 Novell iManager or ConsoleOne Issues

The following are known Novell iManager issues.

2.5.1 iManager occasionally exits and sends the user to the iManager user/password login screen

The cause is currently unknown.

Workaround: Log in again and continue using iManager.

2.5.2 The FTP Distribution type does not support WU-FTP servers or Solaris 9 FTP servers

When creating an FTP Distribution type, if you attempt to connect to a WU-FTP server or a Solaris 9 FTP server, the plug-ins or snap-ins hang and browsing cannot be performed.

Workaround: None.

2.6 ZENworks Security Certificate Issues

The following are known security certificate issues.

2.6.1 Certificates cannot be re-minted when an error occurs

When you perform the following procedures, you might receive an error message stating that the primary address and the DNS are mismatched:

  1. Start ZENworks (zfs.ncf) on a NetWare server where DNS is not set up.
  2. After the primary address has been acquired, stop ZENworks, then unload Java.
  3. Set up DNS.
  4. Restart ZENworks (zfs.ncf).

Workaround: The only way to solve the mismatch is to re-mint the security certificate on that server. To do this:

  1. Stop ZENworks.

  2. Delete the .keystore file.

  3. Delete the ted.cfg file from the following:

    • The Distributor sending the Distribution
    • Any parent Subscribers passing on the Distribution
    • Each end node Subscriber receiving the Distribution

    The ted.cfg file will be re-created with the correct information when ZENworks is started again.

  4. Restart ZENworks.

  5. Re-resolve all Distributors' certificates for that server.

2.7 Sybase Issues

The following are known Sybase issues.

2.7.1 Erroneous Sybase error message

If you have installed Sybase on a NetWare server, the following error message might be displayed during the database operations:

Connection terminated abnormally.

Ignore this message.

3.0 Known Issues for Server Inventory

The following sections list the software issues that are known for Server Inventory.

3.1 Installation Issues

The following are known installation issues.

3.1.1 Reinstalling the Inventory Server or the Inventory Database on Linux

If you want to reinstall the Inventory Server or the Inventory Database on Linux, you must first uninstall the component you want to reinstall, then install the component again.

3.1.2 The Inventory Service might fail to start on a NetWare 6.5 SP2/SP3 or NetWare OES server

If you install the Inventory server component of ZENworks 7 Server Management on a NetWare 6.5 SP2/SP3 or NetWare OES server, the Inventory service might fail to start after the installation.

Workaround: Manually start the Inventory service.

3.1.3 Issue with installing the Management and Monitoring Services Database on a machine that has the Sybase Inventory Database

If you install the Management and Monitoring Services database on a machine that has the Sybase Inventory database, the installation program changes the database cache size value from 128 MB to 99 MB in sys:\system\mgmtdbs.ncf. Consequently, the Sybase Inventory database does not work.

Workaround: After installing the Management and Monitoring Services database on a machine that has the Sybase Inventory database, do the following:

  1. Stop the Sybase Inventory database.

    For more information on how to stop the Sybase Inventory database, see "Server Inventory" in the ZENworks 7 Server Management Administration Guide.

  2. Manually edit sys:\system\mgmtdbs.ncf to change the value of the database cache size to 128 MB. The database cache size is represented by the "-c" switch in mgmtdbs.ncf.

    A sample mgmtdbs.ncf in which the value of "-c" is 99 MB is shown below.

    load SYS:\ZENworks\Inv\DBEngine\dbsrv8 -gn 50 -c 99M -tl 300 -ti 0 -m -n server_name -x tcpip databases

    In the line mentioned above, change the value of "-c" to 128 MB, so the line is as follows:

    load SYS:\ZENworks\Inv\DBEngine\dbsrv8 -gn 50 -c 128M -tl 300 -ti 0 -m -n server_name -x tcpip databases
  3. Restart the Sybase Inventory database.

