Source: ZENworks Server Management; Management and Monitoring Services; MIB Compiler
Explanation: The definition of the TRAP-TYPE macro requires supplemental information, in the following form:
-#TYPE "FileSys: Directory write err (no vol)"
-#SUMMARY "Error occurred writing to "-#SUMMARY "extended directory space on server %s."
-#HELP "nwalarm.hlp"
These annotations are used by the Alarm Manager System of ZENworks Server Management.
IMPORTANT: These annotations are prefixed with[shy ] -#, and are ignored by other compilers incapable of understanding them. However, they are relevant to this MIB Compiler and should not be removed or mistaken as comments because these annotations start with a dash (-).
Possible Cause: The standard defined trap annotation is missing.
Action: Ensure that the annotations are present for the TRAP-TYPE definitions and that they have meaningful values.