ZENworks uses Novell CASA (Common Authentication Services Adapter) to enable single sign-on. When the ZENworks Agent authenticates a user to the Management Zone via the credentials entered in the Microsoft client, Novell client, or ZENworks login screen, the username and password is stored in the secure CASA vault on the user’s device.
CASA is installed with the ZENworks Agent. It includes the CASA Manager, which is an interface used to manage the credentials in the storage vault. The CASA Manager is available from the Start > Program Files > Novell CASA menu. Generally, you or the device’s user should not need to use the CASA Manager. When a user’s credentials change in the LDAP directory, they are updated in the CASA storage vault the next time the user logs in. If you run the CASA Manager, you are prompted to install the GTK# Library. If you choose to install the library (which is necessary to run the CASA Manager), you are directed to a Novell Web site. However, the GTK# Library is currently unavailable at this site. You can choose to install the GTK# Library by downloading and installing the gtksharp-runtime-2.8.3-win32-0.0.exe file from the Google Code site.
The newly added CASA storage component handles the credential storage by default. For information about disabling newly added CASA storage, see EnableTraditionalCasa in the ZENworks 2017 Registry Keys Reference.
Do not remove CASA from the managed device. If you do not want the CASA Manager displayed to users, you can remove the Novell CASA folder from the Start > Program Files menu.