    For more information on how to start the Sybase Inventory database, see "Server Inventory" in the ZENworks 7 Server Management Administration Guide.

3.1.4 Restarting Policy and Distribution Services on NetWare servers when installed with Server Inventory

During the ZENworks 7 Server Management installation, if you choose to install Policy and Distribution services and the Inventory Standalone Pre-Configuration on NetWare servers, the ZENworks service starts after installation, but Policy and Distribution Services does not work.


  1. Stop the ZENworks service by entering exit in the service window of the NetWare server.

  2. Restart the ZENworks service by entering zfs.ncf at the server console prompt.

3.1.5 ZENworks 7 Inventory Server, Inventory Database, and the XML Proxy Service are not supported on NetWare 5.1 servers

Do not install the following Server Inventory components to a NetWare 5.1 server:

   Inventory Server
   Inventory Database
   XML Proxy Service

The GUI installation allows you to select NetWare 5.1 servers for installing these Server Inventory components, but this is not supported.

If you install Server Inventory on a NetWare 5.1 server, the server might abend while unloading Java.

Workaround: If you have already installed these components to a NetWare 5.1 server, you must perform the following tasks to prevent the Inventory services from being loaded on the server:

  1. Make a reliable backup of autoexec.ncf and mgmtdbs.ncf files, which are located in the sys:\system directory.

  2. Delete the following entries from the sys:\system\autoexec.ncf file:

     ; ZENworks Inventory Settings
  3. Delete the path to mgmtdb.db from the sys:\system\mgmtdbs.ncf file.

3.2 Reporting Issues

The following are known reporting issues.

3.2.1 Navigating Inventory reports using the keyboard

The Crystal Reports* Viewer window does not support keyboard functionality. You must use the mouse to perform all operations in the viewer window.

3.3 Sybase Issues

The following are known Sybase issues.

3.3.1 Erroneous error message

If you have installed Sybase on a NetWare server, the following error message might be displayed during the database operations:

Connection terminated abnormally.

Ignore this message.

4.0 Known Issues for Remote Management

The following sections list the software issues that are known for Remote Management.

4.1 Remote Control Issues

The following are known remote control issues.

4.1.1 Remotely controlling Windows 2003 servers after a Remote Desktop session

If a user uses the Remote Desktop Connection to connect to a Windows 2003 server, and then initiates a Remote Control session on that server, the Remote Control console is black and you cannot remotely control it.

Workaround: Users with a Windows 2003 server should log in locally before you attempt to remotely control their servers.

4.1.2 DirectX applications do not run in exclusive mode during a Remote Control or Remote View session

On Windows 2000/2003 servers, DirectX applications do not run in exclusive mode during a Remote Control or Remote View session.

4.1.3 Removing wallpaper during a Remote Control session

During a Remote Control session, you might not be able to remove the active desktop wallpaper on the managed server. This affects Remote Management performance.

Workaround: Manually suppress the wallpaper of the managed server.

4.1.4 Remote Control with a full-screen DOS window

During a remote control session on the managed server, if you change the mode of display from DOS box application mode to full-screen mode, you do not receive updates until you change to the normal mode or close the DOS box.

4.1.5 Remote Management Agent Help File Might Fail to Launch

The Remote Management Agent help might not launch from the Remote Management Agent icon in the system tray of the managed device.

Workaround: To view the help, navigate to the following location and double-click rcagent.chm:


4.2 Hardware and Software Behavior Issues

The following are known behaviour issues for hardware and software.

4.2.1 Screen blanking

  • The screen blanking feature might not work properly in managed servers with some video adapter cards, such as Hawk Eye Number 9 and ATI Rage* P/M Mobility AGP 2x. We recommend that you test the screen blanking feature with your video adapter before deploying the Remote Management Agent in your enterprise.

  • When you invoke the screen blanking option on your managed server and change the color resolution on the server to 256 colors, the managed server might hang.

    Workaround: Restart the managed server.

4.2.2 Wallpaper suppression on a Windows 2003 Server machine

For wallpaper suppression, a Windows 2003 server behaves differently from other Windows operating systems. When you set the wallpaper, a Windows 2003 server creates a backup of it. When you disable the wallpaper, it is disabled only from the primary location. When you change the settings, the wallpaper might reappear.

4.2.3 Mouse cursor on the Windows 2003 Server managed server flickers during the Remote Management session

During the Remote Management session with a Windows 2003 managed server, if you place the mouse cursor on a window that is continuously changing (for example, the Task Manager), the mouse cursor flickers at the managed server. This behavior of the mouse is seen only at the managed server.

4.2.4 Cursor support for Remote Management

The animated and the colored cursors on the managed servers are not supported for Remote Management.

4.2.5 Multiple monitor support

If a managed server has multiple monitors, a remote session from a management console manages only the primary monitor of the managed server.

5.0 Known Issues for Management and Monitoring Services

The following sections list the software issues that are known for Management and Monitoring Services.

5.1 General Issues

  • On a NetWare 6.5 server running only IPXTM, the MIB services might not be discovered.

  • If SNMP traps arrive faster than twenty traps per second, continuously for more than four hours, you might experience the following problems:

    • Major, Minor, and informational traps might be dropped.
    • Ticker tape updating might stop.
    • If Active Alarm view, Alarm History View, Alarm summary View, or any such view that displays Alarm View is kept open in ConsoleOne, Alarm Manager might not be able to process more than five alarms per second.

  • In ConsoleOne (both the console view and atlas view), the name of two or more segments might appear to be same.

  • The Computer System in Selected Container report and the Alarms Detail report in the custom atlas do not list the information of sublevel containers. The reports provide information for only the computer system present in the container on which reporting has been launched.

  • The trend views display data only up to a week for the parameters that are monitored by default on a Linux server.

    You can change this by increasing the number of buckets for the monitored parameters in the configuration file and running the advtrend read_cfg command.

  • On a NetWare 6.5 server, the MIB browser does not display values for the agent addresses that are of type IPX. An error message is displayed. Click Resume to continue.

  • NXPLANZ fails to discover a NetWare server with the LANalyzer® agent installed that has two NIC cards configured for load balancing. However, other LANalyzer agents on the same network that do not have load balancing configured are discovered correctly.

5.2 Upgrade Issues

The following are known upgrade issues.

5.2.1 Upgrading to NetWare 6.5 SP2 from NetWare 6 SP4 changes the commands in autoexec.ncf

If you upgrade a NetWare 6 SP4 server running the ZENworks Management and Monitoring Services component to NetWare 6.5 SP2, the sequence of commands in autoexec.ncf are changed, causing Management and Monitoring Services to not start.

Workaround: To correct the sequence of commands in sys:\system\autoexec.ncf:

  1. Stop Management and Monitoring Services by executing the following command at the server console prompt:

    For ZENworks 6.5 Server Management and later, enter stopmms -n.

    For ZfS 3.0.2, enter the following commands:

    • unmw (to stop all of the Management and Monitoring Services services)
    • mmsnaming -exit (to stop the Naming Server)

  2. To ensure that Java services have exited properly, enter java -showall at the console prompt.

    If this displays any services, enter java -killall to manually stop the services.

  3. Open sys:\system\autoexec.ncf and change the following sequence from:




    then save the file.

  4. To start Management and Monitoring Services automatically, reboot the NetWare server.


    If you want to start the services manually, enter the following on the NetWare server console prompt:

    ZENworks 6.5 Server Management and later


    ZENworks for Servers 3.0.2


5.3 Trend Issues

The following are known Trend issues.

5.3.1 Viewing Trends and Summaries with the ConsoleOne snap-ins

While using the ZENworks 7.0 ConsoleOne snap-ins to view Trend and Summary for a Windows 2000 Server running the ZfS 3.0.2 Agent, a communication error message pops up and no data is shown in the view.

Workaround: Update the ZfS 3.0.2 agent to ZfS 3.0.2 IR2 or later and restart the agents on the Windows 2000 server.

5.3.2 The Trend View incorrectly displays strings

In a Trend View, if an Adapter number has "E" in the string followed by a numeric value, then "E" is taken as an exponential in the string and zeros are displayed as its numeric value. For example, the Adapter number 1 008048134E10 is displayed as 1 0080481340000000000.

5.4 Message Logging Issues

The following are known message logging issues.

5.4.1 Performance Monitor counter failure messages are continually logged into the Windows Event log file

When you install the Server Management for Windows, several performance monitor counter failure messages are repeatedly logged into the Windows Event log file (event IDs such as 1008, 1009, 2001, 2002). For example:

The Open Procedure for service "Remote Access" in DLL "c:\winnt\system32\rasctrs.dll" failed. The performance data for this service is not available. Status code returned is data DWORD 0.

Sometimes the SNMP service crashes when these events are posted in the Events Viewer. For example, on a Windows 2000 machine with the AppleTalk* protocol installed and the performance enabled, the following events are posted in the Events Viewer and the SNMP service crashes:

  1. Unable to open the ATK device for R access. Returning IO status Block in Data.
  2. The open procedure for the "AppleTalk" in DLL "c:\winnt\system32\atkctrs.dll" has taken longer than the estimated time to complete. There may be a problem with this extensible counter or the service it is collecting data from or from s/m may have been very busy when this call was completed.
  3. The open procedure for service "AppleTalk" in DLL "c:\winnt\system32\atkctrs.dll" failed. Performance code data for this will not be available. Status code returned in data DWORD 0.

The Trending Agent (NTREND) of the Server Management Agent uses performance counters to obtain performance data. The performance monitor checks the availability of all the counters listed in the registry. Either a service is installed, but the performance counters are disabled, or vice versa. These events are logged into the Windows Event Log.

When the performance counters are queried, the extension performance counter's DLLs are loaded in the SNMP address space. If there is a problem in the extension performance counter's DLLs, the SNMP service crashes.

Workaround: To keep the SNMP service from crashing, disable the performance counters for the problem DLL by performing the following steps:

  1. Install the latest version for the specific Windows platform.

  2. Note the performance counter events that are logged in the Windows Event Log.

  3. For Windows 2000 onward, download and install the exctrlst_setup.exe file from the Microsoft* web site. For Windows NT, download and install the resource kit that contains the exctrlst_setup.exe file from the Microsoft Web site.

  4. Run exctrlst_setup.exe from the installed location.

  5. In the Windows event log, if the event is:

    The Open Procedure for service "Remote Access" in DLL "c:\winnt\system32\rasctrs.dll" failed. The performance data for this service is not available. Status code returned is data DWORD 0.

    This means that the performance counters are enabled, and the RAS is installed but might be disabled. Use exctrlst_setup.exe to enable the RAS service to function correctly and disable the performance counters:

    1. Select the service in the exctrlst window.

    2. Select Remote Access.

    3. Deselect the Performance Counters Enabled check box.

  6. Shut down and restart the machine.

For AppleTalk, disabling the performance counters for the service solves the problem.

5.5 Activity Monitoring Issues

The following are known activity monitoring issues.

5.5.1 Adding nodes to monitor for inactivity

The selected nodes are not added for monitoring when trying to add nodes to the monitored nodes for checking inactivity.

Workaround: If your preferred RMON Agent for the segment is a NetWare server, unload and reload the Traffic Analysis Agent on the server.

5.6 Sybase Issues

The following are known Sybase issues.

5.6.1 Erroneous error message

If you have installed Sybase on a NetWare server, the following error message might be displayed during the database operations:

Connection terminated abnormally.

Ignore this message.

6.0 Documentation Conventions

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